Chapter 387 When the Ome is Ripe 18
"Xiaolan, are you confident?"

Qin Zhou turned to look at Lan Shuang.

The others also looked at her worriedly, and there was silence in the class. Seeing that the situation was not good, Cui Hao quickly smoothed things over and said, "It's okay, the old demon man is deliberately making things difficult for you. How much, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just do whatever you can.”

Others also echoed Lan Shuang's words of persuasion.

Lan Shuang smiled slightly: "Thank you, you don't need to comfort me, this matter was caused by me, and it should be resolved by me."

Everyone wanted to ask her how to solve it, but when the class bell rang, they couldn't ask any more questions, so they went back to their seats and sat down.

Qin Zhou was worried, so he secretly wrote a note and handed it over, "Is it really possible? Do you want me to tutor you? The enhanced version?"

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing after reading it.

Qin Zhou not only has an outstanding face, but her grades are also very good. She is indistinguishable from Gu Bo in the next class. The first and second will always be born between them. The two compete secretly, and no one else can get in. .

So she is not exaggerating when she said this. With her help, there will definitely be great progress.

But she has a more powerful hook.

Thinking of Mu Yan, the smile on Lan Shuang's lips deepened. Who can be more powerful than this former top student in the college entrance examination in W City?
So she picked up a pen and wrote on the back: "Thank you Zhouzhou, I can ask my brother to help."

Qin Zhou received the note and opened it, remembering the "brother" he saw at the police station that day, and nodded, yes, that one looked awesome at first glance.

She relaxed and listened intently.


After Lan Shuang came home, she knocked on Mu Yan's door. Mu Yan was changing clothes when she came back, but when she heard the sound, she took off her shirt and opened the door with her upper body naked.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry?"

Mu Yan leaned against the door with a lazy expression.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Why do your words and your attire sound wrong?

Her eyes slid over his well-defined abdominal muscles and landed on Mu Yan's face, trying to dispel those unrealistic and violent thoughts in her mind, she nodded solemnly: "It's a little bit, but I have something more important It's up to you."

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows, turned around and stepped aside, "Come in and say."

Lan Shuang sat down beside Mu Yan's bed, and Mu Yan sat on the swivel chair behind the desk, picked up a loose white T-shirt and put it on, and leaned back lazily: "Tell me, what do you want my brother to do? "

"Help me with tutoring." Lan Shuang solemnly handed him the physics book in her hand.

Mu Yan paused: "What did you say?"

"Help me with tutoring." Lan Shuang repeated it patiently, took his hand and put the book on it, "I thought about it, and if I want to achieve the best results in the shortest time, I have to put everything I can Get all the points you get, and the selection and filling in the blanks are relatively basic, so let’s start with these.”

Mu Yan: "..."

He looked at the textbook in his hand, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you working so hard all of a sudden?"

Lan Shuang told him what happened at school.

Mu Yan's face turned dark after hearing this, "Heh, he didn't live up to himself, so he has the face to educate others?"

Lan Shuang stood up and patted him on the shoulder: "Oh, don't waste time with people with brain problems. If you hit him in the face, he will know it hurts. Otherwise, he will die. The point now is that we have to work hard and make progress!"

Mu Yan: "..."

He flipped through the textbook in his hand, and said in silence for a moment: "It's not impossible to give you tutoring, but my time is very precious. If I waste a minute, I will lose hundreds of thousands. How do you plan to compensate me?"

He suddenly lost his temper and looked at Lan Shuang with a smile.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "What compensation do you want?"

Mu Yan tapped his lips with his fingertips, "Hmm...I want to eat ice cream."

Lan Shuang: "...Okay, I'll go get it for you right now."

After taking it over, Mu Yan refused to eat it again, frowned and said: "The calories are too high."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She stared at Mu Yan for a moment, and suddenly realized that this guy did it on purpose.

I can't get used to this problem.

She threw the ice cream on the table, took away the textbook in Mu Yan's hand, got up and said, "Hmph, I can understand it by myself if I don't eat it."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Mu Yan: "..."


Five minutes later, someone obediently sat next to Lan Shuang, holding a pen to highlight the key points for her, "Here, here, these formulas must be memorized."

Lan Shuang scooped up the ice cream and ate it, "Mmm, is there any more?"

"And here, this definition is very important, memorize it verbatim, and memorize it now."

"it is good."

As soon as 888 came back, he saw this scene and was taken aback, "What are you doing, host?"

Lan Shuang replied subconsciously: "Study."


The two of you are not making sauces when you get together, but studying?Is the sun coming out from the west?

It was only after Lan Shuang finished speaking that she realized, "Hey, Xiao Baba? Are you back?"

888 sighed faintly: "Yes, I'm back."

Listening to his listless voice, Lan Shuang asked curiously: "How, what did it say? Have you been punished? Why don't you sound very happy?"

888 sighed again: "I haven't been punished, nor have you been punished."

Lan Shuang smiled and glanced at Mu Yan. Seeing that she didn't speak, Mu Yan had a sly look in her eyes, and instantly understood that she should be talking to her system.

So he shut his mouth, picked up the remaining half box of ice cream and ate it.

"Isn't it a good thing not to be punished? Why aren't you happy?"

888: "...I just can't figure it out."

When he returned to the main system this time, he was ready to speak. He typed a [-]-word draft in his heart, intending to intercede for Lan Shuang, and let the main system forgive her this time for the sake of their merits.

He even designed how to cry and how to look more pitiful, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

After he reacted with the main system, the main system was very angry at first. He hated people who disrupted the rules the most.

But after 888 reported Jiang Lusheng's name, the main system suddenly fell silent.

If the screen was not still flashing, he almost thought the power was off.

He hesitated and asked: "Boss, how should we deal with this? When I get up, I think Lan Shuang is so sympathetic, she is also an old man of the management bureau, she..."

"Wait, I'm not in charge of this matter, you go to the main god, the transmission channel has been opened, go."

Then, without waiting for 888's response, the main system ordered the mechanical arm to pick him up and throw him into the teleportation array.


What about the love of colleagues?Why are you so indifferent?

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and with a "whoosh", he arrived at the main god's palace and met the mysterious Lord Lord God.

Lord God is a beautiful girl, before 888 could speak, he said, "I already knew what you said about Jiang Lusheng, it doesn't matter, just let them go."

888: "????"

(End of this chapter)

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