The make-up exam for pharmacy is very simple, and you can pass it with basic knowledge of pharmacy. Although Lan Shuang has never studied it, the original owner likes to read books when she is free at home in her previous life. She has read a lot of related books. She is very interested in pharmacy , so it is enough to cope with the make-up exam.

Soon everyone arrived, and the test papers were sent directly to everyone's personal terminal, and they could answer directly by clicking on it.

"Please check the test paper carefully. If there are any garbled characters, you can start answering. The test time is 10 minutes. If you finish the answer early, you can hand in the test paper and leave the test room in advance. Please abide by the order of the test room. If there is any violation, you will be thrown away. If you leave the examination room, you will be banned from the examination for three years."

An old voice echoed in the reading room, everyone's spirits were shaken, and they immediately entered the state.

Suddenly a blue light flashed on the terminal, and the words on the test paper became clear, which meant that the answer could be answered.

Lan Shuang immediately devoted herself to the exam.

The question was really not difficult, and she answered it very smoothly. When I turned to the last page, there was only one subjective question, but the score accounted for a lot of it, a full [-] points.

"There will be no pitfalls, right?" Lan Shuang looked at the title suspiciously, "Why do you want to study pharmacy?"

She froze for a moment, looked down, and it was gone.

Just a word?

888 tut tut sighed: "This question is really terrible. Using the simplest question to get the highest score is too subjective, isn't it?"

Lan Shuang was silent for a while, really wanting to find out the questioner and ask how to answer it?
Why study pharmacy?

She thought about it, the original owner read these books to understand the messenger better, what about her?
Thinking of the experience of the original owner in her previous life, Lan Shuang suddenly came up with inspiration, raised her hand and typed on the virtual keyboard: I want to research the most effective inhibitor, so that knights and messengers will no longer be in a hurry when facing a special period, and will no longer give people Taking advantage of this opportunity, the messenger can obtain a healthier body and have more choices.

Then she submitted the test paper.

888: "Ah? Host, don't you want to check again? Don't write more on the last question? Twenty points!"

Lan Shuang shook her head, and was about to say something, when she suddenly felt a heat on the back of her neck, and her body began to feel cold.


She couldn't help supporting the table with her hands, trembling all over.

"What's the matter? Can't use any strength?"

Lan Shuang was dizzy, her limbs felt weak, the inside of her body was hot, while the outside was cold. The feeling of ice and fire was driving people crazy.

The teaching assistant who was invigilating the exam also noticed something unusual, and he came over and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you, classmate?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "I..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she exhaled a burst of hot air, and 888 exclaimed: "Host, you are going to divide, hurry to the infirmary!"

"No wonder..." Lan Shuang looked at the two teaching assistants in front of her, and tried to stand up: "It's a bit uncomfortable, where is the infirmary?"

"It's 100 meters to the east from here, you're like this..." The teaching assistant said worriedly, "May I find someone to take you there?"

"No, I can do it myself, thank you teacher."

Lan Shuang couldn't wait for a moment. After going out, her personal terminal automatically recovered. She glanced at it and saw that there was no news, so she ran to the infirmary.

"According to the original plot, don't I have three days to split? Why did it start today?"

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth against the impact of waves of heat.

888 spoke quickly: "I checked just now, it's because the host has passed through and had a small impact, but this small impact has advanced the differentiation, and everything else is normal."

Lan Shuang was helpless, seeing that she was going to be unable to hold on anymore, the door of the infirmary appeared in front of her.

"Here we are..." No one was guarding the door, Lan Shuang stumbled in and ran in, saw a man in a white coat, and called hoarsely: "Doctor—"

The man turned to look at her, "Student, the infirmary is closed today..."

"I'm going to divide, I'm in a hurry, can you help me?"

"What?" The doctor, who was still calm at first, suddenly changed his face, strode up to her, took out a thermometer from his jacket pocket, pressed it on her forehead, and then heard a "beep" : "High fever of 39 degrees, please deal with it as soon as possible!"

"You come with me!"

The doctor raised his hand and pressed a few times on the terminal, a stretcher bed quickly ran over from the end of the corridor, several robots helped Lan Shuang onto the bed, and then sent it to the nearest ward.

"The differentiation cannot be interfered by external forces. I will prepare a nutrient supplement for you to replenish your physical strength and prepare a series of things to be used after the differentiation. Wait for me for a while and don't go out casually. Your current state is very dangerous and fragile."

The doctor explained a few words nervously, Lan Shuang nodded in a daze, and the doctor immediately closed the door and went out.

Today happened to be just in time for Admiral Nian Siyan to come over. The doctors all went to a meeting to study his illness. There were not many inhibitors in the first place, and he basically used them.

And now that the college is on holiday, there is basically no one in the school except for those who come to make up the exam, so they will not replenish the stock of medicines at all, because it is very troublesome to deal with them after the expiration date, and they did not expect a sudden differentiation.

The doctor was so anxious that he was sweating, so he could only find a way to make one now, hoping that the raw materials were still available.


Lan Shuang's consciousness was burnt to a blur, and she felt as if she had been thrown into a place where ice and fire meet, her teeth chattered from the cold for a while, and her whole body was scalded by the heat for a while.

She turned back and forth on the hospital bed but couldn't relieve it. Her strength and consciousness disappeared together. In the end, she even struggled to move her fingers, so she could only lie down and gasp for breath.

The pain in the back of the neck was high and high, as if something was about to break through the skin and grow out.


Lan Shuang couldn't help but snorted, and vaguely smelled a cold and faint smell.

It smelled good, and she couldn't help sniffing it twice, but she didn't realize that the smell was getting stronger and stronger.

888 looked at it hesitantly, and he couldn't understand the direction.

Just when he was hesitating to do something, there was a loud noise outside, which made his ears buzz for a moment, as if something had been forcibly broken open.

The siren blared and blared, and the hallway was in chaos.

"What about people?"


"Stop him!"

"You fart, stop one and try!"

"Didn't it be fine before? Why did you suddenly go crazy?"

"You ask me who I'm asking, hurry up and find it! Fortunately, today is a holiday and the students are not here, otherwise it would be really dangerous."

The sound went from far to near and then far away. Lan Shuang listened to it and ignored it. She felt that the pain was not so great, and her whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds.

However, the next moment, a person suddenly appeared at the door of the ward.

He stood there blocking all the light from the glass, and the room was slightly dark. When Lan Shuang raised her head in doubt, she met a pair of scarlet evil eyes.

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