Chapter 416 When the Ome is Ripe 47 (four more)
Lan Shuang and Mu Yan stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at the leaves swaying in the wind, Lan Shuang gently hooked Mu Yan's palm, "Tell me, what is Mom talking to Dad about?"

Mu Yan grabbed her mischievous hand, and said softly: "Talk about the parents, she loves Dad very much."

Lan Shuang looked disappointed: "Yeah, it's a pity that heaven doesn't fulfill people's wishes."

A good couple is separated like this, the living and the dead, I don't know who is more uncomfortable.

Lan Shuang was immersed in grief, and suddenly felt that the top of her head was a little heavier. She looked up, and Mu Yan also looked down, with a gentle expression, and a calmness in her eyes that she could not understand.

"Don't worry, people who are destined will always meet again. This life is not over, and the next life will continue. Their stories have not ended, and there will always be a perfect day. This is the karma of reincarnation."

Miraculously, the heavy emotions in Lan Shuang's heart suddenly dissipated. She stared at Mu Yan for a while, then suddenly put her arms around his waist, "Okay."

888: "The resentment value of the female supporting role is reduced by [-], leaving [-]~"


After returning from the cemetery, Wu Qing was depressed for two days, but soon recovered, her mood was even better than before, and she was more natural when facing Lan Shuang and Mu Yan.

Maybe this trip to the cemetery made her think about it completely. She stopped dwelling on the past and started to move forward. The accumulated work needs her to deal with. She can't stay at home for too long, and she will soon fly around again Before she left, she asked enthusiastically: "Do you two want to go on a trip? The young couple just got together, and it's good to go for a walk. You haven't traveled far for a long time, right? Just in time for the grades to come out , have fun."

When Lan Shuang heard it, she agreed, and Wu Qing gave them two cards, each of which contained a lot of money. It was originally intended to be used as living expenses for them, but Mu Yan said no, he could support Lan Shuang by himself. , never asked her for money, Wu Qing gave them the money intact as travel funds.

This time the two of them didn't refuse, they took the card and packed up the two clothes and then played around.


When the results came out, the two had just returned from the beach, and Lanshuang's whole body was hot from the sun for a while. As soon as they came back, they went into the bathroom, took a cold shower, and rubbed their arms vigorously, feeling pain and happiness.

Mu Yan came out wearing a bathrobe, sat casually on the sofa, drank an iced Americano and looked at the computer. His phone was placed on the coffee table, and suddenly he received a push message. He opened it and saw that it was a post bar.

He was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had followed Lanshuang High School's post bar before, and he had nothing to do. He clicked on it and found that the posts in the post bar exploded in a blowout manner. At a glance, they were full of "scores", "" score".

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows, "The results are out?"

He put down the coffee in his hand and wanted to call Lan Shuang, but then he thought, he knew her information, so he could look it up for her first.

He exited the previous web page and logged in to the page for checking results. After entering Lan Shuang's information, the page froze for a while. He squinted his eyes, probably because there were too many people inquiring now, so it was relatively crowded.

He waited patiently for a while, and finally the score box popped up.

Looking at those three numbers, he couldn't help laughing, and said in a low voice, "It's not in vain that I've devoted myself to tutoring for a year. I'm afraid Shuangshuang will become a favorite this time."

After Lan Shuang came out of the shower, she felt that she was alive again, and she floated to the sofa and collapsed like a ghost, "Let's order a meal, I'm so hungry."

Mu Yan smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I have something to tell you."

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "Huh? What's the matter?"

She took a sip of the iced Americano that Mu Yan hadn't finished drinking, and then was distorted by the bitter facial features, she hastily put down the cup, paused, felt that it wasn't enough, and pushed it away again.

Mu Yan watched her little movements, tilted his head and propped his chin with one hand, and smiled slyly: "Did you forget what day it is today?"

"What day?" Lan Shuang looked at him innocently, picked up the phone on the sofa and glanced, "Oh! Crazy Thursday!"

Mu Yan: "..."

"Today is the day to check the results of the college entrance examination." Mu Yan said helplessly, "Guess how many points you got?"

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes and thought for a while, "I've been playing too crazy these days, so I forgot about it."

She shook her finger, "Well... I think it's up to six hundred."

Mu Yan chuckled lightly: "Let's guess higher."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "It won't be over seven hundred, right?"

Mu Yan turned the laptop to face her, "710, congratulations, the phone will explode next time."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She herself didn't expect to pass the exam so high!
888 cheered: "Wuhu! The host is great!"

It is difficult to think about seven hundred in liberal arts, but relatively speaking in science, it is easier.

Lan Shuang finally came back to her senses, "Is this really my grade?" She rubbed her eyes and read it again, her name was indeed written on it.

Before she was given time to react, her phone vibrated. She picked it up and saw that it was Lao Tie.

In a daze, he pressed the answer button, and Lao Tie's usual gentle voice went crazy once in a while, "Lan Shuang! You are too proud of the teacher and the school! You are the number one student in liberal arts in our province!"

Hearing his voice, Lan Shuang finally felt a little real, she glanced at Mu Yan, and Mu Yan gave a thumbs up, "The liberal arts champion, very good."

Surprised by the belated surprise, Lan Shuang and Lao Tie hung up the phone after talking a few words, and jumped at Mu Yan: "Brother! I succeeded!"

Mu Yan opened his arms to catch her, and the two of them fell on the sofa together, Lan Shuang's eyes were full of sparkling smiles.

Mu Yan pressed her back, "Yeah." He kissed Lan Shuang's hair, and said in a low voice, "Shuangshuang is the best."


Before he could finish speaking, the phone rang again. This time it was my mother, and she should have received the news.

Lan Shuang had no choice but to sit up and talk to her mother again, but just after hanging up the phone, the principal called again. Mu Yan looked at her frowning face, laughed, turned around and took out her mobile phone to order a meal.

Lan Shuang spent the whole afternoon on the phone, and took time to have a meal.

After that, someone needs to be interviewed, and they have to go back to school to get the report card and the booklet for filling in the application form.

(End of this chapter)

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