The most important point is that Federal First Academy is very protective of its shortcomings, and it has strong training and protection for students.

Whether it is a knight or an envoy, they are all equal here. The first rule of the academy is to prohibit gender discrimination. Regardless of the student or teacher, those who violate it will be expelled.

As long as you are a student of the First Federal Academy, if you encounter any family crisis or other threats that prevent you from continuing to attend classes, the academy will send someone to deal with it as soon as possible to ensure that all students can graduate smoothly.

Even the federal military cannot dictate to the Federal First Academy.

Because the academy was first founded by the Federal Fathers and recruited a large number of the most elite talents. The students who graduated here cover all aspects of the Federation and are extremely powerful. Even the current president is from here, so no one dares to look for the academy. Trouble.

If Lan Shuang becomes an envoy, Lan Ping regrets not letting her go to school. As long as she applies to the college, the college will protect her and provide her with board and lodging so that she can graduate smoothly.

So she decided to learn this lesson.

She can be poor, but not ignorant.

Lan Ping looked at Lan Shuang for a moment, then asked in a deep voice: "Have you really considered it? I can't reach into the Federal First Academy. At most, I will give you some money to give you a chance to make up the exam. If you pass the exam, you can Come on, I can’t pass, and I can’t help it.”

Lan Ping this is not an excuse, but a fact.

Lan Shuang also knew this, and nodded without refuting, "Yes, as long as there is a chance to make up the exam."

Lan Ping was thoughtful: "If you want to go to school, Seablue Star still has so many schools to choose from, why don't you go to the second college, I can directly arrange you into the first class, no matter what your grades are, you can go smoothly graduate."

Different from the First Federation Academy, although the Second Federation Academy seems to be just a little bit worse, the atmosphere and the quality of the students inside are completely different.

You can go to Federal Second Academy if you have money, and the graduation requirements are not high. Basically, there is no one who can’t graduate. The teachers in it are of good quality. Win connections and seek benefits for the family.

Therefore, the Second Federal College is also known as: Relationship College.

Those who are really capable are not favored, but when looking for a job or entering some institutions, the graduation certificate of the Second Academy is quite important, which means that the power behind him should not be underestimated.

Lan Ping personally hopes that Lan Shuang will go to the Second Academy.

However, Lan Shuang smiled and asked, "Which one do you think is more valuable, an heir to a second-rate academy or an heir to a first-rate academy?"

Lan Ping: "..."

There is no comparison at all, Lan Ping pondered for a while, and finally asked: "Are you sure you want to give up the mine star and property in exchange for this admission?"

Lan Shuang looked at him indifferently, "That's right."

"Okay, I'll change the contract." Lan Ping turned around and clicked a few times on the machine, and a new contract appeared in front of the two of them. He signed his name first and handed it to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang read it twice carefully, and then read the electronic version again, and signed her name after confirming that it was correct.

The moment Lan Ping stamped, Lan Shuang finally showed her first heartfelt smile, got up and stretched out her hand and said to Lan Ping, "Patriarch Lan, happy cooperation."

Lan Ping put down the seal and smiled inexplicably: "It's a happy cooperation."

Anyway, if she didn't become a knight, he had nothing to lose.If she really became a knight, it would not be too late for him to invest more.


After Lan Shuang collected the contract, she left the study room. When she turned around, she saw Lan Bing walking this way. The two met each other's eyes in the corridor. Lan Shuang smiled at her: "Sister, do you have something to do with the Patriarch?"

"No, I'm here to look for you." Lan Bing had the usual gentleness on his face.

Her eyes fell on the contract in Lan Shuang's hands, her eyes flickered slightly, "Did father tell you about the future arrangements?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, I said it, it's pretty good."

Lan Bing raised her eyebrows, "You really think it's pretty good?"

"Yeah, I have everything I want, and I don't have to worry about basic necessities anymore, isn't it good?" Lan Shuang blinked innocently: "Aren't sister happy for me?"

Lan Bing's smile deepened, "Why? Of course I'm happy for you. I heard from Andre that your body is very healthy and will be able to differentiate soon. I wish you all the best in advance."

"Thank you." The moment Lan Shuang passed by, the smile in Lan Shuang's eyes was slightly cold.

Of course everything will be fine.

Lan Bing looked at the back of Lan Shuang going away, thought of the content of the contract, and smiled disdainfully, "Sure enough, she came from a slum, and her eyelids are shallow, and the money that is not necessarily life-saving can make her happy." so."

Only now did she relax her vigilance against Lan Shuang.


Lan Ping acted quickly, and got the quota for the make-up exam the next day, and asked Lan Shuang to take the exam as soon as possible.

The location of the make-up exam is arranged by the Federal First Academy, in the reading room of the academy.

There are many books in the reading room, covering various aspects such as astronomy and geography, mech manufacturing, pharmaceutical research, etc., as long as they say a word, books will be placed on their desktops immediately.

The reason why the college arranges the exam here is to facilitate them to look up the information at any time.

Reviewing data and screening information is also one of the contents of the assessment.

Lan Shuang entered the reading room under the guidance of the teaching assistant, and came to her own seat. As soon as she sat down, her terminal was blocked, and there was no signal at all.

She pressed it twice, but she ignored it when she didn't respond. Instead, she looked around. There were still a few vacancies across the aisle on the left and right sides. Obviously, there were still people who hadn't come. The exam should not start for a while.

So she closed her eyes and began to recall the information she found yesterday.

Federal First Academy has always taken an unconventional path, and has various requirements for admissions. Generally speaking, if you have one advantage, you can be admitted.

Therefore, there will be no difficult and professional questions during the exam.

The college takes a serious exam every year to select some students with outstanding abilities. There is no age limit, from eighty to five years old. You can find what you want to learn here, as long as you are willing to work hard. If you miss it for various reasons After the first exam, you can take the supplementary exam by paying a certain fee.

There are various types of exams, you only need to choose one that you are sure of and reach the passing line.

But when you graduate, you need to score more than [-]% in the exam to get a diploma. After graduating from the reserve army, you will directly enter the military and start professional devil training. In pharmacy, you will directly enter major hospitals for internships. Those with outstanding results will enter the pharmacy center. Become a respected researcher.

Lan Shuang's goal this time is pharmacy.

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