Lan Shuang's whole body is sensitive now, and she couldn't stop trembling after being touched by him, "Yes, I need you to stay away from me now."

She glared at the man who had no sense of boundaries.

She would rather be stabbed twice than to be possessed casually.

However, this look was soft and harmless, it was just a pair of eyes that were surprisingly bright.

Nian Siyan paused, the scarlet in his eyes receded slightly, he looked down at Lan Shuang for a moment, then suddenly withdrew his troublesome hand, Lan Shuang's neck and ankles were freed, and she immediately rolled to the other side of the hospital bed .

This time Nian Siyan didn't move, just sat here and looked at her. After a while, he raised his hand and unbuttoned the hospital gown.

Lan Shuang: "???"

"It's not... you, what are you going to do? Calm down!"

Lan Shuang clenched her fists nervously, "Little Baba, if he pounces on you in a while, can you exchange some props for me? The ones that make me run away quickly."

888 hesitated: "Ah... he shouldn't do anything excessive, right?"

After all, the one who likes you the most.

But 888 couldn't say that, and with no memory, and being affected by the original owner's body, Jiang Lusheng's personality would inevitably change, and now he couldn't see through it.

However, Nian Siyan just took off the outermost hospital gown and handed it to Lan Shuang, his voice was slightly hoarse, "Our pheromone matching degree should be very high, this is all my smell, it can relieve your current pain. symptom."

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at the clothes in his hand, "Then you..."

Nian Siyan raised his eyebrows: "I can bear it, I don't want to do anything in this kind of place, and I don't want to have sex with strangers, so we can make a deal."

Seeing that the redness in his eyes had receded a lot, and he seemed to be really awake, Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, "How do you trade?"

"I'm in a period of riots, and the situation is very bad. The inhibitor is useless to me, and I need the comfort of the messenger."

When Nian Siyan spoke, he still hadn't taken his hand back, holding up the dress.

Lan Shuang looked at him hesitantly, "How can I help you, give you a bite? Then am I at a loss?"

Everywhere he went, the young general who was sought after by others was disliked for the first time, and he was a bit dumbfounded.

His brows and eyes softened, showing a little helplessness, "No, just hug me for a while, and release some of your pheromone."

This is not difficult and reasonable.

The doctor's delay in returning seems to be no better solution than this at the moment.

Lan Shuang thought for a moment, then reached out to grab Nian Siyan's clothes, but as soon as her fingertips touched him, she was grabbed by his wrist and dragged him over.

"Nian Siyan!"

With a cry of surprise, she fell into Nian Siyan's hot embrace.

Nian Siyan opened his arms and hugged him tightly, buried his head on Lan Shuang's neck, took a deep breath, and sighed contentedly: "Don't move, I won't bite you, I'll just hug you for a while."

Lan Shuang saw that he didn't make any further movements, didn't struggle anymore, and leaned stiffly in his arms.

Soon, Nian Siyan's pheromones enveloped her like a net, and under this inducement, her pheromones also rushed out, cautiously trying to touch Nian Siyan's information The pheromones of Nian Siyan are wrapped in Nian Siyan's pheromones when they meet, and the two merge and meet, reaching an unspeakable balance.

Lan Shuang suddenly felt much better on her body, and it wasn't so hot anymore, like soaking in a pool of hot springs. Her eyelids gradually became heavy from the comfort, and she forgot to resist or be vigilant. Shrunk, fell asleep after a while.

This tossing exhausted all her physical strength, and it was not easy to survive until now.

In her sleep, Lan Shuang's body was more honest. Her hands were tightly grasping the hem of Nian Siyan's shirt, and she buried herself in his arms, and the hot air was blowing on Nian Siyan's chest.

Nian Siyan closed his eyes. Under the high degree of matching, being able to see but not eat is simply a kind of torture.

He smelled the pheromone that was lingering around him and showed him a special affection, and couldn't help but took another deep breath.

"The smell of mountains and forests after snow is rare." Nian Siyan's voice softened, and he gently helped Lan Shuang adjust her posture, letting her lean on his shoulders and put her legs on his thighs.

He looked down at Lan Shuang's face that had recovered a little blood, with a bit of tenderness and confusion in his eyes, and said softly: "It really smells good."

He grew up in an uninhabited area mixed with fish and dragons since he was a child, and he differentiated into a knight at a very young age, which is why he did not die there. He survived tenaciously by relying on his powerful pheromones and fighting skills. Federal First Academy, and then leapfrogged all the way, entered the military, participated in several wars, performed well, and rose step by step.

It can be said that at the age of 22, he has already lived other people's lives. Except that he is not married yet, he basically has no regrets.

He has seen too many temptations since he was a child. Men and women, all kinds of messengers tried their best to him, but they didn't let him take a second look. He always felt that the smell was very unpleasant and pungent, which made him He was tense.

Many people joked that his level of mental power was too high, and he was afraid that he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

After all, if there is no matching messenger, it will be difficult for him to survive the riot period, and he may go crazy and die before he is 40 years old.

Unexpectedly, here today he met a little messenger who made him feel comfortable.

He originally planned to isolate him in the No. [-] Military Hospital, but there were too many people there, and the inhibitors were useless, which made him more mentally broken overnight. Even with the most advanced isolation technology, it was impossible to isolate him from the messenger's information. Sensitive to Su, in desperation, the people from the hospital contacted the college. Because the students were on vacation and there was no one in the college, it might make him feel better, so he moved in early this morning.

This time it was indeed a lot cleaner, but his riot symptoms were still very serious, and he was always on the verge of going berserk.

When he was wandering on the edge of the abyss, he suddenly smelled a faint ray of messenger pheromone, which made him feel very good, very comfortable, very... wanted.

This strange desire came fiercely, stronger than any emotion. He had never been so passionate on the battlefield, and even overwhelmed his grueling riot period.

He was dominated by instinct, he ran out of the ward, and the desire became more violent as he got closer to it, clamoring for him to bite down hard and possess her!

When he came outside the ward, he immediately saw the person on the bed, a very beautiful emissary, more beautiful than any he had ever seen, not because of his beautiful appearance, but with a beauty that made his soul tremble.

At that moment, he felt like he was going to burn.

He just wanted to hold him tightly in his arms.

Desire and reason kept tugging, and in the end it was barely a tie.

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