Chapter 418 When the Ome is Ripe 49
"Of course I don't dislike it, come on, come on, we have booked a barbecue restaurant, so we will send someone, let's go!" Qin Zhou greeted, and Gu Bo silently followed her, helping her from time to time, and said helplessly: "Mr. Play with your phone and watch the road."

"Oh." Qin Zhou replied indifferently, and then he still didn't look at the road next time.

Lan Shuang watched helplessly as she was about to bump into the corner of the stairs, and stretched out a hand from behind, wrapping around her waist to hold the corner, lest she bump into it.

Seeing that skillful movement, Lan Shuang moved closer to Mu Yan's ear and whispered: "This is the one who is favored and confident. I suspect that Qin Zhou's habit of going downstairs to look at his mobile phone is due to Gu Bo's habit."

Mu Yan raised his eyebrows, thoughtfully, and then asked inferences: "Then you sleep without a quilt, is it because I'm used to it?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

She glared at Mu Yan, "Is now the time to talk about this?"

Mu Yan held her head with a smile and turned back, "All right, all right, don't talk, just watch the way."

Lan Shuang snorted.

The students behind: "..."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but there is a smell of dog food in their mouths.


Barbecue cold beer is more suitable for summer, especially for the lively atmosphere.

Everyone got together around the round table to have an open-air barbecue, talking and laughing, and having two bottles of beer, the atmosphere was created immediately.

Everyone congratulated Lan Shuang first, congratulated her for winning the number one scholar in liberal arts, and then congratulated Gu Bo, who was the number one student in science this year, and then Qin Zhou, who was a little behind and ranked third in arts, but this was The provincial results are also very good.

After all, the college entrance examination is like this, and a difference of one point can go a long way.

Everyone cheered, the boss listened to them, and asked about their results in surprise. Knowing that it was true, he immediately said: "Today's drink is free! Everyone, don't worry!"

"Boss is grand!" Cui Hao and the others immediately cheered.

The boss rubbed his round beer belly and said with a smile: "My child is about to take the high school entrance examination, and I want to take your high school entrance exam. I'll make him happy in advance! What's that word called... Get the air of a school bully!"

"Okay, all the good luck will be shared with him, and I wish him the title of the gold list!"

Lan Shuang raised his beer glass, and Qin Zhou and Gu Bo also touched each other. The boss was happy, and had a drink with them, and gave them a plate of grilled oysters.

When Lan Shuang was about to have another glass, Mu Yan reached out and snatched her wine glass away, raised her head and drank the rest of her beer.

"Hey——" Lan Shuang wanted to grab her, but Mu Yan pressed her hand, his eyes darkened: "Don't drink, what did you say after you got drunk last time?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

It's okay if he doesn't mention it, but when he mentions those memories, it's like they come alive, lingering in her mind.

Thinking about the embarrassing things she did before, she withdrew her hand embarrassingly: "If you don't drink, don't drink."

Qin Zhou sneered mercilessly at the side, and raised his wine glass provocatively to Lan Shuang, but as soon as the glass reached his mouth, his mouth was covered.

Qin Zhou: "????"

Gu Bo pressed his warm palm against her lips, lowered his head and said softly, "You are not allowed to drink anymore. If you drink like crazy, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Qin Zhou: "..."

Lan Shuang: "Hahahahahahahahaha——"

In the last battle, no one was happy.

Gu Bo and Mu Yan looked at each other, Mu Yan slowly pushed down his glasses, Gu Bo looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, and suddenly realized, he raised his cup and raised his chin at him.

Mu Yan also picked up the wine glass to touch him, and smiled, saying nothing.


After dinner, everyone went to KTV to dance with demons again, but fortunately, Mu Yan and Gu Bozai restrained themselves a little this time, and did not engage in those embarrassing big adventures. Drink when you don't arrive.

I don't know if it's the retribution of showing affection, Lan Shuang and Qin Zhou have a particularly high chance of being selected tonight.

After being selected again, Lan Shuang leaned on the sofa helplessly: "Come on, I will choose the truth."

"Okay! I admire your courage." Cui Hao took out his phone and randomly selected a truth, his eyes suddenly lit up: "That's a good question. Do you have someone you like now? Are you there?"

Lan Shuang subconsciously looked at Mu Yan. Mu Yan drank a lot of wine for her. At this time, his complexion was slightly flushed, revealing the color of peach blossoms, and his beautiful eyes were blurred with a lazy smile It's like a seductive vixen, and people can't take their eyes off just by looking at it.

"Huh? See what I'm doing?" Mu Yan's slender fingers pointed at the edge of the glasses frame, looking at Lan Shuang with a half-smile.

Others also looked over curiously.

Lan Shuang cleared her throat, "Actually, I didn't intend to hide it. Even if there was no punishment this time, I would have made it public. But since I've caught up, I'll just say it."

She turned around and pinched Mu Yan's chin, touched his rosy lips lightly, turned her head and said to everyone with a smile: "This is my boyfriend, Mu Yan."

Students present: "????"


"Isn't he your brother?" Cui Hao exclaimed, and the others nodded in horror.

Lan Shuang shook her head: "It's not a real brother, there is no blood relationship. For some reasons, he has been in my house before, and he grew up with me since he was a child. He is considered a childhood sweetheart."

"Ah..." Everyone let out a long breath, as long as there is no blood relationship, otherwise they really can't accept it.

After the shock, everyone regained their gossip spirit.

"Wow, childhood sweetheart!"

"When did you get together?"

"So sweet, so sweet!"

Lan Shuang thought for a while, "If we are officially together, it should be the day after the college entrance examination. We have a showdown with my mother, and the parents have agreed."

After the words fell, there was another exclamation. I didn't expect them to make such rapid progress.

Gu Bo, who was still looking at this side with a smile, suddenly froze his smile.

Everyone has already met their parents and has a status. What about him?

The more he thought about it, the more he became unbalanced. He squinted his eyes and looked at the excited Qin Zhou beside him who was eating melons. Suddenly, he frowned and let out a low cry of pain. There was a lot of noise around him. His voice was drowned out and it was not obvious. But Qin Zhou still heard it, and turned his head immediately: "What's wrong?"

Gu Bo pressed his stomach, "My stomach feels a little uncomfortable, I'm going to the bathroom."

"Hey—" Before Qin Zhou could ask again, he went into the bathroom that came with the box.

Qin Zhou sat for a while, remembering that he had a bad stomach, still worried, got up and followed.

The restrooms are in the outer corner and nobody notices.

She knocked on the door: "Are you okay? Are you suffering?"

Gu Bo didn't say anything.

Qin Zhou suddenly felt uncomfortable, and took another two shots, "Gu Bo?"

There was still no response, but there was a sudden "boom" inside, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Qin Zhou's heart tightened, and he hurried to push the door, but found that the door was unlocked, and she pushed it open.

There was no light in the bathroom, and it was pitch black. Qin Zhou stood at the door for a while, not daring to move, and asked in a low voice, "Gu Bo? Are you okay—hmm!"

 hey hey...

(End of this chapter)

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