After taking a shower and changing into her school uniform, Lan Shuang tied her hair and walked to the living room, "I'll cut my hair when I come back from school today."

Mu Yan arranged the food, raised his eyebrows in doubt: "Because of the school's requirements?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "That's not true. The dean is too lazy to care about me. The main reason is that it's inconvenient. Long hair is hard to take care of, and it's not easy to wash. I sweat a lot now, and it turns oily if I don't wash it. It's too uncomfortable. , I have to blow it after washing, otherwise it will be difficult to dry and waste time, I would rather sleep more if I have this skill."

Mu Yan was persuaded, "Okay, then I'll pick you up after school to get your hair cut."

"Okay, thank you brother."

Lan Shuang sat down at the table with a smile, looked at the rich breakfast on the table, but unfortunately chose the lower calorie one to eat.

Mu Yan has followed her to so many worlds, from the young master who used to be an untouchable young master to now a good family man with superb cooking skills, the changes are not insignificant, but he enjoys it.

After eating, Mu Yan drove Lan Shuang to school, and it was only [-]:[-] when he arrived. Mu Yan handed the schoolbag to Lan Shuang, and then put his hands in the pockets of his trousers casually, "Go, study hard. Call me anything."

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself, you go back quickly, don't be late for work later."

Lan Shuang waved at him, Mu Yan smiled and nodded in response.

He watched Lan Shuang's back gradually disappear into the campus shaded by trees, turned around and was about to get back to the car, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw a few familiar Shamat entering the alley of the snack street opposite.

"I asked someone to lead her to the women's restroom. There is no surveillance near the women's restroom in the old teaching building, so we will lock her inside..."

Did this person go to the wrong place?

He has to look up when he sees people, so he loses in momentum, and his harsh words are just to save face.

A few boys next to him also looked over, Zhou Yihe took out a lighter and a cigarette, lit it up and smoked, and after exhaling a puff of smoke ring, he said impatiently, "My mother slapped me when I went home yesterday."

Mu Yan didn't answer, but walked in step by step.

Mu Yan glanced at Han Yiran and said: "I don't hit girls, but you are an exception, you stepped on my bottom line."

Zhou Yihe touched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help cursing in a low voice. Han Yiran looked at him and frowned and asked, "What's wrong with your mouth?"

Han Yiran's eyes lit up: "How boring is fighting? What if she calls the police again? I have an idea."

Mentioning Lan Shuang, Han Yiran's face also became stinky, "It's the first time I entered the police station when I grew up, and the school probably knew about it, and my mother also scolded me a few words, going to school today, Lao Zhu will definitely I still have to scold, self-criticism is indispensable, and I must remember it, I am so annoying, but Lan Shuang has nothing to do, I can't swallow this tone."

Zhou Yihe was stunned by the scolding, and then angrily took down the cigarette from his mouth and pinched it between his fingers, pointed at Mu Yan, and asked foolishly: "Who are you? Fuck, tell me again?"

Han Yiran's eyes widened: "Why hit you? Is she crazy?"


Han Yiran and the others also turned around when they heard the voice, they were all taken aback.

A boy said, "Why don't we block her again today?"

"She said that if I didn't know how to study for a day, I would know how to cause trouble, and said that if there was another time, I would break my leg. Bah, what a bad luck, that Lan Shuang, what the hell?"

"What?" Zhou Yihe turned his head to look at her, his eyes looked a little fierce in the smoke.

The black leather shoes were clean and tidy, and they made a slight sound when they stepped on the ground, as if they were stepping on the tip of a person's heart, revealing a bit of dignity that was incompatible with this place.

Han Yiran pursed her lips, leaned close to Zhou Yihe and whispered, "He looks quite difficult to mess with, forget it?"

Zhou Yihe's eyes were full of hatred, if Lan Shuang was in front of him, he would definitely tear her alive.

As Mu Yan got closer, his outline gradually became clearer. Han Yiran's eyes lit up, and he coughed lightly. It was rare for a lady to ask: "Handsome, are you passing by?"

Just when Zhou Yihe and the others reached an agreement, laughing and discussing where to go for a meal to celebrate after the success of the plan, the Guanghu people at the entrance of the alley were covered by people, casting a slender shadow.

"Who can swallow it? Yesterday I wrote a [-]-word review and my hand was about to break."

Mu Yan narrowed his eyes, turned his footsteps, and followed.

Zhou Yihe was actually a little apprehensive, not to mention other things, this person was a head taller than him.

"Who?" Zhou Yihe was facing the alley, and he was the first to look up when he sensed something was wrong, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking very dragged and unworthy of beating.

Mu Yan's gaze came through behind the gold-rimmed glasses, and fell on Zhou Yihe with a sense of oppression that cannot be ignored, "I will never change my nature."

Hearing what Han Yiran said, he also retreated, but the younger brothers all watched, he couldn't open his mouth, so he could only bite the bullet and look at Mu Yan.

Mu Yan's sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, revealing a section of skin with obvious veins, which looked very powerful.

Han Yiran excitedly talked about her revenge plan, completely oblivious to the fact that someone at the alley heard all this clearly.

Mu Yan hooked his lips with a smile, and his glasses covered the dark look in his eyes. He slowly rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, raised his eyes and casually glanced around a few corners, um, there is no camera .


He raised his hand and made a gesture in front of Han Yiran. Han Yiran didn't see clearly and didn't understand what it meant. He just felt a sudden pain in his stomach. The pain was so painful that her face turned pale all of a sudden, and she curled up in the Straight air on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yihe's eyes widened: "Fuck, what did you do?"

Several other boys also looked at him with some fear.

"Now it's your turn." Mu Yan's eyes turned dark, Zhou Yihe's back felt cold, and he wanted to run, but the next moment he hit an invisible wall, and his nosebleeds flowed down.

Several other boys didn't stop the car, but also ran into it, and the sound of "bang bang bang" was heard endlessly for a while.

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