Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned his face slightly to the side, his eyes behind the lens were deep and cold, like a wolf waiting for an opportunity, but when he saw Lan Shuang, he softened visibly with the naked eye, and waved to her, He patted the seat beside him: "Come and sit."

The principal who was just about to ask Lan Shuang to come over: "..."

He retracted his hand awkwardly, and said nonchalantly, "Student Lan Shuang, Teacher Tie, please sit down."

Lan Shuang sat next to Mu Yan, Lao Tie took a look and sat on the single sofa on the other side.

"Ahem——Why I called you this time, I think you should know." The principal said with an official smile on his face: "That's right, some time ago, a classmate reported that there was a lot of rumors about Lan Shuang's photo said something very... unsightly. This incident caused a lot of trouble. The teachers and students in the school basically knew about it. In order to reduce the impact, we contacted the administrator of the post bar as soon as possible. Deleted the post, but it didn’t work.”

Hearing this, Mu Yan looked at the principal expressionlessly: "Why did you delete the post? Wouldn't there be no evidence if you deleted it? This matter has such a bad impact, I don't plan to solve it privately."

The principal showed embarrassment, "Yes, this matter is really bad, so how do you want to deal with it? We can discuss it."

The pressure on him is actually quite high. Qin Zhou's parents have invested a lot of money for the school. They built not only the teaching building, but also the new canteen. They planned to donate another dormitory building next year to improve the living environment for the students. , But now that they knew about it, they said they had to think about it again and let him deal with the school affairs first before talking to them.

The principal knew that this matter could not be taken care of, and he had a big bubbling all night. As a result, he received a call from Mu Yan as soon as he went to work today, asking for an interview.

His heart is more bitter than bitter melon now.

If he knew who was behind the scenes, he would have to skin that person!
Mu Yan held Lan Shuang's hand, and said calmly: "This matter is actually easy to solve. I checked the IP address directly yesterday and found the person who posted it. The other party said that someone gave him money to post it, and then After three days, delete the account number."

The principal was surprised: "This is premeditated!"

"That's right." Mu Yan glanced at him and continued: "But the other party's hacker's method is not very clever, I found out, I used some tricks, and asked the buyer's contact information and complete chat records, transfer records, Headmaster, take a good look."

The principal was stunned, and saw Mu Yan take out the computer from the handbag on one side, tap the keyboard a few times with his slender fingers, Mu Yan got up, put the computer on the desk, "Look."

The principal looked at him suspiciously, and then looked at the computer screen, his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

This person used a new account at the beginning, and he seemed to act quite rigorously, but I don't know how Mu Yan did it. He found the name of the cardholder, and then followed the person's transaction chain. Finally, the evidence Pointing to Zhang Ming, the head teacher of Class [-].

The headmaster stood up abruptly and thumped the table heavily: "Okay! This Zhang Ming, as a teacher, doesn't think about how to teach students, but studies these crooked ways every day, and his mind is devoted to framing students! It's really disgusting." !"

Most importantly, it almost turned his dormitory yellow!
He immediately turned his head to look at Mu Yan, lowered his posture, and asked embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Mu, it's true that our school didn't do a good job in this matter, and didn't discover the conflict between Zhang Ming and Lan Shuang in time. Unlock it in time, let him cause such a catastrophe, how do you want to deal with it, we will definitely do it within the scope of our ability."

Mu Yan didn't speak, looked at Lan Shuang, and waved.

Lan Shuang got up and walked over. Mu Yan gently rubbed her head, and said in a low voice, "How is it? How do you plan to deal with it? Tell me."

The headmaster looked at Lan Shuang in surprise, the relationship between the brother and sister is really good.

Lan Shuang thought for a while and said seriously: "Principal, this incident has a very bad impact on me, and it involves my privacy. The other party took pictures without my consent and spread rumors on the Internet. This is an illegal and tortious act. I choose to call the police and not accept a private settlement."

The principal was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "This... Lan Shuang, do you want to think about it again, if you call the police, this matter will still make a big fuss, and the impact on you may not be good at that time."

This is indeed the truth, and the police can indeed be dealt with, but the words are terrible. Some people will look at her through colored glasses, knowing that she is not at fault, and always feel that the victim is guilty.

So the principal still hopes to solve it privately.

But Lan Shuang didn't care about this. The original owner went crazy because he suffered too much grievance. Sometimes people have to go all out.

"Principal, I disagree with your statement. I have been educated since I was a child to bravely take up legal weapons to protect myself when my rights, reputation, property, and life safety are threatened. I chose to call the police, not just In order to be fair to myself, it is also a wake-up call to those who have evil intentions, and everyone has to pay the price for what they do."

"If it is resolved in private because of other people's few words, and this matter is exposed, more people will not know the truth, and my reputation will also be damaged."

Lan Shuang's well-organized and well-founded rebuttal left the principal speechless.

Lao Tie stood up and said to Lan Shuang gratifiedly, "Teacher also supports you."

"Principal, we are a school, a place for teaching and educating people. We must set an example for the students in terms of rigor and fairness. This is exactly the case. Otherwise, who will believe in the law and justice in the future?"

"Which is more important, principal, you should know it in your heart."

Old Tie said solemnly: "The school's centuries-old uprightness cannot be destroyed by one person."

Hearing what he said, the principal was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of silence, he nodded: "Okay, I understand, let Zhang Ming come over."


The news between the students is always fast. Lan Shuang and Lao Tie entered the principal's office, and the whole second grade was shocked. They lost their minds about class and always glanced in the corridor to see if there was anything new news.

The students in the second class were even more worried. Cui Hao stood at the back door and glanced out from time to time. This class was for the old man, but he didn't come, so everyone went straight to self-study.

But now it's changed to eating melons.

"Why haven't you come back yet? Tsk, there's no letter either... hey——"

While wandering around the back door, Cui Hao muttered, and suddenly saw the dean coming from the other side of the corridor aggressively.

He stood up straight and pulled the seat in front of him to sit down. However, the dean did not come to the second class. He stopped at the front door of the third class, knocked on the door and shouted: "Mr. Zhang, come here."

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