Chapter 370 World Nine: When the Green Plum Is Ripe 1
After talking, the two of them became more calm. Those worrying about gains and losses and looking forward and backward were gone, and they were only left to enjoy the peace of life.

Lan Shuang and Jiang Mu faced old age calmly. At the end of their lives, they held each other's hands tightly, said nothing, pressed their lips together, gave each other a final kiss, and closed their eyes at the same time.

After returning to the system space, Lan Shuang touched her lower lip, and 888 jumped up to her: "Host, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort? Do you want to rest?"

Lan Shuang slumped on the chair for a while, and asked: "Is there any fresher world, these things are too heavy recently."

888 thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, "Yes, how is the campus? Let you feel the youthful years."

"This is good!" Lan Shuang jumped up from the chair all of a sudden, "University campus? It's really good that you can directly fall in love, and there are not so many rules, that's all!"

She walked towards the teleportation array while talking, not paying attention to 888's unnatural expression.

888 opened the teleportation array silently, waved his hand at Lan Shuang, and whispered: "It's not a university campus, host, it's a high school campus. You have to take the college entrance examination again."

The smile on Lan Shuang's face froze immediately.

She was just about to scold 888 for being unreliable, but the formation was working, and it sent her away with a "whoosh".

Lan Shuang: "..."


The darkness faded away like a tide, and there was a sudden noise in the ear, someone bumped her body, Lan Shuang opened her eyes and looked over, and saw a boy wearing a dark blue school uniform holding a basketball, apologetically turning his face away Come, I was about to apologize, but when I saw her, my face changed and I left quickly.

Lan Shuang: "?"

At this time, the memory came over, Lan Shuang's eyes went dark, and she quickly stepped back and stood under the big willow tree.

Turning around, there was a dense flow of people in front of him, all wearing school uniforms of the same color.

It's just that the colors of the lines on the sleeves and pants seams are different. She looked down at hers. The two lines on the sleeves were dark gold, which looked quite nice.

888 said with a guilty conscience: "Host, you are now a sophomore in high school. The information has been sent to you. Take a good look. This task is not too difficult. Work hard, and you can enjoy your life after finishing it!"

Lan Shuang closed her eyes and said sadly, "Thank you."

888 immediately played dead.


The original owner of this body was a transfer student who had just entered the second year of high school. He didn't go to school here before, but a private high school for nobles in a first-tier city. The original plan was to go abroad after graduating from high school, go to university abroad, and return to China to work after graduation.

This was her first dream, because she liked that foreign city very much and planned to travel while studying.

However, this beautiful fantasy was shattered after a ruthless accident.

The original owner was born very white and beautiful, with very special amber eyes, like a doll, and the family is rich, so she is very popular at school, like a little princess with stars and moons.

She was the only daughter of her parents, and later her father adopted a son who was the orphan of a painter friend of his.

It was the product of his one-night affair when he was young. The woman dropped the child and disappeared without a trace. The painter is handsome and romantic but suffers from severe depression. As he grows older, he becomes more and more closed, and finally cannot survive. Yes, I chose to kill myself after painting the last painting.

That child was only six years old at that time, and his name was Mu Yan.

Seeing that he was pitiful, the original owner's father adopted him into his own home as a companion for his youngest daughter, and did not ask him to change his name.

Mu Yan is four years older than the original owner, and she will let her do everything. Although she is taciturn, she is very careful. The original owner liked him very much before, and the family relationship has always been harmonious.

But the good times didn't last long. When the original owner was in high school for half a year, the Lan family's original property had a financial problem. When Lan's father was raising money everywhere, the partner ran away with the money and left the mess to him. The company disappeared overnight. The project was on the verge of collapse, and the project in hand could not continue without money, and the bank urged to pay back the money. Soon the company could not sustain it and went bankrupt.

Papa Lan ran around to fill the hole. On a rainy night, the driver of the large trailer on the opposite side was tired and got into a car accident. When the police arrived, the car was already half-suspended.

Lan's mother almost fainted when she received the news, and rushed over with her two children, knelt on the ground and cried into tears.

The good days of the original owner ended at this time.

Lan's father passed away, and the money he borrowed was only enough for a while, and soon the debt collectors came to the door, blocking them every day without paying the money and refusing to leave. Lan's mother was under too much pressure and was hospitalized many times. The treatment also plummeted, and those who knew her family situation couldn't help but sneer and sneer, adding insult to injury, and the usual "good friends" also drew a clear line with her, for fear of being glued to her to borrow money.

The original owner gradually became silent and introverted, Mu Yan was busy taking care of Lan's mother, and at the same time had to take care of the original owner, struggling to support her.

The original owner felt even more uncomfortable. Later, all the villas in the family were sold. Lan's mother made up half of the shortfall, and moved to this city with the original owner and Mu Yan. This is her hometown. Old houses can live.

The original owner was also transferred to the high school here. Because she was busy earning money to pay off her debts, Mother Lan went home less and less often. The original owner could not see her. Mu Yan also had to go to college. The original owner was left alone.

She couldn't help, and began to give up on herself, overeating, and soon after a holiday, she ate herself into a fat person, and she was getting fatter and fatter.

Her personality also became gloomy and dull. After transferring to the second year of high school, she didn't communicate with anyone, and she was gradually isolated, which aggravated her psychological problems.

Instigated by some people with bad intentions, she began to confess her love to Gu Bo, a top student and school grass.

After being rejected several times, Gu Bo said some stinging words. The original owner was ridiculed by those people, and was overwhelmed for a while, so she jumped off the stairs, ending her supposedly splendid life.


Lan Shuang couldn't help feeling sorry when she saw this: "Family has a great influence on a child, but it's also important to be able to solve it on your own."

888: "Yes, the host."

"Many times, choosing to die is actually an impulse. If you calm down and think about it, it is unnecessary."

Lan Shuang looked at the youthful faces coming and going, "Besides, she is still so young, there are still many possibilities in the future."

888 sighed: "So her wish is to study hard, cheer up, don't repeat the same mistakes, don't make mom and brother sad, and apologize to them by the way, I let them down."

Lan Shuang nodded: "I see."

"So the time I'm passing through now is the last time she confessed and was rejected?"

"Yes, the host, it was this time that she woke up suddenly after being stimulated, and chose to commit suicide because she couldn't face the reality."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, then watched Gu Bo appear in sight and shook her head, "Then this time, it's fine if I don't confess my love."

 This life is estimated to be longer

(End of this chapter)

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