Chapter 396 When the Ome is Ripe 27
After a moment of silence, Qin Zhou still sent him a location.

Gu Bo took a look, stood on the side of the road and smiled, raised his hand to stop a taxi, and went straight there with his shoulder bag on his back.


Qin Zhou thought for a while, and felt that he had to talk to Lan Shuang about this matter. After all, she was the one who organized the dinner, so he couldn't just bring someone here.

So she approached Lan Shuang and whispered, "Xiao Lan, I have a friend... um..."

She got stuck after opening her mouth, what should I say?Said that his friend has no food, so can he bring it here?
It's too outrageous to eat and drink.

Lan Shuang saw her embarrassment, and said empathetically, "Do you want to come over? Yes, I don't need a pair of chopsticks."

Qin Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiao Lan, you are really kind."

Lan Shuang, who accepted the good person card, asked with a smile: "Which friend are you? Do I know you?"

Qin Zhou: "..."

Qin Zhou: "..."

888: "Hey, don't tell me, the names of these two people match well."

After speaking, she looked at Lan Shuang nervously, afraid that she would feel embarrassed, but Lan Shuang just looked at her with a very subtle expression, "Oh, Gu Bo, let him come."

She was silent for a moment, then whispered, "Gu Bo."

Lan Shuang's eyes swept back and forth between Gu Bo and Qin Zhou, "Tsk, what should this CP be called? Yebo Qinhuai? Or just call it Bozhou?"

She said so, and no one else had any objections, not to mention that everyone was curious about such a big boss.

Lan Shuang turned her head innocently, and glanced at Gu Bo who was eating silently, "It's nothing, I just think you are really kind to Gu Bo."

Lan Shuang pursed her lips and suppressed a smile.

She shifted her gaze in a panic, and saw Lan Shuang sneaking around.

"Xue, Xueba?"

The rest of Class [-] also looked over when they heard the sound of "Xueba". Qin Zhou got up and said, "Ah, I asked him to come, but he said he has no food."

You lovers will stuff him with dog food.

Qin Zhou: "What does your look mean?"

Lan Shuang said calmly: "I know, counterattack, but counterattack can't be done in a day, don't worry, besides, counterattack and knocking CP don't conflict, life is too boring, more adjustments will make you happy."

Gu Bo looked at the bibimbap with his eyes bent, as if it contained stars, Qin Zhou's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and he quickly let go of it.

Lan Shuang shook her head: "You're welcome, I'm looking at Qin Zhou's face."

Gu Bo: "?"

The students looked at Gu Bo suspiciously.

Gu Bo: "...I forgot the key."

Qin Zhou was shocked: "Uncle finally drove you, an unfilial son, out of the house?"

Qin Zhou: "..."

He raised his eyes to look at Qin Zhou, and said softly: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble, if you think I'm uncomfortable here, I can find another place to eat, I still have 20 yuan in cash in my pocket, it should be fine Eat a bowl of noodles, and the remaining money is not enough to take a taxi, so I should be able to take the bus."

Gu Bo: "."

The two returned to the box and sat. Qin Zhou looked at the door fifty times in 10 minutes, but she didn't realize that Lan Shuang saw it clearly from the side. While eating the mutton skewers, she said to 888: " Oh, the young couples in the ambiguous period are really the best."

Qin Zhou moved a chair beside him, let Gu Bo sit down, Gu Bo sat down obediently, and then said to Lan Shuang, "Thank you."

His white and indifferent face appeared at the door, Cui Hao: "?"

888 smiled and said: "Host, do you still remember what your mission is? Why do you still gossip?"

888 spread his hands: "All right."

Lan Shuang tried her best to put on a serious look, took two sips of juice, and diverted her attention.

Gu Bo blinked innocently at her.

Cui Hao stared at him with wide eyes: "Why are you here?"

Gu Bo's knuckles grasped the strap of his shoulder bag, his white shirt, black pants, and white flat shoes, and he stopped at the door, looking refreshed and incompatible with the atmosphere of the whole barbecue restaurant.

Gu Bo stood still at the door, nodded to Lan Shuang, and then looked at Qin Zhou.

After a moment of silence, Qin Zhou got up and walked to the door, grabbed him by the collar and pulled him over, "Master, you are so amazing, I have to ask you to move, right?"

Qin Zhou was speechless, "You don't know how to find someone?"

Gu Bo: "There is no one at home."

Gu Bo lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes, he seemed inexplicably aggrieved, "I didn't go into the house."

This face doesn't look like it has nothing to eat, does it?

Lan Shuang pursed her lips tightly and roared in her heart: "I didn't feel sorry for him and cry, I just suppressed my tears from laughing!"

Qin Zhou: "?"

Everyone watched Qin Zhou pull Gu Bo away, and admiration arose spontaneously. In the entire second year of high school, except for Lan Shuang, who was not afraid of death before, only Qin Zhou dared to do this to this Bingshan boss.

look at each other.

Lan Shuang smoothed things over and said, "There are so many of us, he is the only one missing. We are all classmates, let's play together."

Lan Shuang paused, turned around blankly, and clinked glasses with the fruit juice.

He had no interest in cracking candy before, but at this moment he suddenly got a cute spot.

Gu Bo immediately raised his head with a serious expression: "Well, she has taken good care of me since I was a child."


Qin Zhou snorted angrily: "Why don't you have anything to eat?"

"Little Baba, I haven't seen such a teasing male protagonist for a long time. This sentence is full of scheming, and it's designed to poke people's hearts."

Lan Shuang smiled and pushed her back: "It's nothing interesting, I just hit it."

Seeing Qin Zhou's complexion constantly changing, Gu Bo sighed, and wanted to say something, but Qin Zhou covered his mouth: "Shut up! You stay here honestly, don't be a monster!"

Qin Zhou: "?"

Qin Zhou wanted to say something else, but Gu Bo said in a breath, "I can't get in, I'm hungry just after class, and my phone doesn't have much battery, so I can only look for you."

After speaking, he showed Qin Zhou an aggrieved but strong smile: "I can take care of myself."

Qin Zhou: "..."

Qin Zhou smiled: "Xiaolan, what are you doing?"

Lan Shuang raised her head and slapped her eyes with her hands.

Qin Zhou took a bunch of chicken wings and put them in front of him, and took the bowl of bibimbap she had served before, and said in a vicious voice, "Eat, go back when you're full."

One person, one system eavesdropped excitedly.

Ten minutes later, the curtain of the private room was lifted again. Cui Hao, who was drinking a little bit, picked up the beer bottle and stood up, stepped on the chair with one foot, and asked very cruelly: "Aren't you finished? Why, you want to fight ?”

Lan Shuang immediately pricked up her ears, pretending to be drinking juice to eavesdrop.

888 looked at her blankly: "Host, why are you crying? He is a little pitiful, but he is not so sympathetic as to cry, right?"

Gu Bo immediately turned his head to look at Qin Zhou, and said in a more gentle voice, "Thank you."

"My childhood sweetheart, it's really good." Lan Shuang looked at Qin Zhou with a smile, and Qin Zhou bumped Gu Bo with his knee under the table, "You can't even keep your mouth shut when you eat?"

Gu Bo paused, stretched his left hand under the table, and covered Qin Zhou's knee with his whole big hand.

Qin Zhou froze: "What are you doing?"

Gu Bo's palm was slightly hot, and he just pressed against her slightly cool skin, and frowned: "You wear so little?"

(End of this chapter)

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