Chapter 390 When the Ome is Ripe 21
Soon the classroom became quiet, only the sound of sparse pens scratching across the paper could be heard.

Lan Shuang answered the question wholeheartedly, without giving the old demon man a look.

She herself has the foundation of the previous world. Although she has almost forgotten it, as long as she studies hard, it is not difficult to pick it up. During this period of time, with the help of Mu Yan, she has consolidated the foundation, and some problems can be solved with a little time come out.

So when 99% of the people in this examination room stopped writing and started to play with themselves, she was still writing hard, looking out of place with her surroundings.

At first, no one noticed her, but soon those who were idle and glancing around had their eyes on her.

Boy A: I'll go, write so much?will she?
Boy B: Written indiscriminately, right?They are all the last ones in the examination room. What is everyone's level? Who doesn't know who?

Girl A: How do you know that they haven't made any progress recently?What if people really do?
Girl B: I don't care about this, I just want to know if you can copy a few sentences for me?

The female teacher noticed the commotion below, and coughed lightly: "What are you doing? If you don't know how to write, just leave it alone. Don't disturb others. Why are you flirting?"


They looked back awkwardly. Zhou Yihe was behind Lan Shuang. Seeing her writing fast and profusely, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. This person is really unpredictable.

Lan Shuang felt the eyes of her surroundings, but she didn't care, she just looked at it and didn't delay her answering the questions. She didn't take the exam for a long time, and she was afraid of running out of time.

The female teacher stood on the podium, looked at her, and nodded in relief.

But the old demon man couldn't sit still anymore, he got up and walked along the aisle, in order not to be so targeted at Lan Shuang, he finally walked to Lan Shuang's side, and then stopped moving.

Lan Shuang was writing the composition, looked at the topic, thought about how to write it better, and ignored it.

However, the old Yaonan stood there and didn’t leave. He looked at it for a while and sneered: “I’ve written quite a lot, but I don’t know how many points I can get. I can write more words in the composition. For the sake of you having too many words, the marking teacher will also give you some sympathy points."

Lan Shuang: "..."

The people around were already idle and bored, but now they saw that there was something exciting to watch, and they all pricked up their ears.

The female teacher frowned and said disapprovingly, "Ms. Zhang..."

Lan Shuang raised her head and looked at him expressionlessly, "Mr. Zhang, are you disturbing the students' exams? I can ask you to leave in the college entrance examination room."

Teacher Zhang pulled his lips: "So sensitive? Let me see, am I wrong? Is it bad for you to get two more points?"

Lan Shuang smiled suddenly, "It's pretty good. After all, I entered the top three hundred, so you have to apologize in public. Have you thought about what to say, Mr. Zhang? I'm looking forward to it."


Teacher Zhang's face changed suddenly, pointing at Lan Shuang and wanting to scold, the female teacher came over and pulled Teacher Zhang away, "Mr. Zhang, if you do this again, I can only apply for a replacement with the director."

In the end, he was still worried about affecting himself. Teacher Zhang snorted embarrassingly, and turned back to sit on the podium, but his eyes were not idle while sitting, and he kept staring at Lan Shuang's direction.

The female teacher wanted to say a few words about him, but she was afraid of affecting other people. Thinking about her shutting up, she was determined to find the director to replace her.


Lan Shuang finished writing the last word, just when the winding bell rang.

"Okay, it's time, put down the pen, whoever still writes will be regarded as a violation, and the test paper will be invalid!" Teacher Zhang stood up and yelled.

Lan Shuang put down her pen and leaned back on the chair, looking at him.

888 said disdainfully: "This person really has no manners at all. He's a big man and a teacher. Why does he owe him so much?"

Lan Shuang said quietly: "A scum is a scum, and it will not change because of his occupation. Occupation is sacred, but people are not."

888 deeply agrees: "You are right, he is that mouse dropping."

During the break between classes, Lan Shuang seized the time to go to the bathroom, and when she came back, she took out the formula book and looked at it for a while.

The invigilator of the exam has changed directly.

The female teacher came in talking and laughing with another young male teacher.

The students in the classroom were stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Why did you change suddenly? Isn't it every half a day?"

"Who knows, I can change whoever I like, anyway, I don't know how to do it."

"That old demon man sits there, I'm terrified. It's more pleasing to look at another one."

Lan Shuang listened to the whispers of the students and nodded in agreement.

The female teacher patted the table: "Ring the bell, don't talk. Teacher Zhang was temporarily replaced because of something, but it has nothing to do with you. You take the exam well, and the test papers will be distributed later."

Without the harassment from the old demon man, Lan Shuang went well in the next few exams. After two days, Lan Shuang relaxed.

When I returned to the second class, I felt like a world away.

She stood at the door and was about to go in when Qin Zhou rushed over and hugged her: "How is it? How did you do in the exam?"

Lan Shuang patted her on the back: "It's not bad, I don't think this question is too difficult."

"Indeed, the questions this time are considered to be above-average difficulty, and easier than the last monthly exam. Everyone's grades should not be too bad."

Qin Zhou let go of her, and stuffed a cup of milk tea into her hand, "Since the exam is over, don't think so much, just relax, it's been hard work recently, drink something sweet as encouragement."

Lan Shuang looked at it with a smile. It was the milk green she liked to drink, and the label said room temperature and sugar-free.

It can be said that he is very careful.

The soul of the playwright suddenly ignited, Lan Shuang lifted the orchid flower and pointed to her shoulder and asked, "Does everyone have this milk tea, or is it just for me?"

Cui Hao passed by biting the straw, and suddenly covered his mouth artificially, "Hee hee, of course everyone has it, it's not that everyone picks what's left, why would I give it to you?"

The sports committee member laughed and laughed, "Squad leader, you are so flirtatious."

Qin Zhou and Lan Shuang also laughed, "Enough," Qin Zhou patted Cui Hao's head and said, "I don't want to spit it out for me."

Cui Hao ran away in a hurry.

Qin Zhou cleared his throat, "Of course everyone has a share, but yours is the most special."

Lan Shuang's eyes lit up: "Oh? What's so special?"

Qin Zhou pointed to the label and said, "Everyone is full sugar, but you are sugar-free."

Lan Shuang: "..."

thank you.


When no one was paying attention, Qin Zhou quietly walked to the next door, and saw Gu Bo standing by the window at the end of the corridor, looking at something.

She walked over lightly, but before she could speak, Gu Bo suddenly turned around.

Qin Zhou retreated subconsciously, Gu Bo smiled: "Afraid of me?"

"Hey, who is afraid of you, don't put gold on your face."

Gu Bo nodded noncommittally, moved his eyes down, and landed on the milk tea in her hand, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, "For me?"

(End of this chapter)

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