The result came out quickly. After all, the evidence was all there, and the school didn't intend to cover it up. Zhang Ming's punishment came down very quickly.

Speaking of which, he is also a coward, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he was interrogated a few times in the police station, and he said everything in one go.

Those things were indeed done by him, because he lost face in front of Lan Shuang before, and saw her in KTV, without further investigation, he preconceived that she was doing something bad, and the secret filming was also to find an opportunity to get from her Get back the ones you lost.

The reason why I chose to shake it out before the end of the semester was to influence her mentality and make her fail the exam, and second, to expand the influence. After the final exam, there will be a holiday, which is the time when everyone is most eager to move.

Everything was fine at first, but he didn't realize that Mu Yan is Lan Shuang's elder brother.

These two people don't look alike, and Mu Yan is very young, that's why there was such a misunderstanding, it can also be said to be a "misunderstanding" in his opinion.

The police didn't buy this set of rhetoric, let alone Lan Shuang and Mu Yan.

Lan Shuang refused to accept the reconciliation. In the end, Zhang Ming cried and apologized to no avail. He was directly detained for ten days and fined.

Lan Shuang is still very satisfied with this result, after all, it did not cause more serious consequences, which is already the heaviest punishment within the scope of the law.

Of course, the school's punishment is much harsher than this.

Lan Shuang returned to school when she was about to leave school. The school had already received the news, posted a notice directly, and broadcast through the loudspeaker: "Hi—Hello! Hey, all the students, all the faculty and staff, good afternoon everyone, this is my school Dong Yan, the principal of the school, now I want to announce something seriously - Zhang Ming, the head teacher of the second and third grades of senior high school, took photos without the permission of the students, and even posted them on the Internet to spread rumors and slander him. The crime is true, and the students communicated with the school Afterwards, the police have been dealt with.”

Lan Shuang stood at the school gate and listened, couldn't help turning her head to look at Mu Yan, Mu Yan patted her head, but didn't speak.

"After investigation, the evidence is conclusive. Zhang Ming has now been detained. Here, I announce that Zhang Ming has been expelled. He is no longer a teacher of this school. His style of work is bad, his morals are low, and he is not worthy of being a teacher. From now on, Teacher Liu will take over Classes [-] and [-] in high school."

"Finally, I hope that all teachers can take a warning, love every student equally, don't look at people with colored glasses, teach and educate people first, and hope that all students who are treated unfairly and hurt You can bravely stand up and ask for help at any time, the school and the law are your most solid backing!"

"Okay, let's delay everyone for a few minutes, let's continue with the class."

The radio rustled a few more times, and then fell completely silent.

The early winter wind was not very cold yet, blowing past Lanshuang's ears, it carried a faint smell of withered vegetation.

It was obviously a dead season, but she smelled the vitality of spring from this smell.

"Brother—" she called softly.

Mu Yan looked ahead and responded, "Yes."

"Spring is coming."

Lan Shuang said such a sentence without beginning or end, but Mu Yan instantly understood what she meant, and smiled lightly, with the color of sunshine reflected in his eyes, "Yes."

"Let's go, I'll take you back to class."

Mu Yan registered with the guard, and the guard also heard the broadcast, and when he knew what was going on, he was filled with righteous indignation: "That teacher is really corrupt, a good girl let him spread rumors, thanks to the fact that you are brothers and sisters, otherwise I really can't tell gone."

Mu Yan and Lan Shuang looked at each other and smiled without saying anything.

In fact, they are not brothers and sisters, Mu Yan's household registration has been moved out when he was there, he is now an independent person, and has only a nominal relationship with the Lan family.


After the broadcast quieted down, there was a deathly silence in the teaching building. Everyone didn't react. They didn't expect the reversal to come so fast and so violently!
After a full 3 minutes of silence, the entire teaching building exploded, all the students were boiling, cheers and whistles were intertwined, and the class could not be attended. I don’t know who took the lead in applauding, and the voices sounded one after another , really had the effect of thunderous applause.

Lan Shuang and Mu Yan heard it as soon as they stepped into the teaching building, and had the illusion that "they are welcoming their triumphant return" for a moment.

Especially the second class had the most enthusiastic applause, Lao Tie was even very happy, his face was flushed with excitement.

This result is simply gratifying. With Zhang Ming's own efforts, he finally killed himself. From then on, Class Three and Class Two no longer have to be embarrassed.

As soon as Lao Tie raised his eyes, he saw Lan Shuang and Mu Yan standing at the door. He immediately smiled. He had a lot to say, but at this moment, he felt that there was nothing to say.

So he only nodded slightly: "Are you back?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Well, teacher, I'm back."

The old iron said relievedly: "It's good to come back, go back to your place, there is still one class, we will leave after school."

"Okay." After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she turned and glanced at Mu Yan, who said softly, "I'll wait for you in the car."

The two separated, and Lan Shuang returned to her seat. She looked ordinary, but the desk was full.

She froze for a moment, and flipped through it casually. There were lollipops, potato chips, soda, bread, and spicy sticks mixed together.

She couldn't laugh or cry, did they stuff all their stock in?
After touching for a while, she found a piece of paper at the bottom. She took it out and saw that there were densely packed signatures written on it with pens of various colors.

"A reward from your dearest and dearest classmates! Congratulations on defeating the old demon man and successfully clearing up your grievances. You will always be our most, most, and most powerful Xiaolan!"

This line of writing and the inscription below are in the same handwriting, written by Qin Zhou, and surrounded by the signatures of various people, including Cui Hao, who is showing his teeth and claws, a delicate and restrained Chinese class representative, and neatly organized study committee members. General Sports Committee...

Looking at it, Lan Shuang suddenly couldn't see clearly. She was stunned for a moment, thinking it was blurred words, but when tears fell she suddenly realized that it was her blurred eyes.

People are such strange creatures. When they are alone, they may not feel anything when they are wronged and hurt, but once someone asks about it, and someone comforts them, they will feel very uncomfortable, and the tears will not stop falling.

Lan Shuang hadn't experienced it before, and she didn't know why, but now she vaguely understood that when she was alone, she was strong because there was no one behind her, so she had to support herself, but once someone stood behind her and was willing to support her, Let her know that she is not alone, and she can't help but yearn for warmth, and can't help but reveal her heart and reveal her soft inside.

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