Qin Zhou was reciting vocabulary words, but just happened to meet a few people who couldn't remember them, and felt irritable. The group of people next to her were still chattering, making her so noisy that she got angry and stood up immediately. He got up, pinched the words in his hand and rushed to the back door.

The men and women who watched the excitement were whispering and saying something with a smile, Qin Zhou said coldly: "What are you looking at? Haven't seen anyone? You don't have a class yourself? What are you doing at the door of our class? Do you have any quality?"

Her voice wasn't too loud, but her tone was very aggressive. Coupled with her beautiful and majestic face, she was quite aura, and the timid one immediately pulled her partner away with a embarrassed expression.

But some were courageous and had a bad temper, so they choked with her immediately: "We are willing to stay in the corridor, can you control it? Your house opened the corridor?"

Cui Hao, the monitor of the second class who came out to check the situation, smiled when he heard this, and leaned against the wall with folded arms and said, "Are you connected to the village network? Who else doesn't know that the Qin family paid for this new teaching building?"

The representative of the Chinese class stood beside him and nodded solemnly: "That's right, you stand on the Qin family's territory and bully Miss Qin's family, do you think you are reasonable?"


They really don't know.

The homeroom teacher wouldn't say anything about it, and the Qin family didn't publicize it, so people who had a good relationship with Qin Zhou knew it.

Qin Zhou pulled his lips, raised his finger and pointed to the stairs on one side and said, "Still rolling? Next time I see you gossiping and harassing our classmates, I will go to the dean and ask him to chat with you. "

During the noon break, Lan Shuang secretly took out her mobile phone and logged into the campus post bar. When she opened it, she found a hot post floating on it.

So now you want to stand up for Gu Bo?

Lan Shuang recalled for a while, this person seemed to be in the same class as Gu Bo, seeing her resentful eyes, Lan Shuang immediately understood that she liked Gu Bo!

Gu Bo: "..."

Lan Shuang walked to Qin Zhou's side and immediately attracted the firepower from the other side.

She touched the index finger and thumb of her right hand, indicating that it was so.

She clicked in and saw that many people in the building were discussing this matter, but most of what they said was ugly.

Lan Shuang thought that this incident was over, but she didn't expect that there would be a new wave soon.

Torn face to this point, some girls whispered to Qin Zhou: "Forget it, we are all classmates, there is no need to see you when you look up."

How innocent he is, he took the blame before he figured out what happened.

Qin Zhou looked over coldly, "Who says it's unnecessary? People are blocking the door of our class, and I still have to spoil them? Will they climb on top of me someday? Bullying our classmate, I will not show my head, if in the future They bully me, who will stand up for me?"

Lan Shuang couldn't laugh or cry: "I lost such a big face today, I probably won't come, but thank you very much, I didn't take it to heart, I'm used to these gazes, but don't be too angry, because of these people not worth it."

Gu Bo smiled again, turned around and left with a few brothers who had a good time.

She coughed lightly and said, "Gu Bo and I have already made it clear that I was the one who troubled him before, and I have apologized and drawn a clear line, so what are you doing? In Gu Bo's name If you come to trouble me, I don't even know what kind of heart you are in."

Qin Zhou frowned and waved his hands impatiently: "Let's go."

Qin Zhou also saw him, and snorted angrily, "Blue face is a disaster."

Qin Zhou laughed softly, "Okay, just one o'clock, go, if you don't go, you'll be late."

Lan Shuang raised her hand and made a gesture: "Well, if I have to say it, there is a little bit."

However, Gu Bo just glanced at her, then stared at Qin Zhou's profile and said, "I'm not familiar with you."

Qin Zhou pinned the broken hair behind his ears and chuckled, "Yes."

"Oh, that's it. I thought you were very good friends when I heard you talk about Gu Bo."

When the girl heard this, she looked at Gu Bo's cold eyes and blushed, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just don't like you, so I just want to say a few words. What are you talking about, Gu Bo?"

The girl quietly looked at Gu Bo, with a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

"Qin Zhou, let's go, we have to do exercises between classes."


Qin Zhou glared at him: "Oh."

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at the suddenly ugly faces of the people opposite, turned his head and whispered to Qin Zhou: "Leave?"

"When did you look so open?" Qin Zhou pinched her face: "You really don't care?"

The title is very hot: Fei Mei said that she has nothing to do with the school girl, is she playing hard to get or really giving up?
Lan Shuang: "?"

"Yo, come out, I thought you were going to be a coward for the rest of your life, hiding behind people and using them as gunmen, aren't you kind? You dare to confess your love to the school grass, but you don't dare to fight with us, right? ?”

[Of course it was playing hard to get, what's the point?She had worked so hard before, how could she just give up if she just gave up? 】

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a tall and thin man coming out of the first class next door. He seemed to find that this place was very lively. He raised his eyelids and looked over indifferently, but when he saw Qin Zhou, his gaze paused. Paused, and then strode over.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lan Shuang looking at her thoughtfully. Qin Zhou cleared his throat, put his hands on her shoulders and led her out, "Don't worry, if they dare to come again in the future, I'll see you again Scold once."

Lan Shuang walked behind her, and nodded emotionally when she heard this. How else can she be said to be the heroine of this world?With such a temper, she deserves a lifetime of happiness.

It was a girl who spoke, and she looked familiar.

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the hero and heroine were really lovers, they didn't say they were secretly in love with each other.

what dog stuff?

The master had left, and the few remaining students had no face to stay any longer, and ran away in desperation.

Gu Bo curled the corners of his mouth slightly, then looked at those people with a cold look and said, "I have already reconciled with Lan Shuang, we have nothing to do with each other in the future, don't use my name to harass others, We really don't know each other very well, I can handle my own affairs, and I don't need you to help me."

Lan Shuang held back her laughter, quite sullen.

【I think so too, but the title is really appropriate. She has a fat body, she wobbles when she walks, and she doesn't know where she got the confidence to chase after school girls. I'll have nightmares just by looking at her, okay? 】

[Plus one, she's ugly and fat, and doesn't study well, what kind of high-altitude flower can fall in love with her in school grass]

【What do you know?What if the school grass is fine?Anyway, handsome and well-off like him, he doesn’t have a girlfriend, either because his vision is too high, or his taste is special, DDDD]

[You guys are enough, don't you feel a little disgusted by talking about people's character like this? 】

Lan Shuang's eyes darkened.

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