Chapter 405 When the Ome is Ripe 36
Hearing this sentence, Cui Hao suddenly regained his energy, his eyes lit up, he widened his head and turned his head to look out. The dean turned his back to him, and didn’t see that there was another head here. Teacher Zhang was absent-minded and didn’t pay attention. He asked suspiciously: "Why is the director looking for me? I'm in class here."

The director sneered: "What class do you have? The principal is looking for you. You should go to the principal's office first."

Zhang Ming was taken aback, and asked hesitantly, "Now?"

The director nodded: "Now, immediately, immediately."

"But my class hasn't finished yet..." Zhang Ming had a bad feeling in his heart, and he didn't want to go.

The director frowned: "Why so much nonsense? Hurry up, I'll help you look after the students."

As he spoke, he entered Class Three classrooms.

Zhang Ming looked at the posture and couldn't say anything, so he went to the principal's office.

Cui Hao witnessed the whole process from behind, quickly closed the back door and clapped his hands, "Be quiet, everyone—"

Everyone looked over curiously, and Cui Hao hurriedly said: "The latest news, the old demon man was called away by the director, and he was asked to go to the principal's office. His attitude is very bad. Most likely, the old demon man will be cold!"

Qin Zhou grasped the point at once: "Why did you ask him to do it? Could it be that he did this? Is there any evidence?"

Cui Hao tsk-tsk: "Ninety-nine are close to ten, let's just wait and see."

"Fuck, if it's really him, that would be disgusting!"

"That's right, it's okay for a teacher to secretly take pictures of students, and make pornographic rumors, is he a person?"

The second class suddenly broke out again, and it was only when the director knocked on the door that it quieted down.


Zhang Ming walked through the corridor, feeling a little confused. On the one hand, he was worried that the principal knew something, and on the other hand, he felt that what he did was so concealed that they would not be able to find out.

The two villains pinched back and forth, but neither could convince the other. Zhang Ming scratched his hair, which was not well-off in the first place, irritatedly.

When he reached the door of the principal's office, he took a few deep breaths to calm down, and tried his best to make himself look okay before knocking on the door.

The headmaster's voice immediately came from inside: "Come in."

Zhang Mingxin picked it up, pushed the door open and entered, and saw Lan Shuang as soon as he raised his eyes, his eyes showed a bit of disgust uncontrollably.

It happened that Mu Yan who was standing next to him took a good look at him, and he chuckled lightly: "It is said that people should not be judged by their appearance, but some people are born from the heart, and they have a mean face."

Zhang Ming immediately lowered his face, "What did you say?"

"Speaking of you." Mu Yan looked directly at him, his whole body was overwhelming, and he didn't give the principal a chance to show off.

"You secretly took photos of my sister and me, and spread rumors. The evidence is conclusive. What else do you have to say?"

Zhang Ming's heart skipped a beat, it really was because of this incident!

Then he reacted, there is evidence?impossible!His card and account number are not his own, so how could he be found out?Is he cheating himself?
He collected himself, pretended to be innocent and dazed, and asked, "What are you talking about? What photos, what evidence?"

Mu Yan sneered, picked up the laptop and turned to him: "Did you see the coffin? Cry."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, she didn't shed tears when she saw the coffin, wouldn't she cry when she saw the coffin?

Zhang Ming said impatiently: "I said you—"

The rest of the words were silenced directly, stuck in the throat and unable to come out.

He stared wide-eyed at the series of evidence and detailed chat records on the screen, completely stupefied.

"Have you finished reading? Are you still stubborn?" Lan Shuang stepped forward to take the laptop and put it aside.

"Oh, by the way, it's too late for you to apologize now. I've already called the police before you came, and the police will be here soon."

Lan Shuang looked at Zhang Ming with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I called you here just to ask, what kind of enmity is there between us? Do you insist on forcing me like this?"

Zhang Ming was still in a daze, when Lan Shuang said that he had called the police, he became visibly panicked: "Call the police? Why are you calling the police? Are you worthy of calling the police for such a trivial matter?"

"Small matter?" Mu Yan stepped forward to stand in front of Lan Shuang, and asked in a cold voice: "Then I will also take a picture of you and post it on the Internet, saying that you are a butt seller, do you think it is a small matter?"

"You—what nonsense are you talking about?" Zhang Ming's face turned red with anger.

"Are you anxious about such a trivial matter? What about it?" Lan Shuang poked her head out from behind and looked at him with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, you can't do it."

"You—" Zhang Ming was so angry that he almost wanted to ascend to the sky, but he couldn't even talk to Lan Shuang, and now there was another Mu Yan, who could kill him instantly.

In desperation, he had no choice but to look to the principal for help, "Principal, are you just watching them bully our school's teachers like this?"

"You still have the guts to say it?" The headmaster smiled angrily, "If you hadn't been a demon, things would have gone so far? Tell me, a big man, that you do such a thing to a little girl, your eyes are better than the eye of a needle It’s so small, it just opened my eyes!”

He patted the table and stood up, "Let me tell you, the school will not shield you about this matter. Since you have reported to the police, you will bear all the subsequent consequences. The school does not need a teacher with a worrying morality like you. Starting today , you are no longer a teacher in our school, and the salary owed to you will be paid to you in the afternoon."

Zhang Ming was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

Before he could say anything, Lao Tie came in with a group of people in police uniforms, "Principal, the police are here."

The policeman glanced at several people in the room, "Who called the police?"

His eyes fell on the principal.

As a result, Lan Shuang raised her hand from the corner: "It's me."


They looked Lan Shuang up and down, and asked hesitantly, "little sister, why did you call the police?"

Lan Shuang glanced at Zhang Ming, briefly explained the ins and outs, and then showed the police the evidence she had kept in the post bar and various group chats.

The policeman's expression changed immediately, and he looked at Zhang Ming with disdain, "Let's go, go to the police station to take notes."

"Are we going too?"

Lan Shuang pointed to herself and Mu Yan.

"Well, you also need to cooperate, but you can come back soon."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang and Mu Yan followed the police and left.

Just in time for the end of get out of class, the students saw this scene as soon as they came out, and they were blown up.

Qin Zhou and Gu Bo were talking, when they saw Lan Shuang with sharp eyes, they ran over immediately: "Xiao Lan!"

Lan Shuang turned her head when she heard the voice, and smiled at her: "Don't worry, we'll be back soon, and the results will come soon."

Seeing her relaxed posture, Qin Zhou thought that it should be resolved, so he was a little relieved.

Mu Yan nodded at her, took Lan Shuang into his arms and went downstairs to avoid the flow of people.

Qin Zhou stood on the spot and watched, and there was someone else beside him, "Don't worry, her brother doesn't look good at first sight, Zhang Ming is determined this time."

She turned around and saw that it was Gu Bo, she nodded, "This is his retribution."

(End of this chapter)

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