Lan Bing demonstrated to Lan Shuang how to input fingerprints. During the process, several pages popped up on it. Lan Shuang looked carefully, saw the page about permissions, and bent her eyes unobtrusively.

"Okay, now you press your index finger up, pause for three seconds, and hear the beep."

Lan Shuang pressed it, and the fingerprint was displayed on the screen, and it was completed soon. Then, the indicator light flashed twice, and a mechanical female voice, which was exactly the same as the door, sounded: "Fingerprint entry is successful, do you want to transfer permissions?"

Before Lan Bing could speak, Lan Shuang immediately clicked "Yes".

"Permission transfer succeeded!"

Lan Bing opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Lan Shuang blinked innocently: "Is this all right? Sister?"

"Ah... yes, that's enough." Lan Bing smiled.

"Okay." Lan Shuang turned and walked into the room, which was covered with flower-woven carpets, and various smart home appliances were running in an orderly manner.

The chubby, waistless household robot came over, bowed to Lan Shuang and Lan Bing, and the two big eyes on the screen were bent, "Good afternoon, two ladies."

Lan Shuang felt that this little thing was quite cute, so she raised her hand and patted his bald head: "Hello."

Lan Bing introduced: "This is a home robot, very intelligent, you can instruct him to do anything, such as serving water, fetching meals, cleaning, turning on the air conditioner, etc."

Lan Shuang nodded, and Lan Bing went into the bedroom and opened the closet to show her: "These clothes were made overnight after your size was measured, and they should fit you well. They are all new, and you can wear them casually. The other jewelry is on the dressing table, can you see what else is missing?"

"There is nothing missing, thank you sister."

Lan Shuang scanned around and found everything that should be there.

"Okay, your personal terminal is already in the process, and it will be delivered to you soon."

Lan Bing glanced at her terminal, "It's time for me to go to class, goodbye."


The moment the door closed, the smiles on the faces of the two people inside and outside the door disappeared at the same time.

Lan Bing turned her head and glanced contemptuously at the door, and stepped on her high-end custom leather shoes to leave.

And Lan Shuang lay down on the big bed, and said to 888: "Finally have time to be alone, send me the task."

"Okay~" 888 opened his eyes and began to make up: "The main task this time is to eliminate the original owner's resentment and realize the original owner's wish. First: get back your own life and get rid of the control of the Lan family. Second: go to school well. .”

"All of these are fine, is there anything else?"

888 remembered what the two of them said before, cleared his throat, "Cough... there is one more, but it doesn't have to be completed, you can see for yourself, do it if you want, and don't do it if you don't want to."

"Huh? What?" Lan Shuang looked at the ceiling suspiciously.

"Didn't the original owner's test report be exchanged in the previous life? Because of this, he missed a good marriage. If possible, in this life, the original owner hopes to be with Nian Siyan. If not, she will not force it."

This is of course not the case, the original owner did not say this, but he added it based on the identities of the two and the original plot, in order to create opportunities for the two to get in touch.

As for whether sparks can be sparked after contact, it's up to them. He tried his best.

"Nian Siyan..." Lan Shuang closed her eyes and recalled the original plot.

The relationship between Nian Siyan and the original owner is really complicated.

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