Chapter 378 When the Ome is Ripe 9
" are not human!" Zhou Yihe slid along the wall and sat on the ground, pointing at Mu Yan in horror, Mu Yan's eyes sharpened, and he almost teleported to him, holding his hand expressionlessly. His fingers snapped hard.


A shrill scream pierced the sky.

The rest of the people shivered in unison, shrinking into a nest of quail in fear, even covering Han Yiran's cry.

Let alone resist now, they dare not even run.

I didn't even dare to think about it, the handsome man in front of me was really scary.

What makes them even more desperate is that there are screams here one after another, but no one outside has noticed. Could it be that they died here today and no one knows?
But they obviously thought too much, Mu Yan just wanted to teach them a lesson, and didn't intend to kill them.

He held Zhou Yihe's fingers, watched him bend over in an awkward posture, suddenly smiled, and kicked him out.

Hitting the transparent wall, Zhou Yihe fell down, his eyes darkened in pain, "You...what do you want? We have no grievances or enmity with you..."

"No injustice, no enmity?" Mu Yan slowly withdrew his long legs, looked down at these people, and said indifferently, "Lan Shuang is my sister, you bullied her time and time again, and even discussed how to take revenge in front of me She, if I don't teach you a lesson, I don't deserve her to be called brother."

Zhou Yihe turned pale, and hurriedly said: "I swear! I swear!"

"What are you looking at?"

Lan Shuang looked at Qin Zhou with her chin in her hand. Qin Zhou's eyes flickered, flaunting, "I've said it, I've done a good job. Next time I meet such a person, I'll call them directly."

Zhou Yihe cursed and wanted to get up from the ground, but the support on his back suddenly disappeared, his figure swayed, and he fell straight down. He froze for a moment, and suddenly his fingers stopped hurting, and the broken one was intact, leaving no trace .

Facing Mu Yan's abyss-like eyes, he couldn't help shivering, fearing from the bottom of his heart, "Brother, we were wrong, we really knew we were wrong, and we will never dare again! let us go Come on, you bullied a group of us children, and it's shameless to say it."

"From today onwards, we will no longer bully and run on Lan Shuang. If we break our oath, we will die when we go out."

Zhou Yihe looked at Mu Yan, feeling terrified, this man looked evil, if what he said was true, wouldn't they be at a loss?
"Huh? Don't want to?" Mu Yan saw that they hadn't spoken for a long time, and his interesting eyes fell on Zhou Yihe, "Then let me see, where should I fight?"

Mu Yan gave them a meaningful look, then turned around and strode away.

Zhou Yihe choked, "Brother?"

Mu Yan glanced at her: "Okay, you all swear, the oath will take effect as soon as you say it, and if you have any bad thoughts about Lan Shuang in the future, you will suffer ten times the pain."

She didn't mean anything else when she asked this question, but she was simply puzzled, but the others immediately turned back, as if avoiding it.

Zhou Yihe: "..."

Why didn't he know that Lan Shuang had such a perverted brother?

Qin Zhou opened his eyes slightly: "Really?"

Lan Shuang also laughed, "That's good."

Only then did Mu Yan nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand and glanced at his watch, he was going to be late for work soon, he had to leave quickly.

She blinked suspiciously, and the others followed suit.

As the voice fell, there was a faint thunder from the sky, and the faces of several people were as white as paper.

Zhou Yihe was dumbfounded.

Just as he was thinking, Qin Zhou stepped in and walked in. He was dressed neatly in school uniform, but it just looked better than others.

So far, they finally recognized the reality, and they didn't dare to think about Lan Shuang anymore, they were really afraid.

Mu Yan chuckled lightly: "Child? Little bastard is about the same."

She was sitting alone in the last row of the class. She had no deskmate, only the front desk, but her front desk was still empty.

"No, my brother won't blame me, but you, your family didn't say anything, did they?"

Lan Shuang took out the geography book and read it, "Ah, I decided to change my mind and become a good student."

This man is really scary!
They were still in pain just now, but now that nothing happened, they went to the police station without any evidence, so they might call the mental hospital directly, right?

Lan Shuang: "???"

"A man."

Lan Shuang didn't know what happened here, after entering the class, she found her seat and sat down, and then the classroom became quiet.


Several other people followed suit.

Zhou Yihe and Han Yiran looked at each other, and said in unison: "Damn!"

Lan Shuang looked over blankly, and met a bunch of curious and surprised eyes who had seen a ghost.

"Damn, I saw it too. He said he was Lan Shuang's brother."

He can bend and stretch.

"Okay, that's all for today. When you go back, remember to keep it a secret."

He wanted to refute, but dared not.

After she came in, she looked at the back first, and saw Lan Shuang coming over immediately, put her schoolbag on the chair casually, turned around and asked, "Are you all right? You didn't get scolded when you got home yesterday, right?"

"Isn't it a dream?"

"Damn it, did it really work?"

Han Yiran stopped screaming, she looked at her hands in surprise, and suspected for a moment that she was dreaming.

Lan Shuang recalled for a moment, it seemed that Qin Zhou was in front of her?

"Brother, we don't dare anymore. We swear, if we bully Lan Shuang again, we will be hit by a car!" Han Yiran was so tortured that he raised his hand and swore.

Qin looked at Lan Shuang for a few times, and suddenly asked: "No, why did you come so early today? Don't you usually come in after ringing the bell?"

The same goes for the others, they stood up and looked at each other, "What did you see just now?"

He made a formula casually, and the pale golden divine power floated out, fell into the eyebrows of several people, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Secret it? Go ahead and dream! I'll go to the police station to report you as a monster!"

"Really." Lan Shuang pointed to her eyes, "Did you see that, this is the proof of my hard work."

Qin Zhou looked at the obvious dark circles and nodded: "It's good. Girls still have to work hard on their own. Learning well doesn't mean anything, but it can change the status quo."

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you, don't mess with those people in the future, I'll help you, if you don't understand anything, just ask me."

"Okay, thanks." Lan Shuang smiled at Qin Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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