Chapter 386 When the Ome is Ripe 17
The conversation was divided into two parts, the students on one side were full of fighting spirit, and the teachers on the other side were not idle.

Because Lao Tie has a lot of classes, he has never freed his hands to ask Teacher Zhang for an explanation. After class, he finally went back to the office to rest.

A female teacher passed by him and handed him a board of lozenges.

The old iron was taken aback: "What is this?"

The female teacher smiled and said vaguely, "Golden Throat Lozenges."

Old Iron: "..."

"You have a class today, right? Listen to my throat, it's like a broken gong, and now I feel uncomfortable even swallowing saliva. Fortunately, I prepared this in advance. Would you like to take a slice? The effect is very good."

"Okay, thank you." Lao Tie was not polite, his throat was indeed uncomfortable, he took a piece and put it in his mouth, the sweet and bitter taste spread on the tip of his tongue, he leaned comfortably on the chair, the female teacher Walking past him, he joked with a smile, "You have such heavy dark circles under your eyes, it's been hard work recently."

"Yeah, I've been reading papers lately at night."

Lao Tie took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.

The female teacher smiled knowingly: "Is it because of the newly transferred student from your class? I have seen that child twice in the past few days, and I feel that it is indeed different from before. Has it really changed?"

"Yeah, so I plan to give her another hand. It's not easy to get back from the wrong way. I have to let her persevere."

The female teacher nodded: "Very good."

This reminded Lao Tie, he suddenly stood up and said: "By the way, I almost forgot to find Teacher Zhang."

The female teacher was puzzled: "What?"

Mentioning him, the old man got angry, and said in a bad mood: "I was talking to my classmate today, and he passed by and made a few sarcasm in a weird way. I have to ask him to apologize to my students."

Lao Tie did what he said, and caught Mr. Zhang in a pinch. It happened that their offices were next to each other, right next door. Lao Tie directly carried him to his office like a chicken.

"What are you doing? Want to hit me? I'll tell you, I'm not afraid of you. If you dare to do something here, I'll call the police immediately."

Teacher Zhang probably was afraid of embarrassment, so he didn't dare to yell loudly, and warned Lao Tie in a low voice with a gloomy face.

Lao Tie pushed the person into the office, then locked the door of the office, and looked down at Teacher Zhang who fell on the chair.

Teacher Zhang pushed his glasses, suddenly felt a little dangerous, but still said sternly, "What do you want to do?"

The other teachers in the office were also afraid of accidents, and persuaded: "If you have something to say, talk it out, and you really won't do it."

"I didn't intend to do anything, I just wanted to solve the things that I didn't solve before."

Lao Tie rolled up his sleeves, put his hands on the desk, and said in a deep voice: "You made an inappropriate statement today and offended my student. I want you to come and apologize to her with me."

"No, are you interesting? I didn't scold anyone, I just told the truth, if you don't like it, just pretend you didn't hear it, and asked me to apologize, who does she think she is, and what kind of saint do you think you are? "

"I am her teacher. At school, I will protect her from harm. I don't care what your status is. Even if the principal comes today, I will still ask him to apologize to Lan Shuang for what the principal said."

The old iron face did not change his face, and he never let go.

Teacher Zhang's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You're not finished, are you?"

"Yes, as long as you apologize to Lan Shuang, this matter will be over."

Lao Tie straightened up and looked at him, waiting for his answer.

Seeing this, the other teachers didn't know what to say. The former female teacher persuaded: "Mr. Zhang, you also know what kind of temper Mr. Tie is. It's just an apology. It's no big deal. Call the students in a while, and you'll be there." Apologize here, let's all go out, just settle it."

These words are well intentioned, but Mr. Zhang is so conceited to the extreme, how can he accept it?But he knew that procrastinating this matter would not be good, so he slapped the table and stood up and said, "Okay, since you want me to apologize, I'll just say it, but I have one condition."

Lao Tie frowned: "You still put forward conditions?"

Teacher Zhang snorted coldly: "Don't you think what I said is wrong? Then you use the facts to shut me up. If Lan Shuang in your class can enter the top [-] in the midterm exam, I will apologize to her. "

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the other teachers changed.

Lan Shuang's grades are counted by them. After all, the only thing that can be remembered in a grade is the bottom ones, except for the first ones.

Unfortunately, Lan Shuang was in the bottom group, with more than 1000 students in the whole grade. She was in the bottom ten, and it was impossible for her to enter the top three hundred.

It is still possible to give her a year of preparation, but now she is less than a month away from the middle term, which is clearly embarrassing.

Teacher Zhang was sure that Lan Shuang would not be able to do it, and she felt complacent: "If she can do it, I will apologize to her in front of the whole school. If she can't, she will apologize to me."

"You—" Lao Tie's temper suddenly came up, he grabbed him by the collar and angrily said, "Are you still a person? Are you worthy of being called a teacher?"

"Hey—Teacher Tie, don't be impulsive!"

"This is the office."

"Calm down, calm down, there's no need to be punished for a trivial matter, just calm down."

The teachers rushed forward and separated the two with great effort. Fearing that something would happen if Mr. Zhang stayed here, someone opened the door of the office and pushed Mr. Zhang out.

Teacher Zhang sneered and walked away with a proud face.


The students in class two didn't know about this incident, but the head teacher of class one is a big mouth, and he is in the same office as Teacher Zhang. It was a joke.

Laughing at Mr. Zhang, it's really useless, embarrassing a student for such a trivial matter.

After the students in class one heard the ins and outs, they quickly spread to class two.

During self-study, a student ran to Class Two to find Cui Hao, "Brother Cui, your head teacher is really kind."

Cui Hao leaned against the podium with a dazed expression: "What and what?"

"It's just that our class teacher said that he and Teacher Zhang had a quarrel in the office, and they almost started fighting."


Not only Cui Hao, but everyone else in the class was attracted to the attention, and they came over one after another, "What's going on, please explain carefully."

"It's because of Lan Shuang..."

The man spoke vividly, and Lan Shuang, who was sitting in the back, was taken aback for a moment, then pursed her lips knowingly, "He really knows how to speak."

Qin Zhou sneered, "Anyone can be a teacher these days."

"Now I really don't want to steam the steamed buns to fight for my breath," Cui Hao stood on the podium, "Students, we can't let the old iron charge ahead, we have to work harder!"

This time, the students in the second class were united as never before.

(End of this chapter)

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