Chapter 407 When the Ome is Ripe 38
After the turmoil passed, the relationship between the students in Class Two became closer. The final exams were over and the winter vacation was coming. After everyone returned home, they often chatted in the group. Of course, it was a group without veterans. The old iron must ask every day: "How much homework did you write today? Have you made any plans for the winter vacation?"

Everyone usually loves Lao Tie, but at this time, they still choose to ignore him ruthlessly.

The winter vacation is approaching and the Chinese New Year is approaching, every household is very lively, and the whole community has become a bit more popular. Lan Shuang was infected, and suddenly had a whim, and took Mu Yan out to the supermarket to buy some New Year's goods and came back.

"Brother, what do you think of this?" Lan Shuang saw that there was a bunny hat for sale, so she couldn't help but picked up one, hung it in her hand and turned it around. The red furry hat looked very festive, with white prints printed on it. Little rabbit, the ears of the rabbit flicked and flicked with her movements.

Mu Yan glanced at it, imagined how Lan Shuang would look wearing this hat, and smiled in satisfaction: "Well, it's really pretty."

Lan Shuang thought deeply: "I think so too." Then she put the hat on Mu Yan's head with her backhand.

Mu Yan: "..."

Mu Yan was originally very handsome, but because of his sharp outline, he didn't look feminine, but after wearing this hat, most of his face was covered, and the red strings hanging from both sides made his skin fair. Inexplicably, there is a bit of contrast.

Lan Shuang pinched it with a smile, and the rabbit's ears immediately stood up.

Click and vertical, left for a while, right for a while, and two together for a while, Lan Shuang had a great time playing.

A young couple passing by saw it, and the girl couldn't help but pick up one and gestured to her boyfriend, "It's so cute, try wearing it."

Lan Shuang turned her head to take a look, and the girl smiled kindly at her.

It was the boy who frowned and asked in an exaggerated tone, "Are you serious? What are you doing?"

The girl put her hands on her hips: "What's the matter? People who look better than you can wear them, why can't you?"

The boy smiled, "Isn't that right, I will wear it if I want to look like that, and I look good without hair when I look like that, look at me again, I have such a big head, do you think it looks good? Don't embarrass me .”

The girl couldn't help laughing, and Lan Shuang also smiled, "See, people praise you for looking good, walk around, and go to pay the bill."

Mu Yan had no choice but to let Lan Shuang drag her away.

But is Mu Yan such a submissive person?
Turning around, he ordered a set of rabbit pajamas online, the kind of one-piece that can be stuffed into the whole person, with two big ears, pink and tender.

Without telling Lan Shuang, he secretly took the courier back and hid it in his bedroom. It doesn't matter if he doesn't need it for the time being, as sooner or later he will need it.

It doesn't matter if you buy a big one, just pack one empty, or two.


The two spent two days at home in a daze, and Lan Shuang's final exam results came out, sparking another heated discussion in the group.

This time Lanshuang ranked in the whole grade.

Compared with the last time, he has made rapid progress, and all subjects have improved significantly.

She knew it well, so she didn't think it was a big deal when she saw this ranking, but others were still shocked.

Cui Hao: [Xiaolan, did you take some magical medicine or were you struck by lightning?How did you progress so fast? 】

Study committee member: 【I think my position can be given to Xiaolan】

Representative of the Chinese class: [Xiao Lan's Chinese is as stable as ever]

Qin Zhou: [As expected of Xiaolan]

The people below all flocked to Atlanta.

Lan Shuang had just finished exercising, and her body was covered with sweat. She went to wash her hands before picking up the phone that was vibrating endlessly. After reading the group news, she found that their topic had changed again. Shuang was about to reply when suddenly there was a sound of a key unlocking the door.

She froze for a moment, then looked in the direction of the kitchen, it's noon, Mu Yan is making lunch, so outside the door is...

Thinking of a certain possibility, she quickly walked over to open the door. The person outside the door was turning the key. When the door opened unexpectedly, she froze for a moment, and then met Lan Shuang's gaze.

The four eyes met, the woman's eyes widened slightly, and she hesitated for a long time before asking: "Shuang... Shuangshuang?"

"It's me, mom, why did you come back suddenly? Don't say anything in advance, so that my brother and I can pick you up."

This is the original owner's own mother - Wu Qing.

Wu Qing is over 40 years old, but he can't tell from his appearance at all, he is in his early thirties at most.

Most of the original owner's appearance was inherited from her beautiful mother.

Wu Qing stood at the door and looked Lan Shuang up and down, then suddenly came in and held Lan Shuang's shoulder, and asked worriedly: "Shuangshuang, why have you lost so much weight? What happened?"

Lan Shuang: "Ah? No."

"Why not?" Wu Qing quickly took off his shoes, skillfully found his own slippers and put them on, then pulled Lan Shuang to the sofa and sat down, "You were round before I left, how skinny are you now? gone?"

She squeezed Lan Shuang's arm worriedly, "There's not much flesh left."

Lan Shuang was helpless, maybe it was because she hadn't seen her for so long that she felt such emotion, Mu Yan was with her every day, so she didn't have such a big reaction.

She has indeed lost a lot of weight now compared to the beginning, weighing forty catties!
Coupled with regular exercise, the lines of the body are smoother and more beautiful, so it looks a little thinner than people of the same weight.

No wonder Wu Qing was so worried.

Lan Shuang held her hand and said, "Mom, I'm really fine. I've lost weight because I'm losing weight. It's been a semester."

"It's been a semester?" Wu Qing said in a daze, "Yeah, I've been away for half a year..."

Speaking of this, she felt a little guilty, "It's my mother's fault. I haven't cared about your life for a long time, and I don't know what you have gone through."

"Mom, don't blame yourself. You have to deal with so many things in the company. You are busy paying off debts and making money. I understand. You were worried about me before."

Lan Shuang said it sincerely, in fact, the original owner wanted to say these words, but there was no chance.

Wu Qing's eyes turned red immediately, "Let's not talk about it, the past is over, mom will spend more time with you in the future."

Having said that, she wiped her face and turned to look at the living room: "Where's your brother?"

"I'm cooking in the kitchen."

Lan Shuang got up and opened the kitchen door, Mu Yan thought she was hungry, and said without looking back: "I'll be fine soon, go wash your hands."

"Brother, Mom is back."

Mu Yan paused, turned his head and saw the woman sitting on the sofa, his face softened, and he nodded at Wu Qing: "Mom."

"Hey—" Wu Qing looked at him with relief, "Have you grown taller again?"

Mu Yan laughed: "I'm already in my 20s, not long."

He turned off the torch and served the dishes on the table, hesitantly said: "Because Shuangshuang is losing weight, we have been eating very vegetarian during this time, I don't know if you can adapt, mom, if you don't like it, I will cook another meat dish ?”

(End of this chapter)

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