Last time in ktv, Lan Shuang was reminded by 888 that the old demon man was secretly filming. She knew about it, but she didn't plan to take any action. She was waiting for this day.

She knew that the old demon man couldn't help but want to be a demon, but she didn't expect him to be so tolerant, and he didn't attack until now, but at this time, he was also carefully selected, right?

The exam is tomorrow, and the photos are released today, just to disturb myself, so that I can't take the exam tomorrow, right?
If he failed the exam, the so-called honors of being a top student, a counterattack, and a genius would all turn into sharp swords and stab back at his body in an instant.

Killing two birds with one stone, the old demon man wants revenge.

888 was a little anxious: "Host, what should we do now? The whole school will know."

"Don't worry, let the bullet fly for a while to achieve the best effect. Since he wants to put me to death, then I don't have to be polite. This matter will come to the end. There must be a relationship between me and him." Pay a heavy price."

Lan Shuang put down her phone, met several pairs of worried eyes, and stared at her, which made her a little embarrassed.


"Xiao Lan, we all know that you are innocent in this matter. We will explain it to you. Don't worry. If it comes to the teacher and the principal, we are justified and there is nothing to be afraid of. Take it easy. It is best to directly Uninstall the post bar, so as not to affect your exam tomorrow."

Cui Hao glanced at Qin Zhou as he spoke, Qin Zhou understood, got up and walked to Lan Shuang's side and said solemnly: "Unload it now."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Do you remember we are positive people?Why do you act like a bully?
Lan Shuang put away her phone dumbfounded, "Actually, I still have an identity——"

"Delete it quickly, why are you keeping it? What should I do if I can't help but click in and get affected?"

Qin Zhou reached out to snatch it, but Lao Tie hurried in from the outside, saw the two people standing behind, and then looked at the restless classmates, he couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Qin Zhou was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look, Lan Shuang hurriedly took the opportunity to sit down, she put the mobile phone into her schoolbag, Qin Zhou couldn't snatch the mobile phone in front of Lao Tie, so he had to go back unwillingly.

Lao Tie looked at them suspiciously, and had a guess in his heart, but he couldn't say it directly. He also knew about it, but he couldn't say it at this time, so as not to expand the influence.

He suppressed his emotions, tried not to show his flaws, and taught everyone normally.

And when the get out of class bell rang, he walked up to Lan Shuang and said softly, "Lan Shuang, come out with me."

Lan Shuang nodded and stood up to follow. Qin Zhou noticed it immediately, "Teacher, shall I go too?"

Lao Tie shook his head: "Lan Shuang and I are just talking, it's nothing, don't go."

Qin Zhou couldn't let go, and still planned to follow, but Lan Shuang said, "Don't worry, I will protect myself, and you have to trust Lao Tie."

Just this one sentence successfully made Qin Zhou stop.

Lan Shuang followed Lao Tie all the way to the office. When passing by the door of the third class, the old demon man happened to see him and smiled at them, his eyes full of gloating.

Lan Shuang pulled her lips at him, and said silently: "We'll see."

The old Yaonan's face suddenly sank, he stared gloomily at the backs of Lan Shuang and Lao Tie, with disdain in his heart, let's see how long you can be proud, when things get serious, pack up and get out.

However, he didn't expect that he would be the one who got out.


Lan Shuang followed Lao Tie to his office first. There were still people in the office. Lao Tie said directly: "Please go out first, my students and I have a few more personal things to say, thank you."

The teachers probably knew what was going on, and the trouble was so big that it spread not only among the students, but also among the teachers. Now that they saw Lao Tie bringing Lan Shuang over, they all knew what it was for, and left in a very reasonable manner. .

As soon as the person left, Lao Tie went to lock the door, and then said to Lan Shuang: "Come on, sit down, don't be nervous, the teacher is not here to question you, just want to tell you that tomorrow is the final exam, this matter The teacher communicated with the director and the principal, and decided to wait until the end of the exam to deal with it, so you can rest assured and take the exam well in these three days."

Lan Shuang didn't expect Lao Tie to suppress the matter in advance, she was surprised but moved, she nodded and said sincerely: "Thank you, teacher, but actually I didn't take it to heart, those rumors can no longer hurt me. "

Lao Tie sighed: "It's the teacher who didn't protect you well. If you found out earlier and controlled it immediately, everyone wouldn't know about this matter."

He is older, has experienced a lot, and thinks farther than Lan Shuang. If this matter is not handled properly, gossip will always follow Lan Shuang. A girl who is pointed out for a lifetime will actually have a very big impact.

So he wanted to compress the matter to the minimum scope as much as possible, but it was a bit late to find out.

Seeing that his face was gloomy and he blamed himself, Lan Shuang persuaded softly: "Teacher, you don't have to worry. I know about the post, and I even know who posted it, but I won't say it without proof. Just one thing—maybe everyone doesn’t know, I have a brother in my family who is a senior, and now he is doing an internship here at home. I called him to pick me up from KTV that day because it was a bit late. As for the kissing, it's nonsense, it's just a misplaced photo, I lost the game at the time, and I wanted to find someone of the opposite sex to hug, so I hugged my brother, that's all."

"Your brother?"

Lao Tie was stunned for a while, and long-term memories came to his mind. When her mother sent her here, she seemed to have said that she had an older brother, but he didn't ask much at the time. Later, Lan Shuang's mother became busy, and they seldom talked on the phone. , not to mention brother.

"It turned out to be like this..." In fact, Lao Tie didn't believe the rumors in his heart. His student knew that Lan Shuang was not that kind of person.

But the photos are here, it's useless if he doesn't believe it.

The most difficult thing to solve is the photo, I can't tell.

But this unclear premise is that the man has no kinship with Lan Shuang. Once there is a kinship, the rumors will be self-defeating.

Lao Tie finally relaxed, "That's great, just clarify and let everyone know that he is your brother."

Lan Shuang nodded: "Besides, the person who took the photo behind the scenes and spread the rumors is also very despicable. This photo is almost two months old, but it was chosen to be released during the final exam, which is very suspicious."

"Hiss—" Lao Tie thought about it, and quickly said: "I will discuss this matter with the principal, and I must investigate and find out!"

Lan Shuang smiled and nodded, without saying anything superfluous, Lao Tie saw that class was about to start, so he asked her to go back first.

Well, suddenly I really want to write the story of Qin Zhou and Gu Bo, the childhood sweethearts are the best. When the whole text is finished, I will consider writing a side story about these two people, as a separate story

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