Chapter 389 When the Ome is Ripe 20
Lan Shuang felt a little itchy on her face, as if something had flowed down, as soon as she moved, Mu Yan pinned the back of her head, he raised his head, and gently held the teardrop, it was a little salty and a little bitter.

"You don't have to worry anymore, we still have many, many lives, we will live together for a long time, we will love each other forever, until the way of heaven collapses, the gods fall, you and I are smashed to pieces, unconscious, from life to death, love It’s no regrets.”

Lan Shuang suddenly opened her arms and hugged him, "Okay."

888 glanced at the screen, closed his eyes with tears in his eyes, "Whoa, why is there a knife in the dog food?"


888 is back, Lan Shuang's condition is getting better and better, she gets up early to exercise every day, then eats with Mu Yan, goes out together, Mu Yan sends her to school and then drives to the company, picks her up after school at night, goes shopping together, and cooks at home Meals and meals, one to deal with work, one to do homework, and it's tutoring time in the evening. When you are tired from studying, you can exercise and take a break.

Although such a day is busy, it makes people feel extremely fulfilled.

Finally, on a crisp autumn day, Lan Shuang ushered in her first exam after transmigrating into this world—the midterm exam.

A very important exam that requires a high score even if you risk your life.

What she bears is not only her own face, but also that of Lao Tie, she must not let that old demon man next door succeed!
Lan Shuang enters the second class with arrogance, and everyone takes turns to cheer her on. In a trance, Lan Shuang even feels that she is not going to take the exam, but to go to the Olympic Games to win glory for the country.

Qin Zhou slapped her on the shoulder, slapping her awake.

"Xiaolan, I am optimistic about you, come on, this time it won't work, we have another time, it's no big deal, don't be nervous."

Lan Shuang took a deep breath, smiled and waved at them: "Don't worry, I will not disappoint everyone's expectations."

She turned around and walked towards her examination room with her schoolbag on her back.

The exam room for the mid-term exam is arranged according to the results of the last monthly exam, from the first class to the lowest, Lan Shuang's exam room is the last one, class 21.

Before entering the door, she heard loud "plotting" inside for a while how to copy the answer.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Please speak louder, the teachers in the next office can hear you.

888 Tut Tut: "A high school student full of energy, but why do some of them sound familiar?"

Lan Shuang also felt that she walked in curiously to take a look, and immediately saw a few familiar hair colors in the last few rows.

Those people were getting together for a while to pass the answer on how to cheat, when they suddenly met Lan Shuang's eyes, they all shut their mouths.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Before she could react, those people immediately dispersed with strange expressions, returned to their seats and sat down, lowered their heads, pretending nothing happened.

Lan Shuang: "...What's going on with these people?"

888 was also stunned, and then looked up the information, "Ah... Mu Yan blocked them in the alley and beat them up a while ago, as if he had planted a contract on them, scaring them badly, so they I dare not have any bad thoughts about you, let alone provoke you."

Lan Shuang was at a loss: "When did it happen? Mu Yan didn't even mention it."

As she recalled her position, she really couldn't remember it.

888: "It was the morning after you came back from the police station, didn't he send you to school? Then he heard these people discussing how to take revenge on you at the entrance of the alley, and then he taught them a lesson."

"So that's how it is." Lan Shuang understood, and couldn't help but smile: "It is indeed his style to do good deeds without leaving a name."


Refuse dog food.

After Lan Shuang sat down, she glanced at the front, back, left, and right sides. Well, they were all familiar faces. The few people sitting firmly at the bottom of the table were more open-minded, and they didn't bother to cheat at all, because cheating was useless. Come in and sleep on your stomach, or stare at something in a daze.

As soon as the invigilator came in and saw this scene, he couldn't help but patted the table: "Get up, you're going to sleep before the exam, why? Are you going to do the questions in your dream?"

The female teacher looked very stern, and the people present didn't dare to provoke her, so they sat up straight slowly and didn't speak again. After waiting for a while, the second invigilator hurried in with the paper, "Mr. Liu, can you Curls."

Hearing this voice, Lan Shuang looked up, and met the old demon man's eyes.

Lan Shuang: "..."

It's really a narrow road.

The old demon man snorted coldly when he saw her, and then stood on the podium and said: "This is the last exam room, you should all know your own level, don't think about cheating, even if you get those extra points, what's the use?" How far can you go? The teacher is not a fool, don't you know what you are doing?"

What he said was full of gunpowder, and everyone present was stunned.

Zhou Yihe scoffed at Lan Shuang's right back: "You idiot teacher."

Han Yiran next to him folded his arms and glared at the old demon man, "This teacher is very annoying, notoriously disgusting."

"He invigilates the exam, we don't have to think about it, it's useless."

Zhou Yihe gave up, let the front desk put down the paper, and resigned himself to his fate, and began to write his name.

Lan Shuang didn't intend to get entangled with the old demon man. After getting the paper, she immediately wrote the name and answer sheet, and then started to read the paper.

But the old demon man didn't intend to let her go. Standing on the podium, he stretched his neck and said pointedly: "The bell hasn't rang yet, some people should not answer the questions in advance."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She put down the pen after filling in the name, and glanced at the old demon man.

The old demon man stepped off the podium and began to walk back and forth in the aisle, and when he saw suspicious things, he picked them up and checked them. When he arrived at Lan Shuang's place, he even took off the rubber packaging and checked it, which attracted everyone's attention.

The female teacher frowned, and couldn't stand it anymore, "Mr. Zhang, ring the bell right away."


The old demon man glanced at Lan Shuang, and emphasized: "Don't cheat, the teacher can see clearly from above, poor grades are nothing, but if you are caught cheating, you have to record it."

Lan Shuang suppressed the fire and raised her hand. The female teacher looked at her: "This classmate, what's the matter?"

Lan Shuang asked with a natural attitude: "Teacher, if the invigilator disturbs the student's exam, can I apply for him to leave?"

The female teacher was stunned for a moment, then looked at Teacher Zhang's face, and said with a smile: "If it really disturbs you, you can politely refuse."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Lan Shuang put down her hands, Teacher Zhang's face was livid, and she was about to say a few more words when the exam bell rang.

The female teacher immediately grabbed the words: "Okay, the exam is about to start, everyone hurry up to do the questions, review the questions carefully, don't choose randomly, one extra point is one point."

Teacher Zhang closed his mouth unwillingly, and gave Lan Shuang a vicious look.

(End of this chapter)

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