These words were harsh to hear, and before Lan Shuang had any reaction, Lao Tie was the first to lower his face, "Junior brother, what you said is wrong, I am the head teacher, I am a teacher, and my duty is to teach and educate people. Don't just focus on the first two words, educating people is far more important than teaching, this is my lifelong pursuit."

Lao Tie said with a strong attitude and frankly: "So, I will never give up on my students. They are no different from my children in my eyes. I will be a teacher for a day and a father for life. I have to be responsible for them."

Teacher Zhang curled her lips in disdain, "All right, all right, you have lofty aspirations, and you have excellent morality as a teacher. I hope you will be rewarded with the results of this monthly exam."

He snorted and walked two steps quickly past Lao Tie.

But Lao Tie didn't pay attention, but looked at Lan Shuang, his tone softened, and comforted him: "Don't take it to your heart, he is targeting me, I got you in trouble, your mother is very kind, she didn't give up on you , but she is too busy, please understand."

Lan Shuang met his worried eyes and smiled relievedly: "I didn't take it to heart, teacher, don't worry."

Seeing that she really didn't care, Lao Tie breathed a sigh of relief.

After entering the office of the language group, there was no one there. Lao Tie pushed his soft swivel chair in front of Lan Shuang: "Come, sit down and talk."

Lao Tie himself moved a plastic stool and sat down opposite her, crossed his hands on the table, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, the teacher didn't ask you to come to the office to criticize you, but I saw that you were serious about your lectures today, and I wanted to ask you a question. Do you want to study? Is there any teacher who can help?"

Lao Tie's tone was so gentle that he could almost pinch water. It would be better if he ignored the muscles that were about to protrude.

She paused, thinking about how to speak, the old iron changed the subject, took out a piece of paper from the table and handed it to her: "This is the result of the last monthly exam, it's out, I haven't had time to show it to the monkeys , let me show you first."

Lan Shuang's eyes darkened.

The next moment a few sorted test papers were put in front of her, Lan Shuang was stunned, the test papers were stapled up, she flipped through them casually, and found that each one had a note written on it.

In the penultimate column there are two large characters: Lan Shuang.

After seeing the real person, they would sneer in a low voice, saying that she dared to chase after the school grass if she looked like this, maybe she was out of her mind?Or have you watched too many brain-dead idol dramas?
These words were overheard by the original owner after she came out of the bathroom one time, and she was probably out of anger, that's why she went to the school grass Gu Bo again and again to confess.

Qin Zhou said awkwardly, "What's wrong?"

But now, she doesn't want to play with these people anymore.

Lao Tie took out a few tissues and handed them to her: "Cry if you want to cry, you don't have to hold back in front of the teacher, you can treat the teacher as a friend, a person who can speak from the heart."

Mathematics: "I guess I don't want to write it. There are blank spaces in the back. There is a lot of room for improvement."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Lan Shuang also looked over, but when they met their eyes, they started laughing.

Just as she was talking, she caught a glimpse of a few more sneaky figures at the back door from the corner of her eye. She couldn't help squinting and saw a few men and women passing by the back door of their class repeatedly, not knowing what they were looking at.

When he returned to the classroom, there was no class yet, Qin Zhou turned around and asked in a low voice, "How is it? What did Lao Tie tell you?"

I thought the original owner's grades were poor, but I didn't think it was so bad.

When I was in a private high school before, my grades were pretty good. Even if I wasted a period of time in my second year of high school, it wouldn't be so miserable, right?A few subjects add up to a total score of over one hundred.

Lan Shuang wiped away her tears and nodded: "Thank you teacher, I really didn't take the exam well. I felt uncomfortable at the time and didn't really want to do anything."

Qin Zhou frowned, and was about to say something when the class bell rang, and these people immediately dispersed.

The original owner and the school girl from the class next door became celebrities in the whole school after confessing their love. Many people came here admiringly and wanted to see what she looked like.

"Thank you teacher." Lan Shuang said gratefully.

"The results this time don't mean anything. Don't take it to heart. There will be more opportunities in the future. There will definitely be improvement in the next monthly exam. Homework. But don’t copy it, it’s meaningless, okay? Let’s take it easy, take your time, you have a good foundation, it won’t be difficult to pick it up, the teacher believes in you.”

There are also those who pretend to pass by and then look inside, and after reading it, they pull the people around them to hurry away, talking small words while walking.

Lan Shuang took it and glanced at it, but she couldn't see it after searching for a long time, so she simply gave up and looked directly from the back to the front, no, she saw it right away.

The old iron guessed the same, nodded: "I can understand that you feel uncomfortable, but the past will always pass, people still have to look forward, you are still young, only in your teens, and you have a bright future, don't just indulge in it In grief, I delayed my future."

"That's right!" Lao Tie smiled gratifiedly: "If you don't understand anything, you can ask the teacher. If you are embarrassed to find a teacher in other subjects, you can also ask me. Don't think that the teacher teaches Chinese. The teacher teaches mathematics. And the history is pretty good."

Qin Zhou smiled and said, "I guessed it, Lao Tie is the most enthusiastic person."

Chinese: "The handwriting is beautiful, but the questions with a lot of writing are empty, so there is a lot of room for improvement."

Lan Shuang almost knew what was going on.

English: "It's probably blind. I have filled in all the choices, but they are basically wrong and need to be improved."


It wasn't that kind of kind smile, but a bit of teasing and teasing. After being found out, there was no embarrassment at all. The boys laughed and laughed, and the girls gathered together and bit their ears. They looked over from time to time, not knowing what they were talking about.

The more Lan Shuang watched, the more she felt swollen in her heart. Lao Tie is really a good teacher. He spent time and energy on a student who gave up on himself. He didn't criticize him harshly, but only had an earnest and sincere heart.

"Okay." Lan Shuang packed up her things and left Lao Tie's office.

"Teacher..." Lan Shuang's voice was a little hoarse and crying when she spoke.

Lan Shuang looked at the large blank area on the test paper and breathed a sigh of relief, "The teacher is right. I figured it out a few days ago. I want to study hard so that my family members won't worry."

Lan Shuang let out a long breath, "It's nothing, just let me study hard, and if I can't, I will find him."

Such a contrast always gives Lan Shuang an unreal feeling.

Lan Shuang turned the pen in her hand, and her thoughts of losing weight and studying became more and more determined.

There is nothing more satisfying than surpassing these people and slapping them with strength.

She lowered her head and seized the time to memorize two political knowledge points.


In a calm class, there are more people in the big break, and the number of people wandering around the front and back doors of the second class doubles, and many students feel uncomfortable.

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