Chapter 420 The Extraordinary University

The good times are always short, the meeting is hasty, the parting is also hasty, everyone played late on the day of the party, and later Mu Yan and Gu Bo took everyone back by taxi.

Both Lan Shuang and Qin Zhou were a little drunk, and were taken away by their respective boyfriends in the end.

After this gathering, we rarely have the chance to meet again, after all, life is always moving forward, and they have to embark on a new journey of their own.


Speaking of which, Lan Shuang and Mu Yan actually went to the same university. According to their seniority, Lan Shuang could still call Mu Yan "senior".

After realizing this, Mu Yan asked Lan Shuang to call him "Senior" from time to time, not only during the daytime, but also for small talk.

As long as there is a chance, he will tease Lan Shuang and call twice.

Lan Shuang would refuse when she was sober, but sometimes she couldn't refuse when she couldn't be sober.


After tossing all afternoon, Lan Shuang was tired and hungry. In the end, she was hugged to eat. After taking a shower, she fell asleep on the bed and almost missed the plane the next day.

The weather in City B is still very hot, Lan Shuang is wearing a high-necked shirt, which is very strange no matter how you look at it.

Mu Yan leaned over and asked, "Is it hot? Do you want to fold off the collar?"

Then he successfully received Lan Shuang's blank stare, and pushed the suitcase away by himself.

Mu Yan touched his nose, feeling a little guilty, it was indeed a bit too much last night.

Today he decided to stay humble and admit his mistakes.

Lan Shuang has completely lost weight now, wearing a white shirt, jeans and canvas shoes, standing at the school gate is simply a beautiful sight, and the seniors who came to welcome the new students saw her at a glance.

A tall boy came over and asked with a gentle smile, "Hello, junior, are you a freshman here to report?"

After approaching, he couldn't help being slightly startled, the school girl looks so good-looking!

His eyes became more and more eager, and after seeing her nodding, he reached out to pick up her suitcase, "I'm your junior senior, let me help you carry the suitcase, it's strange, by the way, which department are you from?"

Lan Shuang suddenly felt a chill down his back.

"No senior, I'll just carry the luggage by myself. I'm from the History Department."

"History?" The senior was taken aback, and looked her up and down in disbelief, "I heard that there is a top student in the history department, can it be you?"

"If there is no one else in the history department, it might be me." Lan Shuang walked in with a smile. The school was very lively, balloons were floating around, the rainbow gate was erected high, seniors and seniors came and went, laughing and laughing, Lan Shuang's mood improved after seeing it.

The senior followed her as if struck by lightning, and after a while cast admiring gazes: "Sister, you are really awesome."

Lan Shuang smiled at him without saying a word, the senior blushed involuntarily.

What should I do if the school girl looks better when she smiles?
He was a little moved, and when he sent Lan Shuang to the registration office of the History Department, he couldn't help asking: "Is it convenient to add a WeChat account? If you don't understand anything or need help, you can come to me."

After listening all the way, Mu Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore, he took two quick steps to catch up, and before he could speak, Lan Shuang said first: "You can add WeChat, but you have to ask my parents if they agree."

"Ah?" The senior was taken aback, "Are the tutors so strict?"

Mu Yan chuckled from behind, and the senior noticed that there was another person. He looked at him suspiciously, and asked uncertainly, "This... Xue, do you have something to do?"

Lan Shuang also laughed, "Senior, you misunderstood." She walked over and took Mu Yan's arm and tilted her head, "This is my parent."

The senior petrified on the spot: "..."

Lan Shuang pinched Mu Yan's arm and asked, "Brother, can I add WeChat?"

Don't go back and overturn the jar of vinegar to find an excuse to torment her.

Mu Yan pushed down his glasses, rubbed her hair and said gently: "It's okay to add WeChat to chat about business."

The implication is that gossip is not allowed.

The senior suddenly came back to his senses, "Are you a couple?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Well, we've been together for a long time."

The senior's face collapsed all of a sudden, and he finally had a good look at a junior, but he didn't expect that someone had already taken the lead.

He silently cried a handful of bitter tears for himself, tidied up the broken boy's heart and said: "Sister and younger brother are talented and beautiful, they are a good match."

After hearing this, Mu Yan shook his head: "Actually, I'm not a junior, I'm also from this university. According to my grade, I just graduated from senior year, so you should call me senior."

The senior who originally thought he could still have an advantage in seniority: "..."

Help, is there a crack near here?

Mu Yan took the suitcase from Lan Shuang's hand, and thanked the boy: "Thank you for helping us guide the way, you have worked hard."

Originally, the boy was still a little embarrassed, wondering if the other party would be dissatisfied with his overtures just now, but seeing his sincere and natural attitude, the awkwardness subsided unknowingly.

He rubbed the back of his head and smiled in relief: "I didn't do anything, senior, don't be so polite, do you still want me to lead the way?"

"I'm not very familiar with the academy here, so I still need to trouble you to show us the way."

Mu Yan held Lan Shuang's hand generously, and nodded at the boy.

The boy said heartily, "Okay, I know you well!"

The three went to report first, and there was a long queue in front of the other departments, only the history department, which was miserable, and the person in charge was not a senior or a senior, but a gray-haired gentleman wearing small round glasses .

He looked enviously and jealously at the other professional people, his eyes turned red.

When Lan Shuang came over, he stood up in a jerk, and warmly hugged Lan Shuang first.

As if seeing his own daughter, he dragged Lan Shuang and talked for a long time before sending her away properly.

When Lan Shuang followed Mu Yan out of the school holding her own things, she finally had a sense of reality.

She turned her head and glanced at the school gate that had been baptized by the years, and smiled.

In this life, I didn't live in vain.

At the same time, 888 happily broadcast: "Congratulations to the host, the female partner's resentment value has been completely eliminated, the wish has been fulfilled, and life has been reversed! The reward of [-] points has arrived."

"The original owner let me thank you before reincarnation, thank you for making up for her regrets."

Lan Shuang shook her head: "You don't need to thank me, this is just my task."

She looked at Mu Yan beside her, and tightened her hand, Mu Yan lowered her eyes: "Huh?"

Lan Shuang smiled suddenly: "It's okay, I just suddenly feel very lucky."

Fortunately, she didn't go astray, and fortunately she met the right person.


Lan Shuang became a new legend in B University. Because of her outstanding appearance, she was named the school beauty of the new generation. Even her high school affairs were revealed, but these not only did not affect her image in the hearts of everyone. , On the contrary, it is even more admirable.

Her grades were top-notch for four years in college. After graduation, she helped the professor while working in her mother's design company. She didn't care about the mess and was only responsible for the design.

Because of professional edification, Lanshuang's designs always have national style elements, which are very distinctive and quickly opened up the domestic market.

As soon as it became a very popular brand and its value skyrocketed, Wu Qing opened her own studio specially for her and designated a group of people for her to specialize in the national style series of jewelry.

And Mu Yan left the previous company after the end of the internship period. Relying on his own ability and accumulated contacts, he opened his own small company to make games and software. With his unique vision and precise market control ability, he quickly established the company make it bigger.

They paid off their debts, regained their strengths, and their lives were on the right track without any regrets.

After Lan Shuang graduated from university, the two got married. Wu Qing watched the two enter the marriage hall, and when he was happy, he began to delegate power and gradually handed over the company to them.

When the company was completely stabilized, she resigned and took off her heavy burdens, and traveled around the world with Lao Lan's photos, which was considered to have fulfilled the agreement between the two of them back then.


 weibo ha

  Change today, start a new world tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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