Chapter 385 When the Ome is Ripe 16
No matter who you are, you should not judge people casually, especially teachers who teach and educate people, you should teach by example and set an example.

But obviously, the teacher in front of him is not up to the standard.

When Lao Tie heard this, he was not happy, and the smile on his face disappeared, and his expression was quite serious. Coupled with his muscles, he looked quite oppressive.

"What are you talking about? Is this something your teacher should say?"

Lan Shuang stood beside Lao Tie, looking at Mr. Zhang's monkey-cheeked face.

After being reprimanded by Lao Tie, his face became gloomy, and he leaned against the railing with folded arms, "What? I was wrong? I did it for her own good. A girl, no matter how well she studies, she will marry in the future. , It’s better to marry well than to study well, lose weight, dress up better, find a better husband in the future, and take care of the children at home, isn’t it good?”

"Is it Lan Shuang?"

Teacher Zhang didn't know if there was a bubble in his head, but he still looked at Lan Shuang with a smile.

Lao Tie clenched his hands tightly, "You're going too far!"

"Lan Shuang, ignore him, he has leftover feudal thoughts."

Lan Shuang smiled, the smile didn't reach her eyes, she just looked at Teacher Zhang without avoiding it, "Since there is such a good thing, why don't you marry Teacher Zhang?"

Teacher Zhang's face changed: " are you talking to the teacher? You can't understand the words?"

Lan Shuang shrugged her shoulders: "Oh, I don't feel comfortable listening, that's nonsense, you offended me, at this time, no matter whether you are a teacher or not, you are wrong."

"I..." Teacher Zhang looked at her like hell, as if she didn't expect this gloomy and introverted student to be so eloquent and dare to contradict the teacher.

Lao Tie applauded: "Well said, Xiao Zhang, you apologize to my students now."

Teacher Zhang became anxious immediately: "Why am I apologizing? Am I wrong? You can't even listen to the truth, so what do you study for with such a glass heart? How will you enter society in the future? Don't tell me you haven't dealt with people all your life? Do you want people to apologize if you say a few words about you? Do you do the same to your future boss?"

Lan Shuang looked at him calmly, "Mr. Zhang, what are you breaking the defense? Look at you, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry."

Teacher Zhang:"……"

One sentence instantly made Teacher Zhang go berserk.


He gave Lan Shuang a vicious look, walked past her, and quickly entered his class.

Old Tie with his hips on his hips: "Hey—run away if you can't say it, you're useless."

Lan Shuang smiled, "It's okay, teacher, don't take it to heart."

"Why do you turn around to comfort me?" Lao Tie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I should say don't take it to heart, he doesn't sound good, just treat him as a fart, don't be serious with him, there is no need, the teacher will help you You found your way back."

Lan Shuang nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, class is about to start, let's go back."

Lao Tie waved his hand, Lan Shuang turned and went back to the classroom.

Qin Zhou was moving around in the open space behind the classroom. When he saw her coming in, he hurried over, "I just saw you talking with Lao Tie on the stairs, and saw the old demon man next door. How is it? He didn't make things difficult for you, did he?" ?”

Lan Shuang was about to take a sip of water, when the mouth of the bottle just reached her lips, before she drank it, she was shaken by the person who called Lei, "What the hell is the old demon man?"

Qin Zhou tilted his head: "Oh, this name has been widely circulated in the grades, don't you know? When you see these three words in the post bar, you know that it is the head teacher of the third class next door, because Others hate dogs, so everyone named her the opposite of the old hag, which is a perfect match."

Lan Shuang thought for a while, "Don't talk about it, it's pretty impressive."

"What happened just now? I saw him pass by the door with a green face, and even stared into our classroom."

The soul of Qin Zhou's gossip was burning.

"He's still staring at you?" Lan Shuang was speechless, "This man is really weird."

"Yeah, and then I stared back, who has bigger eyes?"

Qin Zhou blinked, Lan Shuang smiled and patted her on the shoulder, "That's still your age."

"Actually, it's nothing. He said I'm fat, and advised me to lose weight. It's more useful to study hard than to marry. He asked me to find a rich husband to take care of the children at home. Then I slapped him a few words and asked him to apologize, and he broke his defense." .”

Lan Shuang sat down on the chair and drank the water.

Qin Zhou immediately rolled his beautiful eyes: "Yo Yo Yo, I know this is a modern society, but I don't know that I thought I was dreaming back to the Qing Dynasty."

"What he said is indeed too much. As a teacher, how can you engage in gender discrimination? Of course it is important for girls to study well."

Lao Li, the representative of the Chinese class, pushed his glasses and said with a serious face: "Knowledge changes destiny, and girls should study hard so that they can have more opportunities."

Lan Shuang gave him a thumbs up: "Old Li is so enlightened, I'll order it for you."

Lao Li pressed down his hand in a leader-like manner: "It's too good, too good."

Qin Zhou snorted: "He is notoriously patriarchal, he doesn't look good on girls, he just smiles on boys, and his favoritism depends on the girl's family background. If he is rich, he speaks softly. If he had no money, he would gossip about, drink, and get angry. The girls in his class hated him very much, but because he was really good at teaching and could pretend in front of his parents, none of the parents made trouble for him, but let their children Endure."

Lan Shuang suddenly realized: "No wonder you call him an old demon man, this person is really disgusting."

"Are you talking about the old demon man? Is he fighting with the old man again?"

Cui Hao walked in from outside holding a stack of papers, listened to them, and looked at the few people blankly.

Lao Li recounted what happened just now, and Cui Hao curled his lips in annoyance: "He is really hopeless. He used to target Lao Tie everywhere before, and he had to compare himself with Lao Tie. If Lao Tie ignored him, he just said The target has shifted to Xiaolan, I really want to beat him up."

"Okay, everyone, don't be angry. I didn't let him please him. He should be very angry now. Isn't he just relying on the average score of his class to be higher than ours? Let's surpass him this time and let him Just jump around without a face."

"Xiao Lan is right, this time, let's let him see the strength of our second class!"

Qin Zhou stood behind Lan Shuang's chair, and when he finished speaking harshly, the class monitor and the Chinese class representative looked at her inexplicably.

"What? You don't believe me?"

Cui Hao scratched his head: "It's good to have fighting spirit, but the gap between us is a bit big, and it's hard to catch up."

Lan Shuang calmly raised her hand: "I was the one who held everyone back. This time, I will do well in the mid-term exam, and I will definitely catch up with class three!"


Qin Zhou clapped her hands high and said with a smile, "I believe in you, come on Xiaolan!"

"Okay, let's work together, this time we have to slap the old Yaonan with our strength!"

Cui Hao clenched his fists and ignited his fighting spirit.

From this day on, the students in the second class have been studying desperately like chicken blood.

(End of this chapter)

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