Chapter 392 When the Ome is Ripe 23
"Boom boom boom——"

There was a knock on the door, and the teaching director, Lao Zhu, shouted from inside: "Please come in."

Lan Shuang and Qin Zhou looked at each other, feeling something was wrong for some reason, she opened the door and walked in, took a look first, there were not many people in the office, only three, the teaching director, Lao Tie and Lao Yaonan.

The dean sat at the head of the long table, and Lao Tie and Mr. Zhang sat on both sides, both of whom had unsightly expressions, and the atmosphere was very strange.

The teaching director was stunned when he saw Qin Zhou who was following Lan Shuang, and his tone softened, "Qin Zhou, why are you here?"

Qin Zhou said neither humble nor overbearing: "I heard that the grades are out, so I accompanied Lan Shuang to take a look. Director, is there any problem? Why are your faces so dignified?"

Lao Zhu pursed his lips and glanced at Lan Shuang, thinking about how to speak.

Old Tie's face softened, "You two don't stand at the door as punishment, sit down and talk."

"Thank you, teacher."

Lan Shuang and Qin Zhou sat down at the end, and Lao Zhu cleared his throat and said, "That's right, the results of the mid-term exam have come out, Lan Shuang's grades have indeed improved a lot, and it can even be said that they have improved by leaps and bounds." .”

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, not very surprised, "Teacher, how many places do I rank?"

From the bottom of his heart, he couldn't believe that Lan Shuang got to this point by himself, so he forced himself to watch all the monitoring until Lan Shuang bent down in the screen, and Teacher Zhang immediately regained his spirit: "It's here—— "

"Okay, since you agree, let's call the surveillance to see, Lan Shuang, don't worry, if you are innocent, the teacher will definitely not let you suffer this grievance for nothing."

These words were like a basin of cold water poured down her head, Qin Zhou's heart suddenly turned cold, and she looked at Teacher Zhang coldly, "Have you considered the consequences before speaking? You are a teacher, so you are not afraid of retribution for speaking like this?"

"Hmph, do you dare to say that she didn't cheat? How could she get so many points without cheating?" Teacher Zhang patted the table and stood up, firmly said: "I have been teaching for so many years and I have never seen a student who can go from the bottom to the top in a month. The second is to reach a positive number of 230! I don’t believe it, I request to call the examination room monitoring!”

Lao Tie has always been kind to others, and he is famous for his good temper. It was the first time I saw the director blushing, afraid that they would fight, the director quickly persuaded: "Okay, all of you, calm down and calm down. What about the face of the students, are you still shameless?"

"What did you say?"

After finishing one subject, Lao Tie turned his head to look at Teacher Zhang beside him, and asked coldly, "What else do you have to say?"

"Oh, that means you have no evidence, if you accuse me of cheating without evidence, I can sue you for spreading rumors and slander, teacher."

Qin Zhou's eyes widened: "Really?"

Teacher Zhang shrugged indifferently, with an angry expression on his face.

He clicked the mouse, and the screen was frozen. He pointed to the screen and asked Lan Shuang loudly: "What are you looking down at?"

The old man couldn't stand it anymore, he also stood up, rolled up his sleeves and said angrily: "Why do you want a person who didn't cheat to prove that he didn't cheat? You're just messing around, right?"


"Who is the first to be shameless?"

Qin Zhou wanted to say something else, but Lan Shuang grabbed her, stood up and asked calmly, "You said I cheated, do you have evidence?"

Teacher Zhang felt harsh when she heard this, and snorted coldly, crossing her arms and said, "Why are you happy? Who knows if her grades are real?"

"All right."

Soon the surveillance was switched out, several people sat on the screen and watched intently, the video was turned on at double speed, starting from entering the examination room, Lan Shuang did not look back from the beginning to the end, did not look to the side, at most occasionally looked up at the podium on the clock.


She turned around and hugged Lan Shuang, and said happily: "I knew you could do it, Xiao Lan, you are so proud of our class!"

Teacher Zhang snorted: "This is only one subject, why are you in a hurry? Let's have a look again."

The old iron said happily: "230, compared with the expected [-], it has advanced by nearly [-]!"

Lao Tie glared at Mr. Zhang viciously.

As soon as these words came out, the three teachers present were stunned for a moment. Seeing that she was so confident, Lao Zhu couldn't help but feel at ease in favor of her, and became more and more annoyed by Teacher Zhang's aggressive behavior.

Qin Zhou's fists were clenched, and Lan Shuang had no doubts that if she hadn't stopped her, she might have rushed over to punch the old Yaonan before Lao Tie.


Teacher Zhang sneered: "Evidence? Just adjust the monitoring and there will be."

Lan Shuang suddenly said: "If you want to check the monitoring, then check it. I have a clear conscience and candid. If the teacher doesn't believe it, you can ask the invigilator or the students in the same examination room to see if I cheated. "

Lan Shuang's voice was neither high nor low, but it was as if Mr. Zhang had been slapped across the air, and his face turned black, "A dead duck with a hard mouth, you say I slander, then you show evidence to prove that you didn't cheat."

Teacher Zhang pulled his lips: "Don't you dare? Are you guilty? In order to win me, you even used such indecent tricks. It's really eye-opening."

The sound was so loud that it almost lifted the roof of the monitoring room.

Lan Shuang glanced at him lightly: "Mr. Zhang, the pen of the classmate behind me fell to his feet. I picked it up for him. Is there any problem?"

As she spoke, she snatched the mouse to slow down the second half, and saw the person in the screen bent down to pick up a black gel pen, and put it back without even looking.

Teacher Zhang:"……"

(End of this chapter)

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