Chapter 417 When Ome Ripes 48
On the day of returning to school, the classmates who haven't seen for a long time have changed.

When I was in school, girls were not allowed to have long hair, and boys were not allowed to dye or perm. They could only wear school uniforms every day and could not wear jewelry.

The agitation of adolescence is the time to love beauty. If you don’t allow it, you will almost suffocate the teenagers and girls. After finally graduating, you can show yourself generously with makeup. Who can’t dress up?
The girls put on light makeup and stood arm in arm in their favorite skirts, which was a beautiful landscape.

The boys dressed in different styles, all dressed in the direction of maturity in their hearts, but they still couldn't hide their childishness at first glance.

Lan Shuang and Mu Yan walked in side by side, seeing these old classmates, she felt a little emotional.

Everyone seems to have changed, but it seems that nothing has changed.

"Xiao Lan!"

Hearing the familiar address, Lan Shuang looked up, and saw Qin Zhou leaning on the handrail of the stairs and waving to her, "Welcome our number one scholar in liberal arts, classmate Xiaolan!"

As soon as she gave an order, other people gathered around. Cui Hao got a plastic horn out of nowhere, blew it, and made a piercing sound, and was thumped by the sports committee next to him, "You are enough—— It’s endless to play with a broken thing, right? If I’m deaf from your ears, you will pay me for medical expenses.”

Lan Shuang looked at them amusedly, acted in concert, raised her hand and pressed down, as if a leader was speaking, "Okay, okay, low-key, low-key."


Everyone laughed, seeing that she didn't share with them because of her grades, everyone felt a lot more at ease, and said hello to Mu Yan who was behind her.

"Brother Xiaolan is here too."

Mu Yan nodded at them: "Hello."

The old iron who heard the noise came out of the classroom, smiled and waved to them: "It's just in time, let's get the books."

The report card and the reference books for the exam are put together. Most people take it and leave, but the old man doesn't. He asks the grades one by one, then asks their thoughts, and then gives some suggestions. After all, he has been a teacher for so many years. Universities know more about it, so they can help if they can.

Everyone knew that he was kind, and they all listened to what he had to say before leaving.

Now it was Lan Shuang and Mu Yan's turn, and the others consciously retreated outside the door and waited.

Qin Zhou suggested: "Let's go have a meal later, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we haven't eaten our graduation meal yet."

"Okay, it's okay anyway, I'll go!" Cui Hao was the first to raise his hand, "By the way, let's go sing another song. Anyway, everyone is an adult, so if you don't get drunk today, you won't go home!"

"I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't bring any money!"

"Come on, no cash, no Alipay and WeChat?"

"I don't have a card yet."

"It's okay, I'll borrow it from you, and I'll just pay it back after you finish it." Qin Zhou waved his hand and said proudly.

"When Xiaolan comes out, ask her if she wants to be together." She lowered her head, clicked on the WeChat page, glanced at the top dialog box, hesitated for a while, and then typed and asked: "I'll be free later... "

Before he finished typing, a voice call popped up on the opposite side. Qin Zhou shook his hand and pressed the answer button, and Gu Bo's voice came from the other side with a smile, "My side is over, where are you?"

His voice was unusually different from usual, everyone was stunned for a while before realizing who it was, and then there was another burst of booing.

Qin Zhou was thin-skinned and blushed instantly. She glared at everyone, "I'll sew your mouths shut if you start to tease me again."

Gu Bo heard it from over there, and couldn't help laughing twice, his tone became more ambiguous: "It's so fierce."

Cui Hao and the boys got together to learn the tongue, "Oh, so fierce~"

Qin Zhou gritted his teeth angrily, pointed at them, turned around and walked to the other side, and asked in a bad tone: "Gu Bo, you better be busy."

"Ahem," Gu Bo realized that he had offended someone, stopped talking nonsense, and said with a smile, "You look up."

Qin Zhou raised his head suspiciously, and saw that Gu Bo was wearing white loose short-sleeves and stiff black trousers, making his legs extraordinarily long. He held up his phone and saw Qin Zhou, and smiled at her.

Qin Zhou's heart skipped a beat.

"Why are you here?" She hung up the phone unnaturally, and looked away from him.

Gu Bo came over and tilted his head casually: "Wait for you, uncle and aunt said let me watch you more today, don't play around crazy."

Qin Zhou: "..."

Who is crazy?Her parents are also really, Gu Bo is the most dangerous one, okay? !


Lan Shuang and Mu Yan sat side by side across from Lao Tie. Lao Tie took a sip of tea and asked gently: "It's been a while since the results came out, do you have any favorite schools? Or those famous schools have contacted you, right?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "I have contacted, and I have thought about it."

"Oh?" Lao Tie's eyes lit up, "Which school do you plan to study and what major?"

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "I plan to go to B University for History."

The old iron was taken aback: "History?"

He was dazed for a while, then repeated again: "History? Do you really want to learn? There are very few professionals in this field, um..."

Lan Shuang knew what Lao Tie was going to say, and she had already understood it, so this decision was not made on the spur of the moment, but after careful consideration.

Lao Tie looked at Mu Yan hesitantly, Mu Yan said calmly: "I respect Shuangshuang's choice, she is not young, she knows what she wants, she knows what she wants to learn, that's good, our family doesn't need to worry about her work, so everything is based on her hobbies."

Lan Shuang smiled, "Yes, teacher, I thought about this idea when I divided the classes, so I won't change it. I've also studied the pros and cons, and it's not a problem."

The old iron was silent for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, if you have all decided, then there is no problem. In fact, it doesn't matter what major you choose. The most important thing is to be willing to learn. 360 lines, you can be the best, choose a good major, If you don’t study hard, it will be difficult to graduate, so it’s better to choose something that you like and are interested in, maybe you can make a difference.”

Lan Shuang agreed: "The teacher really understands."

Old Tie laughed heartily, "Hahahaha, I've lived longer and seen more, so I'm not so paranoid. If I were a few years younger, I would definitely persuade you to think about it."

"It's nothing, you guys go to play, I finally graduated, everyone's heart seems to have grown wings, but be careful!"

Lan Shuang got up, and Mu Yan helped her with the books and grade slips, "Thank you teacher, then we will leave first."

"it is good."

As soon as Lan Shuang went out, she was caught by Qin Zhou, "Xiao Lan, we are going to have a barbecue later, are you coming?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Mu Yan, and asked hesitantly, "Is brother coming?"

Lan Shuang glanced at Mu Yan, and Mu Yan spread his hands: "If you don't mind, I'll go."

 The explosion is over, take a moment, there is no more chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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