Chapter 375 When the Ome is Ripe 6
If they didn't really care about it, 888 wouldn't talk to Lan Shuang about it. After all, they are just the relationship between the system and the host. Once the mission is over, maybe they will never see each other again in this life. The relationship between most hosts and the system is like a one-off Supplies, throw them away after use.

But 888 felt that Lan Shuang was different. He didn't know where his self-confidence came from, but he believed in Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang was silent for a while after listening, she didn't fool around with a smile, and she didn't take it seriously.

She gave 888 a thoughtful feedback.

888 waited silently.

Mu Yan braked, the car stopped in the garage of the old campus, turned off the engine and pulled out the key, unbuckled the seat belt and looked at Lan Shuang, "Let's go home."

Lan Shuang nodded, and after getting on the elevator, she looked at the slowly closing elevator door and said to 888: "Xiao Baba, thank you, I know you are really good for me, I also believe it, you know very well Me, these issues were considered when I decided to be with him, and I don’t want to seal up my memory in every life, and it’s also because of this.”

888 came to a sudden: "So you have been preparing so early?"

Lan Shuang looked at the reflection on the elevator door, moved closer to Mu Yan, and quietly held her hand.

Mu Yan didn't understand why he lowered his eyes, and let her go indulgently, and even took the initiative to insert his fingers in, clasping them tightly with hers.

She looked at it seriously, and was soon immersed in the emotions of the original owner, not even knowing when Mu Yan came in.

"Well, the task is one aspect, and being too fat is unhealthy is another aspect." Lan Shuang squeezed the thick flesh on her arm, and said melancholy: "To be honest, I didn't know what it was like to be fat before, but now I know Now, the action can really get heavy."

Lan Shuang: "..."

What a miserable system.

There was silence.

After Mu Yan washed his hands, he helped her serve the food with the bowls and chopsticks.

Her mother's room is on the opposite side, next to the bathroom, and her and her brother's bedroom are next to each other. Her room is on the sunny side, with a bay window, which is very bright and warm. Of course, it is still a bit hot in summer, so I put it next to the bed. a small fan.

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows and realized: "Is it your task this time?"

No one agreed, Lan Shuang turned her head in doubt, "You did it?"

However, Lan Shuang took a few mouthfuls, then suddenly paused, picked up vegetables to eat, and put down her chopsticks when she was almost finished.

Mu Yan took out the key to open the door, the moment he opened it, a strong fresh fragrance wafted from the room, Lan Shuang quickly let go of Mu Yan's hand, stood at the door and shouted inside: "Mom?"

With a thought in his mind, he suddenly clicked the screenshot button on the keyboard and saved this scene.

He pointed to a pair of messy slippers on the ground with downcast eyes and said, "Mom should have come back to make them, but she left because of something urgent."

"888, are you still there?"

Mu Yan glanced at her arm, nodded: "It's true that you should lose weight, but don't rush it for a while, take your time, your health is more important."

The two sat at the table and ate quietly. They couldn't eat enough for socializing, so they could only drink a full stomach of wine. The worldly wisdom was in it. When the water drained out, the stomach would be empty.

Lan Shuang rubbed her stomach and sighed: "I'm really hungry, but I can't eat too much. I want to lose weight."


No one responded.

She went straight to the kitchen, Mu Yan smiled and arranged her shoes, put her schoolbag on the sofa, hung up her suit jacket, and then slowly walked in while rolling up the sleeves of her shirt.

After saving the picture, he said to Lan Shuang: "Okay, I will have no problem if you think about it, I will go back to the headquarters first, and I will be back soon."

"it is good."

She raised her eyebrows, took it out and opened it, "Dad was in a car accident, my sky seems to have collapsed..."

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "Is this diary recorded directly after the car accident?"

"So I just eat six percent full. My weight base is large, and there are many restrictions on exercise. I should eat less first, control my calorie intake, and start to join exercise after I have a smaller appetite."


Mu Yan looked at her suspiciously: "Aren't you hungry? Just eat this?"


Lan Shuang did what she said, took out her mobile phone and downloaded an exercise software, and skillfully found a few exercises suitable for people with a large body weight base and added them to her favorites.

Lan Shuang turned around and took two people's slippers from the shoe rack, changed them and entered the room one after the other.

After eating, Mu Yan went to wash the dishes, and Lan Shuang walked through several rooms to check the environment.

"Then let's eat first, and we'll talk later."

Mu Yan watched from the side, took a bite of his meal, "I will supervise you."

Mu Yan shook his head: "I'm going out to socialize today, so I don't have time to cook."

888 had nothing to say. He looked at the hands of the two through the screen. Although their appearance did not look very good, their eyes were very gentle and warm, with a faint smile.

The corners of Lan Shuang's mouth curled up uncontrollably, they didn't look at each other, but they were feeling each other.

"Well, I'm very hungry." Lan Shuang brought out the dishes from the kitchen, "Mom cooked so sumptuously, four dishes and one soup, the portions are very generous, the aroma just now is the taste of spicy chicken."

There is a desk in the corner, and there is a thick stack of books on it, all of which were brought by the original owner when they moved, but they have not been opened since they brought them back.

It's just that the furniture and electrical appliances are very old, and the wallpaper is yellowed, which looks a bit old.

"Go." Lan Shuang waited for a while, feeling that 888 should have left, and couldn't help shouting: "Xiao Baba?"

Now there is a thin layer of dust on it.

The elevator door opened, and Mu Yan pulled Lan Shuang out, and said softly: "Anyway, the whole administration should know now, except him."


Although this is an old house, the area is not too small, with three bedrooms, one living room, kitchen and bathroom.

She sat down at the table, took out a knife and cut the outer paper to reveal the book inside, she flipped through it casually, and found a diary at the bottom.

Lan Shuang turned to look at Mu Yan: "The little system has gone back to report, are you really okay?"

"Seeing that you haven't spoken, I knew you were communicating with the system." Mu Yan stroked Lan Shuang's hair with the other hand, and whispered: "It's okay, they won't care, let your little system It’s better to ask, so that he can rest assured.”

"It's rare to meet someone you like, and you want to like it for a lifetime. Of course, you have to plan early."

After eating hot meals, the whole person seems to come alive.

She didn't come back to herself until a cherry was fed to her mouth.

"elder brother……"

She looked at Mu Yan with red eye circles, Mu Yan's heart tightened when she saw it, she raised her hand and scratched her eyes with her thumb, "What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

He squatted down by the table, took a closer look, and read out the contents of the diary, "...What's the point of living like this? I'm so annoying, I dare not look in the mirror, it's not me, it's a monster!"

Lan Shuang closed the diary and put it in the drawer: "I don't want to read it, it's really uncomfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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