Lan Shuang followed the source of the voice, and saw a woman in a dark green evening dress with delicate makeup grinning at her with flaming red lips, her eyes full of sarcasm.

After comparing with the information in her mind, Lan Shuang knew who she was——Lan Ping's current wife, Qiu Yan.

The youngest daughter of the Qiu family, the victim of the marriage with the Lan family, she doesn't love Lan Ping, and Lan Ping doesn't love her either. The two play their own way outside, but they also have a child named Lan Bing, who has a body like Lan Shuang's. Three years older, now 21.

These other kids...

Lan Shuang glanced roughly, there were five in total, all of them were Lan Ping's illegitimate children outside.

And she is no different from them.

Oh no, in fact there is still one point, the worst of the others is also from a businessman background, and Lan Shuang’s mother is a flower girl in a slum. After marrying Lan Shuang, Lan never cared about her because she suspected her of humble background.

Thinking of this, Lan Shuang didn't even smile at all on her delicate face, she looked at Lan Ping indifferently, and nodded at him without respect at all: "Hi, Patriarch Lan."

Such a perfunctory and arrogant attitude stunned everyone present, and Andre frowned first: "Miss Lan Shuang, Patriarch Lan is not only the patriarch, but also your father. How can you be so indifferent?"

Lan Ping didn't speak, apparently acquiescing to Andre's reprimand, squinting at Lan Shuang.

The corners of Lan Shuang's lips twitched slightly, "Since he is my father and the head of the Lan family, as a servant, why should you dictate to the young lady of the Lan family?"

Her words stunned the other people who were waiting to see the joke.

What's the matter with this man?How dare you come out of the slums?Are the ignorant fearless?

Andre is one of the owner's right-hand men!

Everyone looked at Lan Shuang with different expressions, and they could already foresee her fate, and their eyes could not help showing a bit of pity.

There was a deathly silence in the hall, and you could hear a needle drop.

Andre's face was ashen, and he looked at Lan Ping, waiting for him to win back for himself.

Seeing that neither Lan Ping nor Lan Shuang spoke, they just looked at him.

Lan Ping suddenly leaned forward slightly, and asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why are you afraid of you?"

Lan Shuang stood between the tigers and wolves with her back straight. Although she was thin, she should not be underestimated.

"Everyone has never been to a slum, and you don't know how bad the living environment is there. Compared with the precarity, you may die at any time. What are you afraid of?"

Lan Shuang asked in a flat tone, and Lan Ping suddenly laughed, "Interesting."

He leaned back and waved: "Come here."

Lan Shuang stepped forward without fear, and stood in front of Lan Ping. Only then did Lan Ping notice that this daughter was quite tall, about [-].

"How old are you?"

Lan Ping recalled it for a while, and found that he had no memory of this at all, so he asked directly.

Lan Shuang said, "Eighteen."

Lan Ping was thoughtful, "Have you been to the hospital for an examination?"

Lan Shuang raised her head and smiled, two shallow pear dimples loomed, which was extremely sweet, but her eyes were as black as ink, which made people feel chills on the back.

She dropped two words abruptly; "No money."

Lan Ping: "..."

He forgot about it.

Seeing that the two were chatting, and didn't care about him at all, Andre's dissatisfaction reached the peak, "Patriarch..."

Lan Shuang glanced at him, "The master is talking, you can interrupt at will, Andre, what is your etiquette?"

Why does this sound so familiar?
Lan Shuang looks very much like Lan Ping when he was young, Lan Ping couldn't help feeling a little bit of intimacy, and waved to Andre: "It's none of your business, go down."

Andre: "..."

This dumb man will suffer, he gave Lan Shuang a sad look, he did not dare to resist the intention of the Patriarch, so he had to leave.

This time, the way everyone looked at Lan Shuang changed.

Lan Shuang pretended not to feel it, looked at Lan Ping, Lan Ping thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow I will have someone take you to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to see if there is any problem, you will stay here first tonight , the room is ready for you, let the robot take you there."

As he spoke, he shouted: "Luna—"

"Dad, let me take my sister there."

The beautiful girl stood out from the crowd, her little red uniform made her face rosy and healthy, her long light brown hair was slightly curly, and paired with those amber eyes, she looked like a doll.

Lan Ping glanced at her and nodded: "En."

Then he got up and left on his own.

As soon as the Patriarch left, the others immediately relaxed, and they did not hide it completely when facing Lan Shuang.

Qiu Yan glanced at the girl, and said angrily: "Bingbing, what do you care about her? Your time is precious, you have a piano master class in an hour, don't be late."

Lan Bing turned her head and smiled sweetly at her: "I know mom, I won't be late."

Qiu Yan glanced at Lan Shuang again, smiled sarcastically, stroked her hair and left.

"It hasn't differentiated yet, so I think it's probably sick."

"Who knows? It doesn't look like it can be differentiated into a knight. Even if it is barely differentiated, it is probably the lowest emissary, or maybe an ordinary person."

Lan Shuang glanced at the person who spoke, she was about the same age as her, and Lan Ping probably picked it up from outside.

Lan Bing stood in front of her and whispered: "Don't pay attention to what they say, they will make fun of anyone who comes."

After she finished speaking, she smiled and stretched out her hand: "My name is Lan Bing, I am three years older than you, and I am your sister."

Lan Shuang looked at her pampered hand, shook it generously, and said with a smile, "So it's my sister~"

Her tone was a bit strange, Lan Bing's heart tightened a little, but she didn't show it, she withdrew her hand and turned around and said, "I'll take you to your room to have a look, and let me know if there's anything missing."

"Thank you." Lan Shuang followed her upstairs.

Their room is on the second floor, the entire row is the room of Lan Ping's children, and the third floor is the bedroom of Lan Ping and Qiu Yan.

After all, it is the Lan family. Even if the children are treated very differently, the rooms are all the same size, with all the furniture in them.

Lan Shuang's room was at the end, next to the window at the end of the corridor.

Lan Bing pressed the groove on the door, the fingerprints lit up, and the door opened with a "click".

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, Lan Bing has the authority to all the rooms?

"Yes, the host, so you have to change the password as soon as possible~" 888 reminded me when it went online.

Lan Shuang looked at it thoughtfully, and asked in a low voice, "Sister, can only your fingerprints open the door? Then how can I enter the room from now on?"

Lan Bing's gentle and kind-hearted elder sister's personality is very well maintained. She shook her head and said, "Of course not. This is the initial setting. After a while, you can record your fingerprints and lock the permissions. You don't need me to open the door for you."

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