Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 421 The World: Let Me Take Another Bite 1

Lan Shuang and Mu Yan became a generation of legends in their respective fields, until they resigned and retired, people still mentioned them from time to time.

When the two were getting old, Mu Yan held Lan Shuang's hand and joked, "I don't know where we will meet in the next life?"

Lan Shuang thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It depends on where the system sends me. By the way, should we play a game?"

Mu Yan was puzzled: "What game?"

Looking at the gradually sinking sunset, Lan Shuang's eyes were full of rays of light, making her look ten years younger. She turned her head and looked at Mu Yan, "After we enter the next world, we will lock up our memory and see if it will still work." will come together."

Although she has confessed and promised, Lan Shuang sometimes wonders if she really loves him, or because of her habit, she is used to having such a person by her side, and she is used to loving him.

But if she didn't have these memories and she chose to block the mission information from the very beginning, would she still fall in love with Jiang Lusheng?

This question has troubled her for a while, and the answer is very important to her and to Jiang Lusheng. If she will no longer fall in love with Jiang Lusheng after the memory is blocked, then she will choose to let go, because she doesn't love him enough.

Mu Yan, who was transformed into Jiang Lu, thought for a while, and probably understood what she meant, and squeezed her fingers, "If we all block our memory, what if we don't meet each other? In the vast crowd, it's not about love or not." It’s a matter of love, and it’s likely that once you miss it, it’s your whole life.”

Lan Shuang tilted her head, pondered for a moment, and said, "Let the system handle this. Little Baba can issue me a task and let me try to contact you. It's not compulsory. Whether we can get together in the end depends entirely on me." and you."

Jiang Lusheng felt that this method was feasible, so he agreed: "Okay, then let's go."


You little lovers really know how to play. Not only do you want me to give you dog food, but you also want me to prove your love for you. You have no heart!

However, no matter how much he wailed in his heart, he did not refuse the request of Lan Shuang and Jiang Lusheng. Who let the main god let go?

The next moment, the space teleportation array lit up, and Lan Shuang's soul appeared.

She smiled and leaned against the metal wall and looked at 888: "Why are you so sad?"

888 gritted his teeth: "I just think you guys will really find trouble for yourself."

Lan Shuang smiled, but there was something in the smile that 888 couldn't understand.

"It's not looking for trouble. Old couples are prone to lack of passion. It's better to block the memory to do the task."


What you said actually makes sense.

"Okay, exciting, right? I've chosen the world. Shall I go now?"

He flicked his finger back and forth on the screen, Lan Shuang glanced at it and didn't take it seriously, "Okay, let's go now."

She stood on another teleportation array, 888 opened her data interface, and chose the memory block, as for where to block... 888 stroked his chin and thought about it, and pushed the progress bar until she was just about to do the next task, "Okay, it's done." His finger landed on the transmission button, and he glanced at Lan Shuang with a smile: "The transmission begins."

Lan Shuang closed her eyes, feeling dizzy along with the weightlessness, her mind was suddenly blurred, her consciousness gradually dissipated, and finally she fell into a deep sleep.


Interstellar Federation Empire, Planet Aquamarine, Wall City, Lan Family.

A man in a silver coat came over, and his white-gloved hand lightly swept over the suspension vehicle, then the door opened, and a girl in a gray-blue dress that had been washed to whitish came down.

Her shoes were also a bit ill-fitting, and the heels were slightly worn red. Seeing this, the servant couldn't help being a little contemptuous, "Miss Lan Shuang, this is the Lan family. The owner is waiting for you inside, please go in quickly."

Lan Shuang didn't care about his attitude. The Lan family of the third family of the Interstellar Empire did have the capital of arrogance, but... what does that have to do with her?

She nodded slightly at the man, and followed him to the gate of Lan's house.

The gate is a European-style arch, shining milky white in the sun, pure and solemn, but the moment they walked past, a blue light swept past them, and the indifferent mechanical female voice sounded: "Detection!" Finished, safe, can be released."

Lan Shuang sighed: "As expected of Interstellar, Xiao Baba, there are high-tech everywhere."

Hearing her familiar tone, 888 couldn't help but smiled embarrassingly: "Yes, but people here still pursue retro beauty, oh no, it should be regarded as the beauty of ancient earth, so in terms of clothing, architectural style and food, Rich people will still choose to move closer to the earth age, which in their view is a symbol of taste and status."

Upon hearing this, Lan Shuang looked down at her skirt, "No wonder I'm still wearing this kind of dress."

888 reminded: "Host, you wear this because it is the cheapest, and hundreds of pieces can be copied by machine casually, which is quite different from the purely hand-tailored ones worn by real nobles."

"Don't talk, thank you." Lan Shuang smiled.

After passing through the security gate, Lan Shuang followed the tall servant through a musical fountain and then through a small garden before arriving at the main entrance of the castle.

He stood at the door, swept his irises, and said to the inside: "Dear Patriarch, I am Andre, and I brought Miss Lan Shuang back."

Lan Shuang looked at the carved white door, pulled her lips, and soon a palm-sized circular machine flew over, circled her twice, and then a man's deep voice came from inside, " come in."

After the voice fell, the door slowly opened to both sides, revealing the magnificent hall inside.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes and looked over. There were two rows of sofas in the hall, which looked very soft, and they were full of people, men, women, old and young, tall, short, fat, and thin. They were simply the epitome of human society.

The single sofa in the middle is obviously a bit higher than the two sides, and it is wide and has armrests inlaid with gold and gemstones, which is very luxurious.

Lan Shuang immediately thought of the ancient dragon chair, and then looked at the man with gray temples but a young face on it, and he knew it. This should be her ruthless scumbag father—the current head of the Lan family, Lan Ping .

After Andre came in, he first bowed to Lan Ping, his posture was very standard, "Patriarch, this is Miss Lan Shuang."

Then he turned around and whispered to Lan Shuang: "Miss Lan Shuang, what is your etiquette?"

The person who had been watching couldn't help laughing, "Oh, what kind of etiquette do you know for a little girl from the slums? Andre, don't scare her. It's her first time coming to a big family like the Lan family. Inevitably afraid."

In a word, step on thunder everywhere.

Lan Shuang sneered in her heart, even in the interstellar era, some things that are not on the table still cannot be improved.

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