At this moment, Lan Shuang's heart was suffocated, and an unspeakable throbbing suddenly spread from her heart to her limbs. She was in a daze, but she couldn't move her eyes.

She didn't even know when the door opened. When she heard a "click" and came back to her senses, the person had already entered and closed the door.

Lan Shuang looked at him blankly, her burned-up brain turned around, "Nian Siyan?"

She called out uncertainly, her voice was hoarse and choked with imperceptible sobs.

Nian Siyan's footsteps stopped, his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, making his whole face more and more stern.

"you know me?"

After staring at Lan Shuang for a long time, he finally opened his mouth.

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Isn't it hard to know the youngest general in the Federation?"

However, isn't this person isolated in the First Military Hospital?How did you come here?

She looked at Nian Siyan suspiciously, but Nian Siyan didn't look at her again.

The faint smell of mountains and forests after the snow is floating in the air, fresh and cold, which makes people sober up a lot in an instant, but after a short sobriety, it is a more violent counterattack.

Nian Siyan's tall nose moved slightly, he bowed slightly, and his big hands with well-defined bones tightly grasped the railing of the hospital bed.

The veins on the back of the hand were all bulging, and the joints were stretched white, as if trying to hold back something.

When Lan Shuang was about to ask him what he was doing here, she suddenly smelled a faint smell of wine.

The sweetness of the grapes is hidden under the strong alcohol, which is almost undetectable, but it is a beautiful trap, and when people recover from it, they find that they are too drunk to resist.

This was the case with Lan Shuang, she just smelled it twice, and felt that the smell was getting stronger and stronger, making her top-heavy, limp and unable to use her strength, as if she had drunk too much.

"You..." At this point, Lan Shuang finally remembered that Nian Siyan's mental strength is not stable now, and it is easy to lose control of himself and follow his instinct.

Enduring the discomfort, she tightly grasped the white sheet with her fingers to prop herself up, trying to back up, but it was such a subtle movement that stimulated the sensitive nerves of the violent knight.

Nian Siyan's eyes suddenly darkened, and he looked quietly at Lan Shuang on the bed.

Because of the high fever, a thin layer of sweat broke out on Lan Shuang's body, which wet her hair, and a wisp stuck to her side face near her lips.

That lip should have been bitten repeatedly, and it was bright red and slightly swollen, like a flower in full bloom.

Because of the struggle just now, the collar was slightly undone, the top button was undone, and the beautiful collarbone was half hidden.

Nian Siyan's Adam's apple hidden under the high collar rolled unnoticed.

Biansheng Lanshuang, a seductive flower, looked at him with those eyes full of water, "Admiral, I think you should go out now, I... I'm splitting up, and your condition is not very good."

After she finished speaking, she paused and frowned slightly.

Wait, what the people outside said just now was Nian Siyan, right?
It was only then that she noticed that Nian Siyan was wearing a light blue hospital gown, with a white shirt underneath that was buttoned all the way to the top, showing a sense of meticulous abstinence.

Nian Siyan's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and he straightened up slowly. At that moment, Lan Shuang's heart tightened, and she felt a sense of danger of being targeted by some large beast. Her instinct made her shrink back again. , but in the next moment, a cool and rough hand grabbed her ankle with precision.

Lan Shuang: "!"

She stared at Nian Siyan with wide eyes in disbelief, "Little Baba, what does he want?"

888 spread his hands: "I don't know, but obviously, you are really suitable for doing something like this."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She tried to free her ankle and struggled twice, "Admiral, please let go of my foot."

Nian Siyan was unmoved, and approached with a blank expression, and finally sat down at the end of the bed, his eyes fell on Lan Shuang's slender and somewhat exaggerated ankles. It's ripe.

Unfortunately, this is not over yet, this man is still rubbing her protruding ankle bone with his thumb, the skin is very thin and tender, Lan Shuang can clearly feel the callus on his thumb, which makes her a little itchy A little numb, already sensitive nerves almost collapsed under such torture.

Another heat wave hit, Lan Shuang suddenly fell on the bed, curled up her body, "Mmm..."

Nian Siyan paused, looked up at her slightly parted lips when she was breathing rapidly, and finally said the second sentence after entering the room: "You are dividing."

Lan Shuang wanted to roll her eyes, didn't she just say that you are intermittently deaf, right?

"And..." Nian Siyan held Lan Shuang's ankle with one hand, and reached out to her face with the other, gently brushing away the wet hair on her face, as if with a hint of pity, "You have decomposed into messenger."

Because of this movement, he leaned forward slightly, casting a shadow on Lan Shuang, just covering her completely, the oppressive feeling brought by the poor figure made Lan Shuang feel more dangerous, and the smell of wine that seemed to be absent suddenly became stronger , and there is an increasing trend.

Lan Shuang's breathing suddenly became chaotic, she closed her eyes, a little uncomfortable, there was a kind of desire from the bottom of her heart clamoring crazily, making her want to touch the person in front of her.

But she didn't want to touch it. What's so good about this ice-like guy?

However, her body was obviously out of control, and there was another severe pain from the back of her neck. The pained Lan Shuang's eyes went dark, and then the more intense smell of the mountain forest after the snow rushed out, colliding with the wine, overlapping and merging .


Lan Shuang's body trembled, the pain disappeared, and her body was in a blank state for a while, but then she was dragged into the abyss of desire.

888 reminded in a low voice: "Host, your differentiation is over, but there is bad news."

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth: "Say it."

"Because your differentiation is relatively late, so once the differentiation is successful, you will enter the estrus period."

888 covered his face shyly after finishing speaking, "So your current situation is still very dangerous. You need to inject the inhibitor as soon as possible, or find a temporary mark from the knight, otherwise you will have to suffer for a long time."

Lan Shuang: "..."

This is really bad news. The inhibitor hasn't arrived yet, and the doctor doesn't know where to go.

As for the knight, there was one in front of him, but he didn't look normal.

Nian Siyan also noticed something, his drooping eyes met Lan Shuang's misty eyes, and he even hooked his lips, "Your pheromone smells very good."

Lan Shuang: "...Are you a little perverted?"

Nian Siyan chuckled happily, with an indescribable charm in the corners of his eyes and brows, "Maybe."

He leaned over again, and his wheat-colored hand fell on Lan Shuang's fragile neck, slowly rubbing it backwards, "Do you need help?"

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