Chapter 395 When the Ome is Ripe 26
On Saturday afternoon, Mu Yan spared no time to drive Lan Shuang to the barbecue restaurant to meet his classmates.

Everyone has a holiday on Saturday, and the business of the barbecue restaurant has improved a lot. Looking through the transparent window, it is full of people and there are almost no empty tables.

After parking the car, Mu Yan asked, "Have you booked a box in advance?"

"It's booked." Lan Shuang waved her mobile phone in front of his eyes, then unbuckled her seat belt and said, "Then I'm leaving."

Mu Yan nodded: "Call me when it's almost over, and I'll pick you up."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang opened the door of the car and went out. Just in time, a few people got off from the car in front of her. After a face-to-face meeting, she found out that it was the squad leader and the sports committee.

"Good afternoon."

Lan Shuang greeted them and walked over, Cui Hao quickly raised his hand: "Wait a minute!"

Lan Shuang: "???"

Many passers-by looked this way.

The few people coming up the stairs couldn't help but pause when they heard this, "Old demon man?"

"Hey, do you want a drink?"

Lan Shuang is wearing a loose black shirt today, without any extra decorations, but the details are carefully tailored, so that it doesn't look bloated and even covers her flesh.

Do you think I believe your nonsense?

While talking, a black car stopped at the door, and Qin Zhou got off from it. Seeing everyone standing here, he raised his eyebrows curiously: "What are you doing? Interrogation?"


As soon as the voice fell, the tense atmosphere instantly filled up.

Lan Shuang smiled meaningfully: "Who knows, maybe he was scared by the police uncle's education, did he really regret it?"

She let go of her hands and looked up and down, and said in surprise, "Xiao Lan, you've lost a lot of weight."

The boxes in this store have no doors, they are all separated by half curtains, probably to create a lively atmosphere for eating barbecue, so everyone talking inside and outside can be heard.

Lan Shuang said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, after finally coming out once, everyone will definitely be satisfied."

Qin Zhou wiped his hands and replied: 【What are you doing at a barbecue restaurant? 】

"It's not that exaggerated, it's thin." Lan Shuang smiled and tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "It's still XXL."

Cui Hao asked at the table, everyone looked at Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang thought about it and said: "Everyone is underage, drink less, one dozen per table, you can order what kind of juice you like."

Huddle together and start ordering lively.

The old demon man has been competing with the second class. Most of the students in the second class are dissatisfied with him and can't do anything about him. This time he really let out a bad breath, and everyone's emotions were instantly ignited.

Gu Bo: [Send a location]

She is wearing a college-style shirt and a small suit today, and a blue skirt underneath. She looks very youthful and energetic. When you get closer, you can see that she has put on light makeup, and she is as bright as a street model.

The trousers on the lower body also just cover the lines of her legs. The whole person's legs look very long and straight, and the visual effect is full, so she naturally looks thinner.

She stopped in doubt, looked at the squad leader and then at those few people, and found that the other party also looked blank, and looked at her a little strangely.

Cui Hao frowned and looked at her seriously, then asked the people around him, "Old man, do you feel that Xiaolan is different today?"

Lan Shuang saw that she was an acquaintance, and smiled: "Why, you guys are coming to eat barbecue too? Do you want to set up a table? Or are you here to overturn the table?"

In the chaos, Qin Zhou's cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was a message from Gu Bo.

Cui Hao and the boys stared at them closely, as if ready to roll up their sleeves at any moment.

"You'll know if you look at it."

"Everyone, don't rush to eat. Before eating, let's toast to Boss Lan. Boss Lan is very generous."

Everyone ate and chatted, laughing and laughing constantly.

Qin Zhou walked up to Lan Shuang and hooked her neck, "Huh—"

Lan Shuang glanced at herself up and down, she was wearing all right.

Then he lowered the curtain, turned his head, and left with a group of people who seemed to have seen a ghost.

The crisp sound of clinking glasses was heard, and spread to the corridor outside through a layer of curtains.

"It's fine if they don't come looking for trouble, let's eat ours, don't worry about it." Lan Shuang put a piece of chicken wing into Qin Zhou's bowl, "Eat it quickly, it will be snatched away in a while."

Cui Hao echoed: "Damn, that's what I wanted to say just now. Didn't you notice that Xiaolan has lost weight?"

After the delicious food, Qin Zhou didn't bother with Zhou Yihe and the others any more, and started eating with all his heart.

"it is good!"

Cui Hao clapped his hands, "You didn't see that?"

Cui Hao smiled and said, "Hey, where is the beauty?"

"Then I must drink this glass." Lan Shuang poured herself a glass of beer with a smile, raised her glass and said, "We are gathered here today, besides thanking everyone for your tolerance and help, there is one more thing—— Celebrate our success against the old demon man!"

Qin Zhou: "..."

Qin Zhou put down the beer bottle he had picked up, frowned and asked, "Are they sick?"

"It's not from our school, is it?"

"Then I won't be polite." Qin Zhou took the menu and said skillfully: "Our table will first order thirty skewers of beef and mutton skewers, then twenty skewers of chicken wings, grilled oysters..."

The box fell silent instantly, and everyone turned their heads to look in unison, and they met the eyes of the group at the door.

He cursed bad luck in his heart, then said with a sneer: "I don't mean that, just pass by, pass by."

Zhou Yihe and Han Yiran standing in the front: "..."

Cui Hao shook his head: "I really lost a lot of weight, and the clothes also make me look thinner, which seems to double the effect."

The sports committee member shook his head blankly, then nodded hesitantly, "It seems that something is different, but I can't tell."

"Is Xiaolan losing weight?" The other girls came over curiously and wanted to ask her how to lose weight. Lan Shuang couldn't laugh or cry: "Let's go in and talk about it. Standing on the street looks like you are going to fight."

Then Lan Shuang saw that the curtain of her box was lifted.

Everyone smiled and entered the barbecue restaurant. Lan Shuang showed the order to the waiter, who immediately led them to the big box on the second floor. This time, there were nearly thirty people, and there were two tables in the big box, boys and girls. Sit with it.

Class [-] students: "???"

Zhou Yihe: "..."

Cui Hao stood up holding a beer glass, and the people at the two tables got up one after another. The beer and juice glasses were mixed together, shining with enthusiasm under the light, and the rising bubbles were like the joyful mood of young people.

The voices of these few people were not low, and they didn't mean to hide it at all, and even carried a bit of arrogance that they were not afraid of anything.

Gu Bo: [Where is it? 】

Everyone cheered and began to study happily.

So sometimes it is unavoidable to be a little awkward, and it is easy to fight when you are owed, such as now.

The biggest advantage of barbecue is that the food is served quickly. It didn't take long for everyone to wait for the skewers to be served. The spicy and delicious taste stimulated everyone's mouth watering crazily.

"Wuhu! Cheers!"

Qin Zhou: [? 】

Gu Bo: [Poor.jpg]

Gu Bo: [No food to eat]

Qin Zhou: […]

(End of this chapter)

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