Lan Shuang almost saw it right.

The next moment Mu Yan patted the door lock, then inserted the key in, turned it lightly twice, then pulled it out, and the door opened.

Mu Yan smiled and gestured "please" to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang: "..."

He didn't seem to say anything, but he seemed to say everything.

Lan Shuang followed Mu Yan into the door, but remembered to change her shoes. Mu Yan sat on the sofa and looked at her leisurely, "Wash and sleep?"

"No, I can't sleep!" Lan Shuang's eyes suddenly became firm, "I want to exercise."

Mu Yan: "..."

"What are you exercising in the middle of the night? Go back to the house and sleep—"

He got up and grabbed Lan Shuang, and pushed him into the bathroom.

Lan Shuang fluttered inside for a while and then became silent.

Mu Yan heard something wrong outside, so he asked, "Lan Shuang?"

There was no response, and he hesitated to knock on the door, but there was still no movement. When he opened the door, Lan Shuang had fallen asleep leaning against the bathtub with his head tilted.

Mu Yan had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and fish her out of the water, then wrapped her in the towel and hugged her horizontally.

"I said that I can't drink enough, but I still don't believe it. I have to suffer a lot, or I have to choke something good or bad."

He hugged Lan Shuang and thought about it, fearing that she would make some trouble in the middle of the night, he turned around and carried Lan Shuang into his bedroom.

Putting the person on her bed, Lan Shuang didn't know if she felt uncomfortable, so she turned over and lay on the bed.

Mu Yan turned on the night light by the bed, took a look at Lan Shuang, turned around and went into his bathroom, took a shower and changed into his nightgown and came out, only to see Lan Shuang covering his quilt on his own body.

It's just... only the head and upper body are covered.

Mu Yan: "..."

What kind of turtle cover is this?
He climbed onto the bed dumbfounded, and slapped Lan Shuang's buttocks, "Get up, I'm suffocating."

Lan Shuang kicked her legs, grunted, and continued to lie on her stomach.

Mu Yan couldn't hold back, and slapped again, Lan Shuang moved this time, pulled out from the quilt, and stared at him viciously but without any deterrent force.

"You dare to spank my ass?"

Mu Yan half-kneeled on the bed, raised his eyebrows, "Well, I hit you, what do you want?"

"I want to call back!"

As Lan Shuang spoke, she turned over and sat up, wanting to grab Muyan, but Muyan threw herself on the bed and hugged her with the quilt, and then sucked her on the face.

There was a "boo", which was still a little loud.

Lan Shuang was directly stunned, and stared at him blankly.

Mu Yan looked at her tenderly, coaxing in a low voice: "Hey, sleep."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She stared at Mu Yan blankly for a while, and replied: "Oh."

Then he really lay down obediently, and closed his eyes.

Mu Yan chuckled, even though he was drunk, he was quite easy to coax.

He turned over and lifted the quilt and rolled in to hold Lan Shuang, and stretched out his other arm to turn off the bedside night light.

The room was plunged into darkness, and the two fell asleep soundly on this early winter night, hugging each other tightly.

After watching the whole process of 888 vicissitudes, I turned off the video recording function, and also turned off the lights in the system space, and slept in the single dog's den.


The happy time is always short, the carnival weekend is over, and everyone becomes listless again at the beginning of school.

After the midterm, everyone relaxed, and the basic results of the second monthly exam fell a little bit. The old iron cheered them up every day, saying that if they didn't work hard, they would be at the end of the semester.

This sentence hit everyone, and after the monthly exam, everyone entered the crazy study time again.

Lan Shuang was the exception. Her monthly test scores improved a lot, and she directly broke into the top [-]. The leap was astonishing.

However, the span from more than 200 to the top 1000 is not as large as the span from more than 200 to more than [-], so there are not so many people who pay attention. After the previous impact, everyone accepts it well. They think that Lan Shuang is born to eat this bowl of rice, which is not surprising. up.

Instead, they are more concerned about another matter now.

On an ordinary December morning, Lan Shuang walked in from the door wearing a thin cotton jacket. Everyone was copying their homework. When they saw her, they greeted her, and then someone let out a surprise.

Lan Shuang turned her head to look, the man sized her up a few times, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Lan, have you lost weight again?"

After she said this, everyone looked at her, Qin Zhou came over and put his hands around Lan Shuang's waist, nodded: "It is true that I have lost weight again."

She approached Lan Shuang and asked in a low voice, "How much weight do you weigh now?"

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "A little over one hundred and seventeen."

Qin Zhou was stunned: "Didn't you lose almost [-] catties? How did you lose weight so quickly? You don't know what kind of medicine you took?"

Lan Shuang was helpless: "No, how could I eat those things? I have lost weight for more than three months. I eat less and exercise more every day. Naturally, I lose weight quickly, because I have a large base of weight, and a large part of the weight is empty. So the front will fall quickly, and the rear will fall slowly.”

She patted Qin Zhou on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I know what I know, I won't hurt myself."

Hearing what she said, Qin Zhou felt relieved, stroked her hair encouragingly and said, "Our Xiaolan is getting better and better, that's great."

Lan Shuang's heart moved, and she smiled, "We will all get better and better."

During the crazy review period at the end of the semester, everyone lived a fulfilling life every day. When they went out to go to the bathroom, when they came back, the table was flooded with various handouts and test papers.

After such tossing until the beginning of January, the final exam came as scheduled, and the date and examination room were all set, but the day before the exam, the school post bar suddenly exploded again.

There was a newly registered trumpet, and posted a picture in the post bar, pointing directly at Lan Shuang.

The title is: [Let's Pick Up the Legend in Our School]

[KTV ran into a certain legendary academic master, kissed passionately with a man in a suit, and didn't close the door. He was suspected of being trapped and raised. There are pictures and the truth. You can see for yourself. It is really embarrassing for a girl to do such a thing. What's the use of studying even if the morals of the people are corrupt?It is recommended that the school strictly investigate, vigorously punish, and kill the chickens to make an example of the unhealthy trend! 】

The following two pictures, one is the corridor of KTV, and the other is Lan Shuang hugging Mu Yan, because of the position, she leans against Mu Yan's ear and talks, it looks like she is kissing from the picture.

There is indeed a picture, and the truth is not so important. People who eat melons often only pay attention to whether the outrageous degree of this melon can be spread by word of mouth, but not many people care about the follow-up.

So as long as rumors arise, they cannot be completely eliminated.

In just half an hour, this post was pushed to the top of the homepage, more and more people clicked in, and the comments reached more than 1000 floors.

Every group retweeted this post like crazy, and the whole school was eating melons. When the second class heard the news, they all exploded.

"I'm going? Who took the picture? What nonsense? What kissing?"

Cui Hao was so shocked that he jumped up from his chair.

Qin Zhou was also angry, and slapped the table: "Fuck, who is crazy? Donate your mouth if you can't speak, don't you know that spreading rumors is against the law?"

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, not surprised, she turned on the phone and took a look, then smiled, "It's finally here."

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