Chapter 388 When the Ome is Ripe 19
888 looked blankly at the high-ranking main god, opened and closed his mouth, closed and opened again, wanted to ask but couldn't speak, and didn't even know what to ask.

The Lord God's words really stunned him.

Seeing his changing expression, the Lord God couldn't help laughing, "You want to ask why you are so tolerant to them?"

888 nodded blankly, "This is no longer tolerance, is it indulgence?"

The Lord God smiled again, she stood up, flicked her finger lightly in the air, and a painting appeared in mid-air while the streamer flickered.

On the picture scroll, a man in white clothes and red eyes looked over slowly while holding a section of whip. Although he didn't intend to kill, it was inexplicably frightening.

888 held his breath, subconsciously took a step back and turned his face away, not daring to meet his gaze.

But soon he realized that he turned his head abruptly, "This is...Jiang Lusheng?"

The Lord God nodded and put away the scroll, "Because you are a secondary system, there are many things you don't have permission to know, but today's matter is extraordinary, so it's okay to tell you."

"The ancient gods and demons gradually fell with the change of the times, and their souls were scattered. They waited for a suitable time to wake up, start over, or just fell asleep like this. Therefore, in the temple, the position of gods and demons was vacant, and only the main god was left. Go down to keep the world running, but each generation of the main god has to go down to the world to experience, accumulate luck, and work hard to secure this position."

888 was confused when he heard it, "No wonder the main god is not in the temple most of the time."

The main god smiled: "Because we are also very busy. The main system was born at this time. When the main god is not around, it can guarantee the order of the three thousand worlds, and it can fill in the loopholes in time. This has been the case for thousands of years, but there is one person who compares Special, he is not in our order, and has even become part of the way of heaven."

888 suddenly: "Jiang Lusheng?"

"That's right, if it is simply divided by gods and demons, he should be regarded as a demon god."


Is there still such a place?Is that a demon or a god?
As if hearing his inner voice, the Lord God firmly said: "It is God."

"Ah? Why?" 888 was puzzled.

The Lord God sighed and sat back on his seat, "He was born when the world was in chaos, at the junction of yin and yang, where good and evil blend together, so he was born able to absorb all kinds of evil thoughts for cultivation, and after these things entered his body It will be transformed into pure spiritual power and released, so he is both a demon and a god, but in essence he is a god, a unique and indispensable god.”

888 didn't expect Jiang Lusheng to be so powerful, so he asked a silly question: "Then is he more powerful than the main god?"

The main god paused and laughed, "Of course, the main god changes from generation to generation, but there is only one demon god, so no one knows how terrifying his strength is, and no one dares to touch his bad luck. He has never entered the world. He appears and disappears, his whereabouts are a mystery, but every 1000 years he will enter reincarnation, absorb the evil thoughts of the world, temper himself, and restore the clarity of the world."

"So this time his 1000-year period has come, so he will appear in the world?" 888 understood, "Is it really okay for him to fall in love with Lan Shuang? He has lived for so long, he must have seen it before." A lot of people? Have you never had a partner?"

He was still worried about Lan Shuang.

The main god shook his head: "At the realm of the demon god, beauty is just a skin to him. How could he be easily deceived by the skin? He just likes that person. If he meets it, he will meet it. If he doesn't, He won't wrong himself, so you don't have to worry too much."

"But the demon god's lifespan is endless, but Lan Shuang is just an ordinary person, who will always be born, grow old, get sick and die. What should I do then? Can't I live in the mission world all the time?"

888 finally struggled.

The Lord God came down and patted his head, and said affectionately: "Silly boy, wouldn't the Demon God think about this problem? He must have a solution after living for so many years, and the easiest thing is to practice dual cultivation."


It seems so.

"If other questers get entangled with people in the quest world, the Administration will intervene to some extent. After all, their so-called relationship may be just a drawbridge effect. When the passion fades, it is often the questers who regret it. After all, they are sober and sinking. , and people in the task world enter reincarnation and forget about it in the next life, so the rules are to protect those who are more vulnerable to injury."

The main god sighed: "But Lan Shuang and the demon god, this is a predestined fate, I can't interfere, let's see what happens in the future, now you can go back."

So 888 went back. When he came, he was so worried that he couldn't use any of the drafts. He was somewhat depressed, but when he thought that Lan Shuang was fine, he relaxed again.

Forget it, nothing else matters, as long as the final result is good.


Lan Shuang saw that 888 had no more text, and asked again: "Why can't you figure it out?"

888 opened his mouth and wanted to say Jiang Lusheng's identity, but the words fell silent. He immediately understood that this might be some kind of taboo, and he couldn't mention it in the small world, so he changed his words tactfully: "It's nothing, the administration and the main god I've said it all, I won't care about you, you can rest assured to fall in love."

The more he talked, the more depressed he became, 888 added: "Then I have to eat dog food all day long?"

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed, "Oh, Baba, you are the best. Anyway, you have traveled through several worlds, and you have not eaten less dog food. You should get used to it."

888: "Does anyone speak?"

"Forget it, I can't control you, whatever you want." 888 lay flat in the space, with his hands clasped together on his chest, his posture was very serene.

Lan Shuang smiled and leaned on Mu Yan's shoulder, and Mu Yan stroked her hair, "What are you laughing at? So happy?"

Lan Shuang told Mu Yan about 888, and Mu Yan curled his lips, "They won't care, as I expected, it's just to make you feel at ease now, don't look at me with that kind of look in the future .”

Lan Shuang straightened up and asked puzzledly, "What kind of eyes did I use to look at you?"

Mu Yan's expression was gentle, his fingertips lightly brushed her eyelids and finally touched her eyelashes, "It seems that I will lose my sad eyes in the next moment."

"Ah? Do you have it? Don't spread rumors!" Lan Shuang touched her eyes, thinking about it uncertainly, did she have it?no?
Mu Yan turned his face and touched her lips, and pressed his forehead against hers, and said in a low voice: "Yes, you can't see it yourself, but every time you say you like me, you have a little bit of it The determination and nostalgia without hesitation, you were worried that I couldn't be with you all the time, and you didn't know how long we could go, so every time it was the last time, right?"

Lan Shuang's heart skipped a beat, her nose felt sore for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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