Zhou Yihe and the others were not aware of it, and gave Lan Shuang a vicious look: "You wait for me."

Then I wanted to run away, but Lan Shuang reminded me from behind: "Hey, if you run away, you will still be caught, and you may go directly to the school to block people tomorrow~ That would be even more embarrassing."

888 listened to Lan Shuang's smiling voice and said, "Host, your tone is so sweet~"

Lan Shuang snorted, "Tea will kill them."

Zhou Yihe and the others did not dare to leave after hearing the words, Han Yiran was not reconciled, and whispered: "It shouldn't happen, right? The police are so busy, how can they have time to keep an eye on a group of students?"

"I heard it. The police uncles are more concerned about the physical and mental health of minors. Don't worry, they will not take it lightly."

Han Yiran: "..."

While talking, the police car came from not far away with its horn honking, and stopped at the school gate with a "swish". The uncle of the policeman waved his hand and took them away.

As the victims, Lan Shuang and Qin Zhou were taking notes. Before leaving, the police uncle even asked for a replay from the owner of the milk tea shop.


Lan Shuang turned her head: "Huh?"

Qin Zhou didn't pay attention to it, but asked curiously: "Your brother? You have another brother? I haven't heard of it yet. How old is he? Is he nice to you?"

The light of the setting sun jumped down on his glasses, and the refracted light was reflected in Lan Shuang's eyes. She lowered her eyes, blinked, and whispered: "No."

Mu Yan opened the back seat and threw the schoolbag in, turned around and found Lan Shuang standing there staring blankly at him without moving, raised his eyebrows in doubt.

While admiring Lan Shuang, she didn't think it was necessary. After all, compared with the row of colorful hair next to her, she and Qin Zhou were too clean.

"Why don't you talk? Are you in a bad mood?"

The gold-rimmed glasses elite in suits and leather shoes don't match well with a dilapidated and small car. He should deserve a better life.

Lan Shuang pursed her lips. It was meal time, and there was no one in the corridor. From time to time, a smell of braised beef noodles wafted from a certain room, making her hungry.

"They are all writing self-criticism inside. I looked at it, and it's [-] words. They are not allowed to leave until they finish writing. Parents must come to pick them up. If they don't pick them up, they won't let them go."

After Lan Shuang said this, she went up to meet her.

Lan Shuang held up her relatively new mobile phone and shook it.

"I'm fine, other people are still writing reviews inside."

However, this look is not convincing at all.

Mu Yan turned around and put his hands on Lan Shuang's shoulders: "Let's go, I've taken care of everything."

"Thank you brother." Lan Shuang turned her head and waved to Qin Zhou: "See you tomorrow."

"By the way, how are you going back later? Who will pick you up?" Qin Zhou raised his hand and glanced at his valuable watch and said, "My father will ask the driver to pick me up later. Come with me. I'll see you off." go back."

"It's nothing, she and I are classmates, it's just a matter of little effort."

Lan Shuang recounted what happened just now, Mu Yan nodded, looked at Qin Zhou behind, and said gently: "Thank you for helping Shuangshuang, let her treat you to dinner another day."

Qin Zhou came out and went to Lan Shuang's side and whispered, "It's so cool, this is the first time I've entered a police station when I grow up."

"okay, see you tomorrow."

Qin Zhou smiled and winked at her.

Qin Zhou turned his head to look, and saw a boy with a thin waist and long legs coming against the light.

Mu Yan stepped forward helplessly, took her arm and pulled her to the passenger seat, opened the car door and pushed her in, pulled out the seat belt and buckled it up for her, then closed the door and walked back to the driver's seat.

He was not in a hurry to leave, he just sat on the seat like this, his hands with obvious knuckles fell on the steering wheel, and knocked repeatedly, "Lan Shuang?"


Mu Yan meant something.

It was only then that Lan Shuang noticed that his attire was a little too formal, as if he had been off work for a long time.

Lan Shuang hooked his fingers and said softly.

Looking at the second-hand car he bought at a low price, Lan Shuang felt an inexplicable sense of separation.

Qin Zhou waved his hand indifferently. She still feels a little embarrassed when facing a handsome guy, especially the person in front of her has a strong manly aura. It's not about the smell, but the invisible aura, which is very oppressive and makes her feel Facing the elders in the family.

Qin Zhou shook his head: "No need, my father will be here soon."

"You are..."


A deep and pleasant voice came from far and near with a bit of helplessness.

Mu Yan raised his hand to loosen his tie, and then unbuttoned his white shirt. He first glanced at the situation in the corridor, then at the person in front of him, looked around, and relaxed visibly after confirming that he was not injured. He raised his hand and rubbed Lan Shuang's hair, "I just got off the wine table, and today I got a client, and when I was sending someone out, I received your call and came here quickly, how is it?"

"Okay, then let's go first, goodbye."

Qin Zhou's eyes lit up, and he looked at the slowly approaching person and said in Lan Shuang's ear, "Your brother is so handsome? You two don't look alike..."

The police uncles knew what was going on at a glance, and they had dealt with this situation too much.

She leaned back in her chair and said weakly, "This is their retribution."

After leaving the gate of the police station, Mu Yan straddled his long legs and went down the steps, then turned around and looked at Lan Shuang: "Get in the car."

As soon as she opened her mouth, that familiar feeling came over her face, Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing: "You are Mu Yan."

Lan Shuang immediately stood up: "Brother!"

Mu Yan raised his hand to take the schoolbag in her hand and put it casually on one shoulder, with a suit jacket hanging in the crook of his other arm.

"Boy friend."

"anything else?"

After arriving at the police station to finish the transcript, Lan Shuang sat on the bench outside and waited for her parents to come to pick it up. Qin Zhou was a little later than her. This girl is not only a school bully and a school girl, but also has first-class acting skills. She burst into tears when she entered the door. I blamed my behavior of throwing my schoolbag on being too scared.

Mu Yan smiled and lifted his gold-rimmed glasses, "It's nothing to do, it's your duty not to help, it's your love to help, you should be thankful, will your parents come to pick you up? Do you want me to give you a ride?"

"No, I called my brother just now, and my brother will pick me up later."

Mu Yan turned his head to look at her, and smiled, "Do you know who I am?"


"Of course, not my brother."

However, no matter how light you are, you can't hide from the system's ears. 888 looked at the screen blankly: "Huh? Is it so fast? Host, what kind of straight-ball character did you use this time?"

Lan Shuang smiled and pursed her lips, how could 888 be so naive?
Mu Yan laughed, "It's a step backwards, okay, boyfriends are boyfriends."


One dares to call and the other dares to respond?

Did the original plot end here?Why doesn't he know?Missed it?
888: "You guys just laughed it off when you hurt me"

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