Chapter 374 When the Ome is Ripe 5
Suspecting Tongsheng, 888 turned around and went through the information of this world from beginning to end, but he didn't find any relationship between the original host and Mu Yan that went beyond the original relationship. How did it change when he came to the host?
Became a boyfriend right after we met?
What went wrong?
888 wanted to ask, but Lan Shuang and Mu Yan changed the subject and became more and more weird.

"How did you recognize me?"

Mu Yan was very curious about this.

Lan Shuang looked at him with a smile: "How did you recognize me?"

"I have a contract with you, as long as you appear, I will sense it." Mu Yan said frankly.

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Contract? When did it happen?"

Mu Yan helped her pin the broken hair behind her ears, pondered for a moment and said: "The first life is over."

888: "?????"

Lan Shuang was surprised: "So early?"

Mu Yan started the car, turned the steering wheel and turned around, "Well, even though I didn't understand what I wanted for you at that time, my soul was connected with you. Even if it's a kind of contract, it will deepen a little bit every life. Later, I figured it out. This contract is completely perfected, no matter where you are, no matter what you look like, I will find you as soon as possible."

Mu Yan turned back to concentrate on driving, and smiled after a while: "I see.

Lan Shuang paused and pointed to the front windshield: "The light is green, let's go."

"Punishment is not something you can decide. As a subsystem, you have a lot of things you can't help yourself, so I won't embarrass you. As for what the above means, you can just send it over and ask. Besides, the administration has not prohibited employees from falling in love. , I did not violate any rules."

He opened his mouth a few times, closed it again, hesitant to speak and then hesitant, the cpu was running crazily, his brain was disordered, there were too many slots, and he didn't know where to ask for a while.

"For now, there is no conflict. He was not for me before, but now he is for me, and also for his own mission, half and half."


He straightened his chest and was upright.

Mu Yan has already made no secrets, which means that it doesn't matter if the system knows about it, then she has nothing to hide, not to mention that 888 treats her well, and she doesn't want him to be stupid anymore.


Mu Yan subconsciously reached out and touched it, but he really didn't pay attention, no wonder Lan Shuang always likes to kiss here at certain times.

After taking a few deep breaths, 888 pressed his temple, "Who the hell is he?"

Lan Shuang reached out and touched a small mole under the tail of his left eye, and said with a smile: "Here, you didn't notice it yourself, there will be a mole here in every life, it's very beautiful."

"Mu Yan, this life is Mu Yan, and the previous life was Jiang Mu. Generally speaking, they are all one person——Jiang Lusheng."

While waiting for the red light, Mu Yan glanced at Lan Shuang.

"Are you still laughing? Are you human?"

Lan Shuang didn't think too much, she looked ahead and started counting down in her heart.

Mu Yan looked at her strangely: "What little feature?"

"Then the next question." 888 pressed the center of his eyebrows, obviously he is a robot, why does he feel a headache?

He thought she liked his eyes before, so he didn't think deeply about it.

"There are also some small movements, probably engraved on your soul. When you think, you like to rub your thumb. This is the movement left by your first life. At that time, you wore a wrench on your thumb. , so I touch it twice when I have nothing to do, and I have this habit later.”

Lan Shuang: "Uh... I don't know."

Suddenly his heart was filled with impulse, and he really wanted to kiss the person next to him, but the venue was wrong and the time was wrong, so he could only endure it.

Lan Shuang didn't hold back her laughter, and 888's eyes gradually changed from numb to sad.

After the car turned a corner and moved forward for 2 minutes, 888, which had been silent all the time, finally broke out.


Immediately vented his anger, "No, why didn't you persuade me? Aren't you afraid? What if the higher authorities punish you?" 888 gritted his teeth.

"I don't know about that." Lan Shuang spread her hands: "This is beyond the scope of what can't be said."

He suddenly thought of something, pointed at the screen and asked with wide eyes: "The system failure before was not because of him?"

Lan Shuang said empathetically, "Don't worry, think slowly, we have plenty of time."

"So how did you recognize me?"

888 breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if there is no conflict... Wait!"

How much do you like someone to observe so carefully?


"Who can't tell? You?"

888: " you...he..."

888 was stunned again: "It's all the same person? could it be? Every time before the start of a mission, the Administration will have a special person responsible for screening the small world, and will not put two missioners in the same world, so as not to cause confusion , How could he have been following us? The Administration won’t make such a low-level mistake, right?”

Lan Shuang looked far away, and smiled slightly after a while: "Actually, you may not believe it, but I really recognized you by feeling, and some of your little characteristics will not change every life."

888 resolutely said: "If there is an abnormality in the mission world, it must be reported. Otherwise, if something happens, you and I will not be able to afford it, so I will not help you cover it up."

Lan Shuang: "Oh."

Lan Shuang actually wanted to say that this is a bit like a love affair at public expense, but she didn't say it because she was afraid of making 888 angry.

Lan Shuang said calmly: "Of course I am human, and what I speak is also human. If you want to know anything, just ask."

He looked at the screen in a daze, and murmured, "Host, have you learned a new language, one that the system can't understand?"

Before she asked Jiang Lusheng if he could say the name, he said yes, so Lan Shuang told 888 without any burden.

She decided to play dumb, and changed the subject: "Are you going to tell the people in the Authority his identity?"

Lan Shuang suddenly realized: "No wonder you just appear by my side every time."

"Of course, I've memorized all the labor management regulations of the bureau."


"Of course!"

"Is he in these worlds for you or for other purposes? Will it conflict with our mission?"

Lan Shuang said it confidently, and 888 couldn't help being a little puzzled: "Are you so confident?"

The evil scroll king!His system is not so good.

"Ask any other questions."

888 was silent for a while, there was no problem, but his tone lowered, "I don't object to your falling in love, but you have to keep your eyes open. Now that you are in love, what should you do if you return to the real world after the mission is over? Are you together? Is his liking for you really strong enough to accompany you all the way?"

"There have been many examples of taskers falling in love with their companions before, but in the end they broke up because they couldn't resist the temptation in the task world. In the end, they parted ways, or permanently sealed their memories, and even suffered serious mental and psychological problems. You have to think carefully, if you break up, can you bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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