Therefore, Zhong Yue found him more and more disliked and opposed him everywhere. Originally, he was complacent that his wife was a young lady of the Lan family, and the original owner was pretty, so he was quite satisfied, but now that he knew Lan Bing and Nian Si The degree of matching was higher than that between him and the original owner, and he felt that he was being compared. His dark emotions continued to grow, and he began to vent his anger on the original owner.

The original owner accepted everything, but he didn't get his understanding, and instead got worse, especially when he accidentally learned that the original owner was an illegitimate daughter who came out of a slum, Zhong Yue was even more annoyed. When marking, the original owner was in pain, and he was also uncomfortable, which aggravated his tyrannical emotions.

The original owner was locked at home by him, and he was not allowed to go out. He drank too much when he didn't like it, and when he came back, he beat the original owner to vent his anger, and also confiscated her terminal, so that she could not call the police for help.

After a long time, the original owner was tortured until he lost the will to survive.

One day, Zhong Yue was uncharacteristically, suddenly caring for the original owner, and said that he was wrong before, and promised that he would never treat her like this again, the original owner was dubious, Zhong Yue bought her a beautiful evening dress and asked her to attend the dinner when wearing.

Zhong Yue held a reception at home, and spent a lot of effort to invite Nian Siyan. During the period, he kept toasting him, thanking him for saving him before, Nian Siyan didn't suspect anything, and when he was half drunk, he Went to the lounge, wanted to smoke, only to find someone in the lounge.

When he noticed the fluctuation of pheromone in the opponent's body, Nian Siyan turned to leave, but the door was locked from the outside.

The original owner was induced to be in heat by Zhong Yue, and then stayed here, waiting for Nian Siyan's arrival. As a knight, Nian Siyan could not avoid being induced by the messenger's pheromone, and entered the riot period ahead of time. At this time, the knight is irritable, irritable and lustful. , will very much want to mark the messenger to get the comfort of pheromone, if not timely and effective comfort, the consequences will be disastrous.

Zhong Yue's purpose for keeping the two of them here is obvious.

The lone knight and the envoys are in the same room when they are in heat, 99.99% of the time, something will happen. When he comes in with someone and "discovers" that his wife has been defiled by his boss, he can go to the Federation as a matter of course The court sued Nian Siyan and pulled him off the altar.

Forcing an envoy in the Federation is punishable by life imprisonment, and if the circumstances are serious, he will be sentenced to death. Even if he is given a lighter punishment based on his past achievements, Nian Siyan can no longer serve as an admiral, nor can he go to the battlefield. He can only live his life under the guidance of others give pointers.

This strategy can be described as extremely vicious!

The original owner and Nian Siyan both reacted immediately, the original owner couldn't help laughing, and then shed tears, "Admiral Nian... I'm sorry for dragging you down."

Seeing that she seemed to be ignorant, Nian Siyan felt compassion and said softly, "I'm the one who dragged you down."

Compared with him, once discovered, the original owner will be more affected.

The original owner shook her head, the last light in her eyes went out, she was as sad as death, she could no longer control her pheromones, the cold smell of the mountains and forests after the snow filled the whole lounge, and Nian Siyan's pheromones also burst out passively, The taste of the wine is stronger and stronger, with a touch of sweetness, and the two pheromones are instantly entangled, reaching an indescribable harmony.

The original owner was stunned, his eyes widened in disbelief, and Nian Siyan was also stunned. This kind of soul fusion feeling is rare. If the pheromones of the knight and the messenger can be perfectly integrated, it means that their matching degree is not the same. Generally high.

At this moment, the original owner and Nian Siyan looked at each other, and they both understood what was absurd and true.

The inseparable fusion of pheromones reached the peak, and at this moment, the two of them were thrilled.

The last straw fell, and the original owner was completely defeated. When Nian Siyan was about to step forward, she stood up with the sofa, "Don't come over."

Nian Siyan looked at her burning face and said in a low voice, "Your situation is very dangerous now."

But the original owner still told him not to come over, she grabbed the exquisite porcelain on the table and threw it to the ground, the porcelain was broken into several parts, she picked up the sharpest piece and pressed it against her neck.

Nian Siyan immediately asked, "What are you doing?"

The original owner's gradient blue evening dress shone like water waves under the light, and the original owner was lining it like a stranded mermaid, beautiful and fragile.

Her eyes were red, but she smiled and said: "My life has been ruined, I can't ruin you anymore, you are a hero, you still have your way to go, don't be delayed by me, I will endure it forever, always I thought it would be fine to just endure and wait, but I didn’t expect that in the end, I was just deceiving myself and others, and everything was fake.”

The breath she exhaled was scalding hot, and it was already the limit to hold on until now, and the hand holding the broken porcelain was trembling.

"I don't want to be their accomplice in framing the general, so let me be brave this last time."

She finally smiled at Nian Siyan, and wiped her neck fiercely.

A cut was cut on the slender and fair neck instantly, and blood gushed out. The original owner lost his strength and fell down, ending his sad life.

The pheromone floating in the air disappeared, and Nian Siyan's pheromone could not find an outlet, and returned to the back of his neck lonely.

The smell of blood dissipated, Nian Siyan was silent for a long time, and gave a standard military salute to the body of the original owner. The moment he lowered his head, a tear fell on the ground.

"You are also a hero." It is the hero who protects the hero.

After Nian Siyan finished speaking, he closed his eyes, calmed down his emotions, and waited for Zhong Yue to throw himself into the trap.

When Zhong Yue brought people here, what he saw was his wife lying in a pool of blood. He immediately wanted to call the police and hold Nian Siyan accountable, but the autopsy report showed that the original owner committed suicide and had nothing to do with Nian Siyan. Zhong Yue's accusation was not established.

But Nian Siyan revealed all of Zhong Yue's old stories, including domestic violence against his wife, framed frame, and the swapping of the pheromone matching report back then, all of which were brought to light.

The evidence was overwhelming, Zhong Yue was sentenced to death and Nian Siyan executed it himself, Lan Bing was imprisoned, the Lan family was implicated, their status fell again and again, and finally they fell out of the upper-class family and completely declined.

Although they all got the retribution they deserved, the original owner still felt regretful. After all, she was not compensated for the stolen and exchanged life.


After Lan Shuang sorted out the information, she couldn't help rubbing her eyes, "What kind of rubbish are these?"

888 also sighed, "Pigs and dogs are inferior, calling them animals is an insult to animals."

"Falling in love with each other before dying, and dying in the next second, it's too cruel." Lan Shuang sat up and sighed, "So why isn't this a rebirth article? How could the original owner be a female partner? How suitable is this Be the heroine of Rebirth Wen."

888 scratched his head, "Well... Actually, this is a story about the male protagonist, mainly about how the male protagonist succeeded all the way. Without the female protagonist, the original protagonist only plays a role in promoting it, so it is the female supporting role. After going through this incident , the male protagonist discovered the shortcomings of the existing mechanism, vigorously promoted reforms, dedicated his life to the Federation and science, and never married."

Lan Shuang: "..."

What is this?

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