Chapter 394 When the Ome is Ripe 25
A post on Tieba rushed up in a short time, and the comments and replies covered more than 1000 layers!
【Shock!The hottest melon of the year! 】

Landlord: [I won’t say much, let’s see the picture for yourself, I’m Rui Sibai! 】

There are two pictures in total, one is Lan Shuang's previous ranking, and the other is the ranking of the midterm exam results. The contrast is sharp when put together.

Then the first floor is the host again, 【The latest development, the third class of old demon men apologized on the radio! ! !Hahahahaha, I won't say who is happy, brothers, I will kneel down first! 】

The students who had just finished listening to the broadcast had nowhere to vent their enthusiasm, and when they saw this post, they immediately rushed in.

2l: [Don't say anything, Lan Shuang will be my father from now on! 】

3l: [The heroine of Shuangwen of the year is born!As a student in the third class who was tortured by the old demon man, I want to kneel on one knee, put my fist on my chest, and shout: Lan Shuang!You - are my God! 】

4l: [Everyone calm down, I think this is really magical. Lan Shuang's scumbag has counterattacked to this point, not to mention against the sky, it hasn't happened in the past dozens of sessions, and Zhang Ming is a class teacher anyway. How could you apologize so easily?Is there something else behind this? 】

5l: [Have you read too many mystery novels upstairs?You are all conspiracy theories, it would be more embarrassing if he doesn't apologize, okay?Now that things are up to now, he deserves his innocence, whoever sympathizes with him, I will laugh at him for the rest of his life, this idiot should have been dealt with long ago]


Listening to him, Lan Shuang made a gesture with her hand: "How much is a small sum?"

"Okay then, you decide the place, and then tell the group." Qin Zhou turned around.

Mu Yan raised his hand and pressed down one by one.

This matter is settled.

When Lan Shuang got enough sleep, 888 clapped her hands excitedly: "Congratulations to the host, the female partner's resentment value has been reduced by [-]! There are still [-] left, keep up the good work!"

Lan Shuang leaned against him, and lightly bumped him with her shoulder, "Brother developed? So generous?"

Lan Shuang broke her little thoughts with a single word, "Don't worry, my family's situation is much better now, not to mention being rich, at least it has returned to normal levels, it won't cost much to invite everyone to have a barbecue and sing a song."

Lan Shuang leaned on the back of the chair in a daze for a while before she came back to her senses, stretched her waist, stood up and moved around a bit, "Okay, does this mean that everyone's impression of me has improved now?"

"Well, it's almost 15. In fact, it wasn't that high. It just happened to be a big company that saw the potential and invested some money in it. After reading the market feedback, they intend to recruit me. I refused, but I agreed to cooperate with them on a New software."

Lan Shuang's sleeping time became the center of discussion among the whole school, and many people changed their views on her.

After Qin Zhou finished speaking, he shook his head: "No, you must come, this is your celebration banquet, how can you be absent?"

Lan Shuang thought for a while and said, "Since it's my celebration banquet, how can I make you spend money, I'll invite you."

"So you can keep this card and spend it. I won't need the money for the time being. My mother has already raised funds. The new company is running. It has opened up overseas markets and will come back soon."

Qin Zhou couldn't help laughing and said: "Besides, the study was too hard a while ago, and everyone planned to go out to relax, so I decided to invite everyone to eat barbecue and sing together."

This time on Saturday happened to be lunch time, and everyone was free, even if there was a cram school, they would postpone it. Lan Shuang, who really couldn't come, said that she would buy milk tea for everyone another day.

"When have I not been generous to you?" Mu Yan ruffled her hair dumbfoundingly, and said with a smile: "The software I developed was officially launched on the application market, and the response was very good, and I made a small amount of money. Not much, but word of mouth and the market have opened up, and the subsequent software will sell better."

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "The celebration banquet?"

These words were spoken to Mu Yan, and also to the original owner.

In her previous life, if she had been able to persevere, she would not have ended her life before the light came.

The discussion was still frenzied, and many people also questioned Lan Shuang's grades. Qin Zhou immediately retorted, "The grades have been confirmed by the teachers of each subject and the dean. It's absolutely true. You can't do it yourself." On behalf of others, Lan Shuang's grades were very good before she transferred to another school. If you don't believe me, go check it yourself, oh yes, let me tell you a joke, the old demon man also questioned it like this, and made a lot of trouble to check the monitoring, and finally got slapped in the face]

When Lan Shuang and Mu Yan talked about it when they got home, Mu Yan was also very supportive, and directly gave her his card: "The password is your birthday in this life, spend it as you like."

As soon as this floor came out, many people said that they saw Lan Shuang enter the office in the morning, and they also saw them go to the monitoring room, so they can testify.

Qin Zhou: "...Really?"

Lan Shuang was surprised: "One hundred thousand?"

Lan Shuang sighed and hugged Mu Yan back, "Everything will be fine."

However, the warmth lasted only a minute, and Mu Yan suddenly pinched her waist, "You seem to have lost a lot of weight. I couldn't hold you in the past, but now I can."

After choosing the location, she asked in the QQ group: "Do you have time on Saturday? Like three or four in the afternoon."

"Yeah, everyone is very happy. The average score of our second class has also come out this time, which is a lot lower than that of the third class. Hahahaha, the old iron walks with wind."

Mu Yan hugged Lan Shuang's shoulders, and said with emotion: "Our hard days are over."

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand?" Lan Shuang continued to count, and when she counted to five digits, Mu Yan smiled, raised her finger up again, and then shook it.

Lan Shuang nodded: "Amazing, brother."

"En." Lan Shuang opened the map and looked at it for a while. There is a barbecue restaurant with a good reputation two streets away from the school, and the price is also reasonable. There is a KTV not far from the opposite side, which is just right.

She looked at Lan Shuang suspiciously.

Lan Shuang nodded: "Of course it is true."

"Yes, most people used to treat you as a joke, but now it has changed a lot, so the original owner feels very happy."

So far, those voices of doubt have been completely suppressed.

Lan Shuang's eyes couldn't help but heat up, she froze for a moment, and then realized that this was the emotion of the original owner.

After she sat down, Qin Zhou turned around and asked in a low voice, "I plan to invite everyone out to celebrate this weekend, are you coming?"

Seeing how sincere she was, everyone became closer to her.

Lan Shuang said with a smile: "I will be happier in the future, we still have a bright future."

Qin Zhou frowned: "You still have to distinguish between me so clearly?"

Everyone was so excited at noon that they didn't fall asleep. As soon as there was news on QQ, they immediately came out to bubble up.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She pushed Mu Yan away, snorted coldly and went into the room to pick out the clothes to wear on Saturday.


This week, Lan Shuang has attracted much attention in school, and people look at her everywhere she goes, but this time it is not the kind of look of disgust and disgust, but more of curiosity and admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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