After listening to Lu Yang's instructions, Lan Ping took Lan Shuang to leave, but when she went out, Lan Ping paused and suddenly changed her face.

Lan Shuang looked at him suspiciously, what's the matter?
888 raised his hand: "That's right, Lan Ping is a knight, and he is extremely sensitive to pheromones. When he smells pheromones higher than himself, he will automatically enter a state of alert."

"That is to say, someone who was much stronger than Lan Ping passed by just now?" Lan Shuang thought of the tall figure she saw just now, it should be him.

888 snapped his fingers: "bingo~"

And not only is he stronger than Lan Ping, but also your future husband.

But this cannot be said for now.

888, the only one who knew the truth, looked up to the sky and sighed deeply. The feeling of knowing everything but being unable to say anything is really bad!
Lan Ping stared at the depths of the corridor for a while, and whispered: "Andre, go and find out who came just now."



Lan Shuang sat quietly on the suspension vehicle for a while before Andre came back in a hurry with a serious expression on his face.

Lan Shuang immediately pricked up her gossip ears.

"Who is it?" Lan Ping's eyes darkened.

Andre watched the car door close, and then said in a low voice: "Master, he is the new general promoted by the president, and his name seems to be Nian Siyan."

Lan Shuang and Lan Ping were taken aback at the same time.

Nian Siyan, isn't that the lover the original owner missed in his previous life?

"It's him?" Lan Ping narrowed his eyes, "Nian Siyan...what is he doing in the hospital? Was he injured?"

Andre shook his head: "No, I heard that it was a mental violence and it was a bit difficult to control, so I came to the hospital for isolation."

Lan Ping's expression became subtle: "So serious?"

Andre curled his lips: "The stronger the knight's spiritual power level, the more serious the riot. I heard that Nian Siyan is an SS-level knight, so he must be no different from a beast at this time."

Lan Shuang didn't take it seriously, although she only saw a side profile in the hospital for a moment, but looking at him like that, he was clearly very sensible.

The knight's riot period is similar to the messenger's fluctuation period, but the messenger's fluctuation period is not aggressive, and the knight's riot period is much more dangerous. At this time, their emotions fluctuate greatly and are very sensitive. It is easy to get into the horns and go to extremes, and their destructive power If they grow exponentially, they may self-mutilate or attack others if they don't pay attention. At this time, the pain they have to bear is not something ordinary people can resist.

So after reaching adulthood, knights will look for matching messengers so that they can appease each other and solve this problem.

But Nian Siyan is still a bachelor now, so he can only go to the hospital for isolation.

Lan Ping was silent for a while, his eyes sparkled, and he asked again: "Nian Siyan is still single now?"

Andre nodded: "Yes, the Patriarch. His marriage information is public and can be found on the Star Network. He is indeed single and has no dating partner."

Lan Ping suddenly smiled: "Very good."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Sure enough, he got another idea.

She looked down at her fingertips, showing a slight smile, but in this life, she will not be led by the nose again.


After returning to Lan's house, Lan Ping called Lan Shuang to go to the study, and the others couldn't help but feel a little curious when they saw this.

I don't know what the result of this inspection is, but the Patriarch's face is pretty good, so there should be nothing wrong?
Some people couldn't hide their disappointment when they looked at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang restrained the urge to roll her eyes. Do you guys want to show your emotions like this? You really don't take her seriously, and you don't even pretend.

After entering the study, Lan Ping sat down on his own, and said straight to the point: "You also know why I brought you back. Andre should have told you."

Without him saying anything, Lan Shuang took the opportunity to sit down across from him, calm and composed, with a stability that didn't match her age.

She nodded: "You picked me back because I haven't differentiated yet and have the potential to become a knight."

Seeing her like this, Lan Ping couldn't help but look at her more, then took out a paper contract from the drawer and handed it to her: "Our Lan family doesn't support idlers, if you fail to be differentiated into a messenger, I will send you Send it away, of course, you are my child after all, I will give you a sum of money to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, but you can no longer appear on Seablue Star, nor can you say that you are a child of the Lan family."

This is to draw the line.

Lan Shuang looked at him calmly, and Lan Ping handed her a pen, "This contract has a paper copy and an electronic copy. If you have no objections, you can sign it."

As soon as the voice fell, Lan Shuang's terminal rang, and there was an unread message on it, which should be the contract that Lan Ping said.

After a moment of silence, Lan Shuang picked up the contract and glanced at it. The above regulations were similar to what Lan Ping said, and there were no pitfalls, but that was not what she wanted.

She put down the contract, and said generously under Lan Ping's indifferent gaze: "I have objections. I think this contract needs to be changed."

Lan Ping narrowed his eyes slightly, and the breath around him became dangerous: "What are you talking about? These conditions are already very generous."

The implication is that you accept it as soon as you see it, and don't know what is good or bad.

Lan Shuang ignored his threats, and said unhurriedly: "I don't want any small mine stars. I am alone, and it is difficult to defend. If I am not careful, I will be robbed by interstellar pirates. For me, this thing is too weak. "

Lan Ping was taken aback, how could she think of this?The previous children were very happy when they found out that there was a mine star. They felt that they had made a fortune, so they didn't ask anything at all.

This slum came out, how could it be so clear?
He looked at Lan Shuang with less contempt in his eyes, and became a little more probing.

"Knights are of great significance to the Lan family. If you don't have a knight heir, you will only be divided up by side branches. At that time, you will no longer be the head of the Lan family, and these contracts will naturally have no effect."

Lan Shuang smiled slightly and said: "So, if I successfully differentiate into a knight, I will be of inestimable value to you. If nothing happens, I will become the new head of the Lan family. At that time, the entire wealth of the Lan family will be mine. What is a star?"

Lan Ping's complexion gradually sank, but a sense of freshness rose in her heart.

"Then what do you want?"

"I want a place in the Commonwealth First Academy."

"What?" Lan Ping was taken aback for a moment, and then asked uncertainly, "What do you want?"

Lan Shuang repeated it patiently: "The admission quota of the Federal First Academy."

888 was also curious: "Host, what do you want this quota for? Do you want to go to school?"

Didn’t the last world say that they never want to take exams again?

Lan Shuang said to him: "No matter what era you are in, knowledge is the only shortcut to change your destiny. I can't rely on the Lan family for the rest of my life. I'm about to split up. According to the original plot, I will definitely be an emissary. If I don't enter the academy, I will be a messenger." They have to be forced to marry again, although envoys are rare, but their status is very low, and they are restricted everywhere, and only by entering the academy can they find a way out."

This was Lanshuang's first thought after receiving the basic information of this world.

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