"Okay, it's time to—"

Cui Hao yelled, Lan Shuang regained consciousness and let go of Mu Yan, took his arm and said to the crowd with different expressions: "This is my brother, Mu Yan, our friendly sponsor for this party."

Someone went to turn on the light in the box, and the light suddenly brightened. Everyone blinked uncomfortably, and only then did they see Mu Yan's appearance clearly.

Mu Yan was wearing a thin white shirt with loose sleeves on his arms, looking very casual. He also wore a valuable watch on his wrist. His slender and straight legs were wrapped in well-cut gray suit pants. Down is a pair of brown leather shoes.

This well-fitted professional elite look doesn't match the painting style of the entire box. He pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled slightly, "Are you having a good time?"

Different from this abstinent attire, Mu Yan's lips are darker in color, like rose petals, neither thick nor thin, and look good when he smiles, and the tall nose bridge neutralizes the softness of his lips, making him look like a Sharp and refined.

Many girls stared straight at him. Isn't this the overlord in their favorite romance novels?

He doesn't have the bad temper of the overlord, he looks like an extremely gentleman.

Seeing that no one spoke, Cui Hao reluctantly came out to smooth things over, "I had a great time, thank you brother."

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, then glanced at the bottle on the table, "It's getting late, let's break up, girls don't go alone, the boys who are close will give you a ride, I'll pay for the taxi, let's go .”

It's almost ten o'clock now, and it's really time to go home.

Cui Hao greeted everyone, and everyone went out one after another, while Mu Yan and Lan Shuang went to pay the bill.

After coming out, Mu Yan stood on the side of the road and asked where everyone lived, and then divided them by area to ensure that there were men and women in each car.

Lan Shuang stood watching and suddenly felt that there was someone more beside her. Turning her head, she found that it was Cui Hao. He smiled and said, "Your brother is so powerful. Seeing how he arranges people, he is also an executive in the company." Bar?"

"Not at all. He is in technology, not management."

Cui Hao was surprised, "But I think his ability is very strong, and his future is limitless."

Lan Shuang and You Rongyan laughed: "Yes, I think so too."

After all the people were arranged, Lan Shuang looked at Qin Zhou and Gu Bo: "You..."

Gu Bo squeezed the strap of his shoulder bag, and asked Qin Zhou, "Can I have a car? My phone is out of battery."

Qin Zhou smiled, "He's with me, our driver will be here soon."

"Okay, then my brother and I will go first?"

Lan Shuang waved at them, then turned to Mu Yan's car.

Mu Yan opened the car door for her, bent down and pulled out the seat belt to fasten her, then didn't get up immediately, but moved closer to smell it.

Lan Shuang held his head dumbfoundingly: "Are you a puppy? What do you smell?"

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows: "Have you been drinking?"


Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the bottle of wine and nodded: "I drank a little."

Mu Yan narrowed his eyes, the eyes behind the lens were a little dangerous, Lan Shuang felt a little guilty, turned his eyes, and hooked his fingers at him.


Mu Yan leaned on the back of the chair with one hand, and approached behind his back with the other.

Lan Shuang suddenly grabbed his tie, raised her head and kissed him on the lips, "Okay, I will pay you a kiss, don't be angry."

Mu Yan chuckled, "You know how to do business."


Lan Shuang shook her head: "I'm not dizzy. I really only drank a little. My classmate thought it was fruit juice and got it wrong, so I drank it directly. The strength should not be high. I didn't feel much after drinking it."

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Mu Yan got up and closed the car door, walked around to the driver's seat, "If you go home and get drunk, I'll beat you up."

"Ah?" Lan Shuang covered her mouth exaggeratedly: "Brother, are you willing?"

Mu Yan turned his head to look over, and said with a smirk: "You can try."

The light from the car on the opposite side hit him and shone on his glasses, refracting a dazzling golden light. The light and shadow were chaotic, and there was a kind of psychedelic beauty.

Lan Shuang couldn't hold back seeing Mu Yan, and leaned over to peck him on the side of his cheek, "Brother, do you know what you look like now?"

Mu Yan started the car, "What does it look like?"

Lan Shuang said in a low voice: "Gentle scum."

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows, and glanced at her quickly, with a half-smile.

At that time, Lan Shuang didn't understand the meaning of this look until she returned home...

The car was warm and comfortable, and Lan Shuang was tired from playing all day, she yawned after sitting in the car for a while, and fell asleep soon after.

But she didn't sleep very well, she was in a daze, she had been lurking in alcohol for a while, and finally she couldn't hold back to act like a monster, Lan Shuang's head became heavier and heavier.

Lan Shuang didn't know when the car arrived at the door, but Mu Yan pinched her face to wake her up, "It's home, wake up."

Lan Shuang looked up suspiciously, "Huh?"

There was mist in her eyes, and she looked extremely innocent.

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows, moved his hand down slightly, pinched her mouth, and squeezed her like a duck, "Drunk?"

Lan Shuang frowned and said vaguely, "I didn't!"

"I'm not drunk, I... I'm sober."

Mu Yan looked at her red eyes, "Oh, really?"

He unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, went to the co-pilot's side and opened the door for her, "Go back by yourself if you're not drunk, do you know where home is?"

"Who do you look down on?" Lan Shuang opened her eyes wide, unfastened her seat belt for a long time, then got out of the car unsteadily, and walked into the corridor in a detour.

Mu Yan followed behind at a distance, watched her enter the stairwell, and pressed the button for a long time, muttering: "Why doesn't this elevator not move? Is it broken?"

Mu Yan: "..."

Is it possible that you are broken?
He helplessly grabbed her wrist and pulled her out, "Wrong way, the elevator is here."

Lan Shuang stepped towards the elevator, looked at him suspiciously: "Isn't this the iron gate?"

Mu Yan: "..."

If you say so, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

He raised his hand and pushed open the elevator door, pulled Lan Shuang in, pressed the floor and turned to look at her: "Are you drunk?"

Lan Shuang stopped talking, shook off his hand, and turned to face the elevator wall.

Mu Yan looked at the mock-up of her facing the wall thinking about it, and couldn't help laughing lowly.


The recording function was silently turned on.


After Lan Shuang was pulled out of the elevator by Mu Yan, she asked her to find the door by herself. Lan Shuang did not make a mistake this time. She could find her home even when she was drunk, but she pushed the door when she went up. After pushing for a long time, she used all her energy She was so angry that she turned to ask Mu Yan: "Is the door broken?"

Mu Yan: "..."

He let out a chuckle from his throat, then took out the key from Lan Shuang's coat pocket, and waved it in front of her eyes.

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