Chapter 371 When the Ome is Ripe 2
After school time, there are a lot of students at the school gate, seniors, seniors, seniors, seniors, seniors and seniors mixed together, densely packed with heads, boys and girls all have short hair, the sun shines, and those with bad eyes are almost irrelevant.

And Lan Shuang, the little fat man with loose hair, stood out from the background.

Almost everyone who passed by the tree would look at her twice.

Either disgust, or indifference, or disdain and ridicule, there is always no kindness.

After all, she is considered a celebrity in school, fat, overconfident and messy, with poor grades, and ranked among the top in her grade.

Oh, and the bottom few of course.

Lan Shuang seemed to have thorns all over her body from these gazes, and couldn't help but sighed: "It's been a long time since I've been hated so much, I'm really not used to it."

888: "Uh, host, come on, I believe you can counterattack."

"Hey—host, look, the top student, Gu Bo, has come out!"

888's voice suddenly rose, Lan Shuang immediately turned her head to look, and then met a pair of indifferent eyes, but soon, a bit of helplessness and boredom appeared in that person's eyes, and her brows also frowned, obviously Also saw her.

Lan Shuang touched her face, hesitated for a moment, but stepped forward to stop him.

At this time, people were almost gone, the school gate was empty, but it was not completely deserted, and there were some students who had just finished their duties at sunrise. Seeing this scene, they all slowed down and looked over casually. There was gossip in his eyes.

Lan Shuang's pursuit of Xueba is not a secret in the school. At least everyone in the third grade knows more or less. He didn't avoid people, even once in the big cafeteria, the whole school was watching.

Thinking of these things, Lan Shuang was relieved. Being harassed like this, she wouldn't look too good. In comparison, Xueba is already considered to be of very good quality.

Seeing Lan Shuang approaching, Gu Bo continued walking without looking sideways.

Lan Shuang stood in front of him, so he moved to one side, and when Lan Shuang moved over, he switched to the other side. The people behind couldn't stand it, so they chuckled: "What idol drama are you two doing here?"

The female voice is clear and pleasant, generous and confident, with a faint smile, but there is no intention of targeting.

Lan Shuang looked away at her. She was a tall, bright and beautiful beauty. Although she was still young and hadn't fully grown, she could already imagine her future beauty.

A pair of red phoenix eyes looked radiant, and the flashes of light in the eyes were very attractive.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and matched the person in front of her with the one in her memory, "Xiao Baba, is she the heroine of this world? She is really beautiful."

"Yes, and it's one of the few heroines who hasn't had any grievances with the original owner~"

"She is a sober girl at first glance. What kind of grievances can there be with the original owner? I have an intuition. The first time I saw her, I knew that she and I would become good friends."

888 was puzzled: "Ah? Host, what's the matter with your sudden self-confidence?"

Lan Shuang ignored him, and smiled at the heroine Qin Zhou: "I just want to have a few words with him, who knows that he has been hiding."

"You have to pay attention to what you want when you talk about it. If someone doesn't want to tell you, don't force him."

Qin Zhou stepped forward and hooked Lan Shuang's neck, and led her forward, "There are some things, don't repeat them over and over again, it will make everyone unable to get off the stage, it's not good, listen to my sister's persuasion."

Qin Zhou was indeed one year older than the original owner. When he was a child, due to physical reasons, he went to school a year later than his peers.

But now it seems that the physical problem should be completely resolved.

Lan Shuang thinks she is quite strong.

"I know, so I'm not going to confess my love to him this time." Lan Shuang pushed her hand away, and said to Gu Bo with a complicated expression: "Gu Bo, I'm sorry to take up a little of your time. I didn't come here this time to talk about those things. I just want to apologize to you."

Gu Bo looked at her suspiciously, wondering what kind of trick she was trying to play, and was about to refuse, when she suddenly straightened her back and bowed to him very seriously.

Not to mention Gu Bo and Qin Zhou, even the few gangsters hiding in the dark watching the excitement were stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"Is this a confession? What does bowing mean?"

"Which game is this? What are they talking about?"

Gu Bo looked at Lan Shuang, with a somewhat bewildered expression on his indifferent face.

Lan Shuang straightened up and smiled apologetically at him: "I've caused you so much trouble before, I'm really really sorry, I'm confused, I'm not clear-headed, I won't pester you anymore, and I don't ask you to Forgive me, I just want to let you rest assured and put an end to my previous behavior, of course I was wrong about this, I owe you, if you need my help, just come to me in the future."

Gu Bo's beautiful lips moved, and he wanted to say something, but in the end he sighed almost unrecognizably: "I don't care about what happened before, it doesn't really affect me much, the main thing is you, don't do this kind of thing in the future. It’s about the shooting, do you think those people are really your friends? Take a good look, they are all waiting to see your jokes.”

He looked over pointingly, Lan Shuang turned his head, and saw several heads stacked behind a tree looking this way.

Her eyes were slightly cold. It was true at the beginning. The original owner was pushed by them to confess to Gu Bo again. At that time, Gu Bo was very annoyed. The way you look now is sloppy, self-defeating, unprogressive, self-righteous, childish and ridiculous, why do you think that others will accept you when you confess?"

He pointed to the peeking people and said: "Do you think they really want to be friends with you, and do they say those things to encourage you? They just want to find someone to back you up because they hit a wall with me, just for fun Forget it, you are just a joke in the eyes of them and others, don't you understand?"

At that time, the original owner turned his head, just in time to see them laughing backwards and forwards. They were severely stimulated and questioned. They smiled and pointed at her and said she was stupid. She was so stupid that there was no cure. How could anyone like her? ?

The original owner suddenly woke up and went to another extreme.

But now that Lan Shuang came through and didn't follow the original script, those people naturally couldn't watch her jokes.

She smiled slightly, turned her head to Gu Bo and said, "I know, so I plan to draw a clear line with them now, thank you for reminding me, goodbye."

As she spoke, she moved away, Gu Bo looked at her in surprise, but didn't ask any further questions, and nodded at Qin Zhou: "I'm leaving."

Qin Zhou raised his eyebrows: "Let's go, tell me what, do you want me to see you?"

A helpless smile appeared on Gu Bo's lips, and he turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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