After Gu Bo left, Qin Zhou pinched Lan Shuang's fleshy face: "Don't look, everyone is gone."

Lan Shuang turned to look at her: "You..."

Qin Zhou raised his hand: "It's okay, don't confuse me with him, a nerd."

Although the words were distasteful, there was a smile in his eyes.

Lan Shuang smiled meaningfully: "Oh~"

Qin Zhou squinted his eyes, hooked her neck again, pulled her to his side, and led her out of the school: "Did you suddenly lose your mind? Why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

"It's nothing. I wake up in the morning and wake up as soon as I open my eyes. Humans always improve through reflection."

Lan Shuang said with an unfathomable face.

Qin Zhou sneered: "I believe you are the only ghost."

"However, no matter why you don't pester Gu Bo anymore, it's good if you can give up. In fact, I have noticed you a long time ago. I tried to persuade you several times, but you didn't listen. In fact, you are not bad, I know , I have seen you feed the stray cats outside the school, but you may encounter something that you can’t figure out, so you force yourself like this.”

"How dare you call the police? Are you crazy?"

The corners of Lan Shuang's lips were flattened, she looked at the people opposite, and clearly saw the unwillingness in the eyes of the only girl.

On the contrary, the few people on the opposite side looked at her with apprehension on their faces.

Lan Shuang: "...All right."

One by one either did not wear school uniform tops or school uniform trousers.

Lan Shuang saw all this, and said to 888: "Sure enough, it is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong, even teenagers and girls can't escape this."

The person who asked the question was the leader on the opposite side, Zhou Yihe whom they called Brother Zhou.

Han Yiran: "???"

The gangsters were stunned, it was the first time they saw students fighting and called the police.

Han Yiran couldn't help asking.

Lan Shuang was dragged to the door by Zhou Yihe's group of people, and stepped on Zhou Yihe's instep fiercely. Zhou Yihe's face changed, and he let go of her, and Lan Shuang immediately took out his mobile phone and made a quick call, " Hey, is it Uncle Police? I am a student of XX No. [-] Middle School, and a few people want to bully me, right at the milk tea shop in front of the school...Okay, I won’t wander around.”

He stepped forward to La Lanshuang, "I'm sorry, Uncle, we're leaving now, so I won't disturb you."

Han Yiran put her hips on her hips, revealing a small section of her slender waist.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Do you not add any sugar?"

Zhou Yihe waved at Lan Shuang, with a sense of warning. Qin Zhou was about to say something, when the boss behind him lifted the curtain and came out, holding a thick rolling pin in his hand, pointing at Zhou Yihe and said: "You guys These little bastards, have you found something in Lao Tzu's shop? If you want to roll out and break one of my things, I will call the police and let your parents go to the police station to catch you!"

888 nodded: "It's true, Qin Zhou's family is rich and powerful, but they are relatively low-key. My grandma's family is here. When I was a child, I went to school here when I was recuperating. Otherwise, I would have left here long ago."

Qin Zhou and Lan Shuang walked out talking and laughing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the people hiding in the dark, with a slight smile on her face, and with a turn of her footsteps, she led Lan Shuang into a nearby house At the milk tea shop, I ordered two cups of sugar-free milk tea.

Qin Zhou looked at her amusedly: "Do I have to tell the world who I am friends with?"

Zhou Yihe: "???"

"You are not mean enough, Lan Shuang, can Qin Zhou protect you for a while, and protect you for a lifetime? You are the one with us, come here quickly."

"Why do I hate you? I have my own judgment, and I won't judge you easily because of what others say."

"Sister Zhou, this matter has nothing to do with you, are you sure you want to intervene?"

The girl next to Zhou Yihe was called Han Yiran, she couldn't control herself when she heard this, and there was a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Her tone was not kind, full of confidence, not cowardly at all.

"What do you mean, Lan Shuang? You just want to dump us by climbing the high branch of Qin Zhou, right?"

"You still don't care about our affairs."

They came in and stood at the door without ordering. The young lady in the milk tea shop pursed her lips, her face not very good-looking.

A group of punks: "???"

Zhou Yihe's face turned green, looking at the shopkeeper with the rough beard of the fifth and third, he dared not speak out.

"Since when did you become friends? Why didn't I know?"

While waiting, the wind chime in the store rang, and a few more people came in.

Qin Zhou glanced at her enlarged school uniform, and after a moment of silence, said: "Some words may be harsh, but for the sake of your health, I suggest eating less sugar and exercising more."

Hair is also Shamat's own strengths and weaknesses.

He winked at Lan Shuang, but Lan Shuang turned a blind eye and asked in doubt, "Really? Why didn't I know?"

Qin Zhou stared at her for a moment, then suddenly took off the backpack on his back, and slammed it at Han Yiran.

Qin Zhou touched her forehead with a smile, "At least now, your character is very suitable for me."

Bears competing one by one, she didn't really want to provoke them.

Han Yiran quickly dodged, and Qin Zhou immediately seized the opportunity to run out.

Qin Zhou: "..."

888: "...Your girls' friendship is really strange."

As soon as he moved, others rushed up to pull Lanshuang. Qin Zhou wanted to stop her, but Han Yiran led people to block her, preventing her from passing.


Seeing that the atmosphere in the store was not right, the students left one after another, and they all left in a blink of an eye.

Long or short, floating or dyed, whichever way you stick it, it is the dean's trap.

She glanced hesitantly, backed away quietly, and went inside to report to the boss.

The painting style of these people is obviously different from that of ordinary students.

She also knew these few people, they were all ignorant punks, they played truant and fought with others all day long, they smoked and drank, and they were frequent visitors of the black Internet cafe next door.

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Look, Xiao Baba, what did I say?"

Lan Shuang paused, then turned to look at her: "You don't hate me?"

Qin Zhou let go of Lan Shuang's neck, straightened up, the smile on his face disappeared, and looked at the few people opposite him coldly, "What do you want to do?"

She met Lan Shuang's eyes across the crowd, Lan Shuang raised her mobile phone at her, and Qin Zhou raised his hand to give her a six.

Qin Zhou sneered, held Lan Shuang's hand and said, "Why doesn't it matter? Lan Shuang is my friend. If you want to bully her, do you have to ask me?"

Qin Zhou couldn't help laughing, and squeezed her fingers.

Han Yiran wanted to go forward, but was stopped by Zhou Yihe, "Sister Zhou, we have no other intentions, just want to talk to Lan Shuang, we are also friends, right Lan Shuang?"

Han Yiran looked at Qin Zhou pointedly, "Isn't it good to be your good student?"

Han Yiran rushed out, her carefully tied ponytail was messed up, and she looked rather embarrassed. The finger with pink manicure pointed at Lan Shuang and said viciously: "I think you are cheap!"

Lan Shuang tilted her head and looked at her: "Oh, it's useless for you to scold me. I'm a victim. The school won't demerit me, so you don't have to. There are cameras and witnesses here."

She looked at Qin Zhou, who came over and put his hands on her shoulders and nodded: "I will testify well, don't worry."

Zhou Yihe and his party: "..."

Where can I rest assured?

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