Chapter 408 When the Ome is Ripe 39
"Don't be too busy. Vegetarian dishes are fine. Vegetarian dishes are healthy. I've eaten enough of those things abroad. I've missed domestic dishes for a long time."

Wu Qing went to the bathroom to wash her hands, came out and sat down, Lan Shuang had already served her a meal just in front of her eyes, Wu Qing picked up the bowl and confirmed that Mu Yan was not exaggerating, looking around, all the tables were green, but the taste was very fragrant .

"Xiao Yan, when did you learn to cook? It looks really good."

Wu Qing tried to pick up a chopstick of rapeseed, his eyes lit up all of a sudden, it was moderately salty, delicious and refreshing, although no meat was added, the taste was not inferior to the big restaurants outside.

She gave Mu Yan a thumbs up, "Amazing, this skill is much better than mine."

Lan Shuang smiled and picked up vegetables for her with serving chopsticks, "Eat more if it tastes good. Mom, you have lost a lot of weight than before you went abroad. Isn't it hard to be alone outside? You have to take care of yourself."

Although they usually make phone calls when they are free, it is not as convenient as in China. Wu Qing doesn't want them to worry, so he seldom makes video calls with them, and hardly lets them see himself.

In fact, when she first went abroad, she herself had a very bad life. Every day from morning to night, she was running contacts, organizing dinners, and socializing from morning to night. It is common for her to drink until she vomits. Only she knows how much suffering .

Fortunately, everything is on the right track now, her two children are doing well, and Lao Lan should be gratified, right?
Seeing the two scrambling to get her food, Wu Qing lowered his eyes and covered his red eyes.


After eating, Lan Shuang wanted to get up and help Mu Yan clean up the dishes. Mu Yan pressed her hand and said, "Go and have a good chat with mom. It's rare for her to come back. She must have a lot to say to you. I will clean up by myself." Just fine."

Lan Shuang thought about it, and then walked into Wu Qing's bedroom.


Wu Qing changed clothes and sat by the bed, picked up the photo frame on the bedside table, was looking at it, heard Lan Shuang's voice, smiled gently, patted the seat beside her, "Shuangshuang, sit down."

Lan Shuang obediently sat down beside her, and her eyes fell on the photo frame in her hand. It was a family portrait, it was their family of four.

It was earlier. At that time, she was still a baby in swaddling arms, held in her father's arms, and her mother was beside her. Her mother put her hands on Mu Yan's shoulders, which was no longer young. They looked at the camera and smiled happily.

Especially the father, who had just had a daughter, his whole face was full of spring breeze, and his smiling eyes were curled up.

At that time, he was young and promising, with a happy family, and the whole world became his foil.

But in a blink of an eye, the family of four became a family of three, and this photo was collected by Wu Qing.

"Mom... Dad must be happy seeing us like this now." Lan Shuang rested her head lightly on Wu Qing's shoulder, and Wu Qing's tense nerve suddenly broke, and her tears couldn't stop It fell down and landed on the glass of the photo frame. She quickly wiped it away, "Really? Should I? I finally saved the company he worked so hard for all his life. Mu Yan has also grown up, better than me and you My father is excellent, so my mother doesn't have to worry about him, and she has lived up to his father's entrustment."

Lan Shuang listened quietly, and held Wu Qing's hand silently, Wu Qing held her backhand, tried to suppress the choked sobs and said: "Mom just feels sorry for you, you are in the most critical time of life, but mother didn't I can be by your side, and let you wander with us."

She turned around and hugged Lan Shuang tightly, crying uncontrollably: "Mom's little princess, when did you suffer so much?"

Lan Shuang felt very sad when she heard that, her nose turned red, and she also shed tears.

"Mom, don't say that. I never blamed you. Compared with me, you are more difficult."

Lan Shuang took a deep breath and said calmly, "I'm the one who wants to say sorry to you. Before, I gave up on myself and trapped myself in the horns and refused to come out. I made you follow me in fear. I'm sorry."

These are the voices of the original owner, her unfinished words, which were finally spoken through Lan Shuang's mouth today.

Wu Qing choked up so much that she couldn't help herself, and hugged Lan Shuang tightly.

"In the future, we will all get better and better. I will study hard and lose weight, so I won't be a drag on you anymore."

Wu Qing shook her head: "You will always be my mother's pride."

After finishing speaking, the mother and daughter hugged and cried for a while. Mu Yan listened outside the door without going in to disturb her, with a relieved expression on her face.

When the two of them cried enough and came out, they both had walnut eyes.

888: "Congratulations to the host, the heroine's resentment value has been reduced by [-], leaving [-]~"

Lan Shuang helped Wu Qing to calm down in the living room for a while, Wu Qing and Mu Yan talked about the company, and after knowing that Mu Yan had two jobs, she couldn't help but persuade: "Don't work too hard, now our The debt has been paid off, you should also think about yourself, have you thought about how to go in the future?"

Mu Yan nodded: "I know exactly what I want and how to do it. Mom, don't worry, the most important thing for me right now is to watch Xiaoshuang and help her pass the college entrance examination."

Hearing this, Wu Qing's expression became more gentle, "Fortunately, I have you as my brother, otherwise, I'm really worried about leaving Xiaoshuang at home alone. Seeing that the two of you get along so well, I don't have any worries."

"Mom, don't worry, it's impossible for me to get along with him just because of Brother Chong's skills."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, everyone laughed.


At night, Lan Shuang was doing her homework in her room, and Mu Yan moved a chair beside her to handle her own affairs, and checked her progress from time to time. Talk about the topic together.

After the meeting, Wu Qing got up to do some activities. Thinking of the two children, she went to the kitchen and cut some fruit for them. When she walked to the door of Lan Shuang's bedroom, she found that the door was not closed. She wanted to knock on the door, but Mu Yan lowered her head and was talking to Lan Shuang said, "The auxiliary line here is drawn incorrectly. How about drawing it from a different angle?"

He gestured on the test paper with a pen, and Lan Shuang suddenly realized, "That's right, why didn't I think of that!"

Mu Yan patted her head and said with a smile: "The common problem of students is that they do too many questions and their thinking pattern is changed, but some questions just need to break the rules."

Lan Shuang nodded approvingly: "You are right."

Wu Qing watched from the door, her eyes showing some relief, brother and sister have a good relationship, of course she is happy, but...

Seeing Mu Yan touching Lan Shuang's head, why did she feel a little subtle?

"Mom? Why don't you come in?" Lan Shuang turned her head to see Wu Qing, smiled and waved to her.

Wu Qing drove the thoughts out of his mind, thinking that he was thinking too much.

She put the fruit on the table and said in a gentle voice, "You've been studying hard, eat some fruit and take a rest before continuing."

"Thank you mom, mom, you should go to bed early too, isn't it jet lag?"

Lan Shuang looked up at him, Mu Yan also nodded, Wu Qing didn't say anything more, and went back to her room to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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