It's approaching mid-October, but the weather here is still scorching hot. Lan Shuang wrote her homework and felt restless, and wanted to eat some ice cream, but when she looked down at the big piece of flesh on her stomach, she suddenly lost her desire.

Mu Yan, who was born with a black heart, was wearing short-sleeved shorts, and sat beside her with an ice cream to eat, making some unclear noises while eating.

"Hiss—it's a bit cold."

"But this taste is really good, very fragrant."

"Um... delicious."

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Mu Yan leaned back like an old man, with a leisurely posture.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She slowly clenched her fist and shook it at Mu Yan: "My fist is also delicious, do you want to try it?"

Mu Yan glanced at her, smiled a little, and hooked his fingers: "I have a way to make you eat ice cream without gaining weight."

Lan Shuang said decisively: "I don't believe it."

She pinched Mu Yan's leg, "You agreed not to lie to me? Is this called eating?"

"When I am admitted to university, you and your mother can relax a bit after joining the company."

The old iron nodded: "Yes, but the teacher seems to have lost weight recently? Is it because you study too hard?"

There is no such thing as a natural genius. Although he has a special status, in the human world and the age of technology, he also needs to continue to learn and improve in order to seize opportunities.

"Really, how could I lie to you?"


Lan Shuang pursed her lips, "What way?"

Mu Yan said with a certain face, as if there was such a thing.

High school life is really terrible.

Mu Yan smiled and didn't take it to heart.

He has managed business empires before, and the mess of Papa Lan's company is not difficult for him, but it just takes some time to deal with it.

Lan Shuang blinked her eyes, she really didn't pay attention, there were a lot of papers and exercises left today, she just kept her head down and wrote, and she had to look for books to find information for the things she didn't know, so the speed naturally slowed down, tossing her eyes now It's all spent.

"You haven't slept yet?"

As he spoke, he dug a scoop of ice cream and sent it to his mouth.

Mu Yan hooked his fingers: "Come here."

Mu Yan put down the ice cream box, clasped the back of Lan Shuang's head with his cool fingers, raised his head slightly, and pressed his lips together.

Mu Yan sat down on the single sofa diagonally opposite her, drank the last sip of water, rubbed her short-cut hair, "Come on."


She turned her head and saw Lao Tie standing at the back door, smiling and waving at her.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Well, it's good to study hard, but you should also pay attention to your body. Studying is not as important as being healthy."

Lao Tie took Lan Shuang to the corner of the stairs, and handed her her test paper: "The teacher marked you down, which mistakes can be avoided, and these are all avoided, and the next test score will have a big difference." improvement."

While he was an intern in a big factory, he helped his mother and helped her solve a lot of troubles. His mother often praised him as a natural business genius.

Standing up to move around, she heard movement in the living room, raised her eyebrows suspiciously, opened the door lightly and looked around, and saw Mu Yan standing by the tea table drinking water in the darkness, holding a water cup.

The dog man has deep routines.She should stay away from him.

"You haven't slept yet?"

He is working so hard now to compress the processing time to the shortest possible time, so that Lan Shuang can return to her former princess-like life as soon as possible and become her new backing.

Lan Shuang walked over suspiciously, "Teacher, did you call me?"

"Okay, brother is waiting for you."

One warm and one cool.

Mu Yan smiled helplessly, and went back to his room after eating the ice cream, closed the door and opened the laptop to start dealing with business.

"Yes, the results of the last week's exam came out, and the progress has been great. The teacher is very pleased."

Lao Tie looked at Lan Shuang and said earnestly.

And his current ability, understanding of the law, and grasp of business opportunities are all accumulated in the previous worlds.

Lan Shuang got up and went back to her bedroom to do her homework. Mu Yan followed like a tail, leaned against the door and said, "Get up and move around after writing for a while, it's not good to sit for a long time."

She's lost weight because she's losing weight, man!Not tired... well, maybe a little bit of that.

Lan Shuang chuckled: "Why are you busy so late? Is it because of the company?"

Mu Yan pushed his glasses, his eyes were deep, and he clicked on the video conference, "There are still a few loopholes in the software that tested the water yesterday, and it cannot be put on the shelves for the time being. The first is the playability..."

Mu Yan nodded: "Well, I finished my internship at the company, and I came back from get off work to help my mother with our family affairs. I was just now dealing with a small game I made myself."

"Good night."

Lan Shuang was shaken, "Really?"

"Got it." Lan Shuang waved her hand perfunctorily.

Mu Yan went to the door and turned on the light with a "snap", Lan Shuang walked over and collapsed on the sofa, "Yeah, I just finished my homework, and I haven't read the preview."

Lan Shuang took it and looked at the comments left on it with pens of various colors, and said gratefully: "Thank you teacher, I will take a good look at it when I go back."

The two asked in unison, and then laughed at the same time.

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows innocently: "Why don't you count? Isn't this what you like to eat? I let you eat it, and you won't gain weight."

He picked up his phone and glanced, "It's eleven o'clock?"

"Really, I tried."

Lan Shuang: "Huh? I pay attention to my body, teacher."

Lan Shuang moved towards him suspiciously, but just as she moved to his knee, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Unable to refute.

She leaned back in the chair and sighed faintly.

Lan Shuang was closing her eyes and recalling the knowledge points she had memorized last night when she suddenly heard someone calling her.

After sitting for a long time, her back was sore and her neck was also uncomfortable. Lan Shuang raised her head from the mountain of books and shook her neck.

The rich vanilla cream flavor spread between the lips and teeth, and Lanshuang was almost moved to tears when she tasted this taste again.

Lan Shuang patted his head with her backhand, "You have worked hard too, brother."

"You... um..."


After a while, Mu Yan let go of her, and wiped her lips, "Did you eat it?"

As the mid-term approached, everyone's fighting spirit was particularly high, and there were not many people fighting between classes, reading books and sleeping.

Mu Yan smiled lowly, hooked her little finger and shook it, "Brother, don't work hard, after finishing this time, our family's debts will be paid off, and then we don't have to worry about money anymore."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Mu Yan got up and kissed her on the forehead, "It's getting late, I'll go to bed after reading the book, good night."

She opened her mouth to explain, when she heard a strange voice behind her.

"Hmph, isn't it right to lose weight? How can a girl be so fat when she grows up, how can she marry in the future?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Vomit, the taste is really strong.

Five chapters were updated today, and I feel my body is hollowed out

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