Chapter 393 When the Ome is Ripe 24
The director's face also turned green, and he turned to look at him, "Mr. Zhang, do you have anything else to say? The monitoring is already obvious. Lan Shuang didn't cheat, and even the sitting posture during the exam was very standard, and she didn't look around during the whole process. It can be seen that she wrote very seriously, which can already prove her innocence."

Teacher Zhang gritted her teeth, her complexion kept changing, and she said unrelentingly: "Cheating doesn't just have to happen in the exam room, it might be that the exam papers were leaked in advance, and she got the answer? Yes, it's very possible!"

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, then rolled her eyes.

"Mr. Zhang! Did you hit your head when you went out?" The director stood up with a loud shout, and angrily said: "This time the test papers were issued by our school's teachers. test paper, you say that, do you think Lan Shuang and I colluded to cheat?"

This kind of assignment is to prevent cheating. Teacher Zhang said a word for a while, and this sentence directly dragged all the teachers into the water.

After being yelled at by the director, Teacher Zhang also came back to his senses, and realized that he had said something wrong, he gritted his teeth, "I didn't mean that, Director..."

"Okay, shut up!" The director impatiently led them back to the office.

Qin Zhou and Lan Shuang followed behind, and when they passed through the corridor, they attracted the attention of many people.

The students watched and whispered, but Lan Shuang ignored them.

After entering the office, the director sat down on the swivel chair and said in a cold voice: "The truth is already obvious. Lan Shuang did not cheat, her grades are true, and she has made great progress. But Mr. Zhang, you questioned him without knowing the truth. You have made such a big fuss, you should immediately apologize to Lan Shuang."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the horn was quiet for a moment, then suddenly it rang again, but this time the sound was changed.

When Lao Tie came in, he thought that this group of children would lift the roof off, but he didn't expect that their class was the quietest in the whole corridor.

Who knows how long has it been since she had a good night's sleep in order to fight for this breath?There has never been an easy success. Today's success is achieved through countless nights of starry nights, but it is worth it.


Lao Tie also echoed: "That's right, Teacher Zhang himself agreed to this matter, Director, this is a personal grievance."


The class teachers sat in the office and raised their heads.

The director smiled embarrassingly, a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

"Oh oh oh, good."

"As a teacher, I will also deeply reflect on my words and deeds, and try not to make such a mistake again."

Lan Shuang sat on the seat and listened to Teacher Zhang's reluctance to read: "Now, I will fulfill my promise and apologize to Lan Shuang. My words and deeds hurt Lan Shuang. It was my fault. Sorry, Lan Shuang please forgive me."

When everyone quieted down, Cui Hao blushed and asked excitedly, "What's wrong?"

The students asked impatiently: "What are you doing? No one is allowed to sleep at noon, crazy."

At this time, the students in the second class didn't know about Lan Shuang's grades, and the teachers were waiting to see the show, so the report card was kept on hold, waiting for this moment, and now the effect has been achieved, and everyone seemed to be celebrating the New Year with joy.

Now as soon as the tight strings are loosened, exhaustion surges up overwhelmingly.

"Wait a minute—" Lao Tie snorted, "Apologizing here? He spread the story of Lan Shuang's cheating everywhere. Now the teachers in the whole grade probably know about it, and it will spread soon. What's wrong with Lan Shuang? It caused a very bad influence, so just expose it lightly?"

He walked in suspiciously, and when he looked up, he found the separate seat. Seeing Lan Shuang lying on his stomach, he asked the classmate in front of him in a low voice. After knowing that she was sleeping and not crying, Lao Tie was relieved and put the grade Single down.

She lay down on the table and closed her eyes, and fell asleep in a short while.

Thinking of this, he squeezed his hands unwillingly, "Okay, isn't it just an apology? Just do it."

Lan Shuang leaned on the back of the chair, exhaled a long breath, and pinched the space between her eyebrows.

"Xiao Baba, how is it? Is this slap loud?"

But so what?
After all, he apologized and lost all face.

Immediately, everyone became excited, stood up and cheered: "Win! We won!"

The students in the second class cheered excitedly for a while, but Qin Zhou suddenly hissed.

Seeing that he wanted to make a big deal into a small one, Lan Shuang also smiled: "Director, let's not talk about today's matter. We made a bet with Mr. Zhang before. He said that if I enter the top [-] in the midterm exam , just apologize to me for his inappropriate remarks in public, this is what he said himself, how can we just let it go?"

Asking the teacher to apologize to the students in public is a bit ugly, and it is shameful to spread the truth, but this teacher Zhang did something wrong, and all these things were done by his bad mouth.

The students in the second class were stunned for a moment, and it was Cui Hao who was the first to react, "The old demon man apologized! I'll go!"

The director gritted his teeth, looked at Qin Zhou who was standing aside, and made up his mind, "Since this is the case, then I don't care, Mr. Zhang, you should solve the evil you have done yourself."

888 leaned forward and back with a smile: "Hahahahaha——loud, too loud, let him be mean!"

His words implied a warning, and Teacher Zhang froze when he heard it.

When he walked to the door, he paused and looked up. It was the second class.

Lan Shuang didn't have much expression on her face, but she was very happy in her heart.

The director paused, "This..."

"Xiao Lan, you are too powerful!"

His tone was flat, with no ups and downs, and he couldn't even hear the slightest bit of guilt or sincerity. Everyone could sense his perfunctory.

Cui Hao made a zip gesture with his mouth, turned around and pressed his hand at everyone, and the students immediately returned to their seats and calmed down.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Ming, the head teacher of Class [-], Grade [-]. I'm sorry to take up your lunch break, but I made a bet with the head teacher of Class [-] before, saying that as long as Lan Shuang of their class gets in the top [-] in the midterm exam, I will apologize to her in public."

During the lunch break in the afternoon, everyone returned to their class and was about to take a nap, when the horn in the class suddenly rang twice: "Woohoo—hello? Hello? Can you hear me?"


Under the gaze of several pairs of eyes, Teacher Zhang knew that he couldn't hide. If he didn't apologize, he still wouldn't be able to get along in this school.

Qin Zhou pointed to the little head buried in the crook of his arm behind him, and said in a breathy voice: "I'm asleep, everyone, keep your voice down."

Everyone passed around curiously, and they didn't care about their own grades. The first reaction was to look at Lan Shuang's ranking.

The old iron couldn't laugh or cry.

Soon, the school's post bar exploded, and everyone was discussing this strange thing.

The teacher broadcast an apology, this is the first time ever.

(End of this chapter)

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