Seeing Lan Shuang's depression, 888 quickly comforted him: "The host doesn't have to worry, since we are here, the plot will definitely change, and it won't be as miserable as in the previous life."

Lan Shuang exhaled, looked at her slender hands, clenched her fists and said, "Yes, I am here to change my destiny, and I will never repeat the same mistakes!"

Nothing happened that night, the dinner was delivered by the robot, Lan Shuang finished eating in the small restaurant in her room, and the robot took away the dishes, and no one came to bother her during the whole process.

Maybe it's because she hasn't differentiated yet, so Lan Ping doesn't want to waste too much affection on her.

But this is exactly what Lan Shuang wants, she doesn't like dealing with a group of hypocritical people.

After taking a bath, Lan Shuang lay on the big soft bed and said, "Turn off the light"

The beautiful crystal chandelier on the ceiling went out immediately, and there was a slight white noise around. Lan Shuang sighed, "It's so convenient."

After a while, her eyelids began to twitch, and she slowly fell asleep.

888 looked enviously at Lan Shuang on the bed, the quality of this person's sleep was still as good as ever, no matter where he was or what his status was, he didn't recognize the bed.

He secretly glanced at Jiang Lusheng's identity in this life, and muttered in a low voice, the two of them don't know if they can still be together, wouldn't it be embarrassing if they couldn't?

But it shouldn't be so, even if he has no memory, just in case, he deliberately chose a body that matches the two of them with a high degree of matching, so there should be... nothing wrong?

888 comforted himself for a while, but he still couldn't guarantee it, but he couldn't do anything, he could only suppress his anxiety and wait and see what happened.


After breakfast the next day, the terminal in Lan Shuang's hand lit up, and with two beeps, Lan Ping sent her a video message.

Lan Shuang tapped his finger lightly, and a light blue frame popped up in the air, flashed twice, and Lan Ping's face appeared on the screen. He stared at Lan Shuang majestically, and said without emotion: "I'll give you 5 minutes to clean up. Then go downstairs, I will wait for you on the suspension car, and we will go to the hospital for examination later."

Before Lan Shuang could answer, the screen disappeared.

"Check..." Lan Shuang picked out the most plain white shirt and jeans from the closet, put them on, and went out.

Lan Ping sat in the middle of the suspension car, and Andre sat next to him. Andre frowned when he saw Lan Shuang, but remembering the lesson yesterday, he still didn't dare to speak sarcasm directly, but his eyes looked very gloomy .

Lan Shuang acted as if she hadn't seen it, so who was she scaring?She won't lose a piece of meat even if the eyeballs pop out, it's boring.

But it was obvious that there was no place for her here, so she looked around and went to the back to sit down.

Lan Ping's eyes didn't fluctuate at all, and when he heard the voice, he just raised his eyelids to look at her, and then fiddled with his terminal there.

The Lan family started out with ores and rare metals. This kind of industry is profitable and dangerous. From time to time, there are some emergencies that need to be dealt with. It is no wonder that Lan Ping turned gray at a young age.

Lan Shuang's gaze landed on the back of his head and he was about to stop. Of course, it might be because he had committed too many crimes.


"The First Federal Military Hospital has arrived."

The sound broadcast by the suspension vehicle took Lan Shuang's attention away from the window. She raised her eyebrows. The First Military Hospital is not open to civilians. It specializes in treating federal military figures, soldiers and some generals. Of course, if you are particularly rich, you can also come , the military characters are free, and the charges for other people are more expensive.

But the technology and equipment here, as well as the secrecy and security are all top-notch, so those nobles would rather spend twice as much interstellar currency to come here for medical treatment.

As soon as the hover car stopped, people in sea-blue uniforms with laser guns hanging around their waists immediately surrounded them.

The door of the suspension car fell, and Andre went down first, and showed them the voucher of the Lan family: "I am Mr. Lan Ping's assistant Andre, we made an appointment yesterday."

The head of the guard glanced at it, and checked it on the terminal again. After confirming that there was no problem, he saluted and stepped aside: "Please——"

Only then did Lan Ping get off the suspension car, and Lan Shuang followed behind, looking at the majestic and majestic building in front of him like a palace, it was really hard to connect it with the hospital, it looked too gorgeous.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Andre looking at her, and she thought with her toes that this person probably wanted to look like she had never seen the world again, so she could find an opportunity to laugh at her.

There was a slight smile on her lips, and she followed Lan Ping neither far nor near, without squinting her eyes, as if she was not interested in everything around her.

Andre looked at it for a while, and the word "Chuan" squeezed out of his brows, looking very confused and dissatisfied.

Didn't they come out of the ghetto?How come you have no curiosity about such a sacred place?
It must be pretending!He will definitely make a fool of himself in the hospital after a while, he has a lot of opportunities to avenge yesterday!

Andre smiled darkly, thinking secretly.

After entering the hospital, they went through a security check first, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, they entered a spacious room under the escort of the guards.

Lan Shuang looked up, and it read: Pheromone Division.

"Master Lan, hello, I'm a doctor in the pheromone department, you can call me Lu Yang."

A doctor wearing black-rimmed glasses came out from the inside, wearing a white coat, with a medium build and thin body, and looked quite kind.

Lan Ping shook hands with him with a smile: "Hi Doctor Lu, this is my youngest daughter Lan Shuang. She made an appointment for a pheromone test yesterday. Please help her find out what's wrong."

Lu Yang looked Lan Shuang up and down, nodded, "Miss Lan, please come in with me."

Lan Shuang glanced at Lan Ping, and followed Lu Yang into the testing room inside.

"Please lie on the bed and lift your hair up to expose the back of your neck. It may hurt a little when the blue light penetrates for a while, please be patient."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang obediently did so, and then felt some cool liquid being applied to the back of her neck, followed by a prickly pain, she couldn't help but clutched her sleeves tightly.

Lu Yang stared at the image displayed on the screen for a while, then said with a smile: "Miss Lan's body is very healthy, the pheromones in the nape of her neck are growing, and it is estimated that they will mature soon. The exact time cannot be determined, but it may be a few days soon. It could be as slow as a year.”

When Lan Ping heard this, his heart sank, "As long as there is no problem, thank you, Dr. Lu."

Lan Shuang got up from the bed and touched the back of her neck. There was no wound at all, and the tingling sensation disappeared. She stood aside and listened casually to the conversation between Lan Ping and Lu Yang, and casually glanced outside the door. , Through the glass on the pheromone department door, she saw a tall figure flashing past, followed by a group of people with dense footsteps.

I don't know which big man came.

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