So while he sank soberly, he restrained his outstretched hand, and didn't do anything more excessive, but that was all.

He is not sure what he will do if it is delayed for a while. This is the predatory instinct engraved in the bones of the knight. The higher the level of mental power, the harder it is to control.

He tried his best to restrain himself from biting down on her bright red lips.

The person in his arms was exhausted, finally fell asleep, and his breathing returned to its normal rhythm and temperature.

Nian Siyan couldn't help but tightened his arms again, absorbing her cool and pleasant-smelling pheromone to relieve his restless instinct.

Lan Shuang didn't know Nian Siyan's torment, nor his rich psychological activities. She didn't sleep well this time, because she had just become an envoy, and her mental power was at its most vulnerable, and she hadn't been comforted yet. Still be disturbed by the abnormality of the body.

With a "click", the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and the sound of footsteps was accompanied by a slightly anxious voice, "I've prepared it, now you—uh, who are you?"

The doctor looked at the man who suddenly appeared by the hospital bed, and then at Lan Shuang, who was showing a little hair in his arms, his face changed suddenly: "What did you do to her? Let her go! Otherwise, I will call the police!"

Nian Siyan's back was facing him, so the doctor only saw Nian Siyan's tall and broad shoulders, but not his face. He could only know from the strong smell of pheromone in the air that he was a rioter. Very dangerous knight.

"Please get out of here immediately!" The doctor couldn't hold his head up because of the pheromone suppression, but he still walked to the bed resolutely.

Nian Siyan's well-shaped and neat eyebrows frowned, and he lifted a finger to his lips in dissatisfaction.

The doctor's eyes widened in astonishment after seeing his face clearly, "Nian... Admiral Nian?"

Nian Siyan nodded slightly, but didn't intend to speak.

"Why are you here? They are looking for you like crazy, you—" He was a little excited and worried, "You go back quickly, your current situation..."

Words ran faster than his brain, and he didn't realize it until he was halfway through speaking. Nian Siyan seems to be in a much better state now than before, his eyes are no longer red as if they are about to bleed, his face is much clearer, and the air pressure around him is not so high few.

what happened?
The doctor looked hesitantly at Lan Shuang, who was in his arms, and could only see a little bit of fair side face, most of which were blocked by Nian Siyan's arm.

Smelling the strong smell of pheromone in the air again, he suddenly realized, his eyes widened, and he blurted out: "Admiral, what did you do to her?"

His voice suddenly rose and changed its tone. Lan Shuang couldn't help but move in Nian Siyan's arms, and put her ears against his chest to resist the noise.

Nian Siyan immediately raised his hand to cover Lan Shuang's ears, and gently patted the other hand around her twice.

Looks like you're... coaxing a child?

The doctor was startled by his own thought, and he froze in place as if struck by lightning.

What the hell, isn't Admiral Nian frigid?Isn't there no response to the messenger?Why did he suddenly swear at a little girl who had just transformed into a messenger?
And looking at this extremely possessive posture, it is clear that he is quite caring.

The doctor couldn't help but glanced over there a few more times, and then saw Nian Siyan whisper something in Lan Shuang's ear. He couldn't hear clearly, but the tone was rare and gentle, and then saw him holding Lan Shuang in his arms. His coat was pulled out.

The doctor thought he was going to leave, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to send him off, he saw him raise his eyes and glance at him indifferently, even hinting at a hint of warning, causing a layer of pain to appear on the doctor's back instantly. cold sweat.

Then Nian Siyan put the coat on Lan Shuang's body, covering her entire upper body, not a single hair was exposed.


As for?Anti-thief is not so anti-is it?I have a wife! ! !
But he didn't dare to say this to Nian Si face to face, he only dared to slander him.

Nian Siyan looked at Lan Shuang, who was wrapped like a rice dumpling, and his mood suddenly improved a lot. He stood up with the person in his arms, and the doctor immediately followed, "Where are you going?"

Nian Siyan said without looking back: "Go back to the ward."


Nian Siyan's ward is in the middle of the third floor. It is a very large and beautiful room. There is only one hospital bed inside, but there is a sofa, coffee table and bathroom outside. It is fully equipped. Those who don't know think it is someone's living room.

After Nian Siyan carried him through the door, he took a look at the environment of the ward, and put him directly on his bed.

It may be because of Nian Siyan that he left this bed not long ago. The sheets and pillows smelled strongly of Nian Siyan. When Lan Shuang was just put down, she grabbed Nian Siyan's sleeve with dissatisfaction. However, when she lay down and smelled the familiar smell, she relaxed her brows again, turned over on the bed, and curled up.

Nian Siyan stood beside the bed and watched her with heavy eyes. The doctor had already notified other doctors to come over. After a while, the door of the ward was crowded with people, and all the heads were covered with blackness.

All the people from the hospital came, looking in curiously and gossip, like a flock of geese stretching their necks, but no one dared to step into the door.

Nian Siyan's pheromone is too strong and too thick, and the domineering and exclusive meaning in it is even more daunting. If someone dares to step into his territory, there is no doubt that he will definitely be torn to pieces.

Only the doctor who came with him before was inside, and now he is still at a loss. He doesn't quite understand why Nian Siyan hasn't told him to get out yet, so should he get out or not?
Just when he was hesitating, Nian Siyan, who looked like his wife like a stone, finally moved, tore his gaze away from Lan Shuang, and landed on the doctor with precision.


It was suddenly difficult to breathe.

888 breathed a sigh of relief instead, "The system is scared to death, it's really scary to keep staring at it..."

"What about the inhibitor?"

Nian Siyan's voice was still hoarse with lust, and the doctor couldn't help but get more complicated when he saw him. What did these two people really do?
"No, bring something."

Nian Siyan saw through his thoughts at a glance, and stretched out his palms to face the doctor.

The doctor's eyes widened again, but he didn't do it.

Nian Siyan: "..."

Seeing that Nian Siyan was a little impatient, he quickly took out two glass bottles containing a light blue liquid from his pocket, "Both of these are, um... Admiral, you'd better make one for yourself too." .”

Nian Siyan nodded, and opened one first after taking it. It came with a disposable needle inside, which was very convenient. He pulled Lan Shuang's arm and sat on the bed. He suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said coldly: " Get out, close the door."

Doctor: "...OK."

The injections are not allowed to be seen, please, can you pick a little more?Not a spanking needle.

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