After the door was closed, Nian Siyan pulled Lan Shuang's arm and skillfully pushed the needle in her forearm after making sure that people outside could not be seen. The smell of pheromone immediately weakened a lot until it disappeared completely.

Nian Siyan was depressed again, he stopped looking at Lan Shuang, closed his eyes and shot himself another one.

Because he had been appeased by Lanshuang pheromone before, this time the inhibitor had a rare effect on him, and the dark side that grew wildly in his heart slowly shrank back to the bottom of his heart, as if locked up, and the surging enthusiasm in his limbs also is gradually fading.

When he opened his eyes again, his expression became much clearer, and he returned to the calm and decisive general Nian Siyan.

He threw the empty inhibitor without looking back, and it fell steadily into the trash can next to the sofa behind.

After calming down, Nian Siyan stared at Lan Shuang, without that crazy possessive desire, but he was still attracted by her and couldn't take his eyes off.

Thinking of the feeling just now, he twisted his fingers faintly.

Instinct is really a terrible thing, and it will affect the judgment he has always been proud of.

Now he doesn't know whether his abnormal desire for Lanshuang is affected by pheromone or something else.

I can't figure it out, so I have to look more.

Just looking at it is fascinated.

He was too confused before and didn't pay attention, but now he realized that Lan Shuang was slender and long, but very thin, her wrists and ankles were not enough for him to hold with one hand, and if she was stronger, he was worried that she would break her.

Would you like such a fragile thing?

Nian Siyan was somewhat skeptical.

He was silent for a long time, then stood up suddenly, took a deep look at Lan Shuang at last, and went out.

Like it or not, it's good to separate and calm down, but before that, he has to figure out her identity.


Outside the door, the doctors hadn't left yet, they got together and whispered gossip.

"Where did that messenger come from? Isn't the academy on holiday today?"

"It should be a student who took the make-up exam. It's over there in the reading room. It's quite close to here. This kid probably split up after the exam, so he came to our place."

"It's also possible, Xiao Lin, do you know who she is?"

Kobayashi was the doctor who prescribed the inhibitors before.

He shook his head: "I don't know, I was idle at the time, I came out to check around, and I happened to see her, she said she was going to differentiate, so I took her to the ward, and then went to get the inhibitors, What happened next..." He smiled wryly, "I'm also quite confused."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, who wouldn't be confused?
That's Nian Siyan!It was rumored that the youngest general of the Federal Empire who might be a bachelor for the rest of his life suddenly cared for an envoy. Is this really explosive news?
"You don't know her identity?"

Nian Siyan's cold and mellow voice sounded from behind, and Xiao Lin trembled suddenly, turned his head and whispered: "Yes." Then he looked at Nian Siyan hesitantly, and asked again with no desire to survive: " Don’t you know, Admiral?”

Nian Siyan: "..."

Everyone: "..."

It's okay, it's just a new acquaintance, and it's getting more and more out of the original.

But Nian Siyan seems to be all right?

One of the elderly doctors asked uncertainly: "Admiral, your period of it over?"

Nian Siyan pondered for a moment and nodded: "It is."

What does it mean?
The doctors looked at each other and asked suspiciously, "Is it because of that messenger?"

Nian Siyan was a little dissatisfied with them talking about "that messenger", but he didn't show it. "This matter is kept secret for the time being. I need to do a pheromone matching test."

"Okay, okay, let's contact people to do it." The old doctor smiled. If the emissary inside can really cure Nian Siyan's riot period, it will really benefit the whole federation.

However, Nian Siyan stopped him: "No need now, when she wakes up, I will discuss it with her personally."

The old doctor: "Ah? You don't need to inform me about this, after all, the result can't represent everything."

"Need." Nian Siyan glanced at him indifferently, "This is the most basic respect. In matters of life, I'm not an admiral. I'm just an ordinary person like her."

It is rare for him to say a few more words of explanation, because he is afraid that these guys will secretly do it behind his back when they are happy.

Now that he insisted, the doctors couldn't say anything, so they had to agree.

"You guys make some more inhibitors. She is now in a period of volatility. One inhibitor is definitely not enough. I will bear the cost."

After Nian Siyan finished speaking, he let them disperse, stood in the corridor, opened his personal terminal, and contacted his confidant Alice.

Alice is an ordinary person, without pheromones, and very capable. She will not be affected by Nian Siyan's pheromones, and she is also very courageous, so she is trusted by Nian Siyan. If Nian Siyan has any personal matters to deal with, she will leave them to her .

The terminal flickered twice, and Alice's face appeared on the virtual screen in midair.

"Hello, dear general, I'm Alice, can I help you with anything?"

Nian Si said concisely: "Help me find someone."

Alice nodded without showing any surprise, "Please tell me."

Nian Siyan subconsciously twirled his fingers, "A student who came to take the make-up exam today is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl wearing a white shirt and jeans. She is very beautiful and has not yet been differentiated before the exam. I need to know everything about her. The more detailed the better."

When Alice heard that he asked her to check a girl, her complexion finally changed, but she didn't ask any more questions, and simply agreed: "Okay, I will send you the news as soon as I have any news later. On the terminal, please pay attention to check."

After speaking, Alice cut off the video.

Nian Siyan stood in the corridor for a while, and finally returned to the ward.


When Lan Shuang woke up again, she was a little dazed, she was so asleep that she didn't even know what night it was.

She seemed to have not slept so deeply for a long time, and she felt as if she had been reborn.

However, what she saw when she opened her eyes was not the familiar white ward. She looked at the light blue furniture not far away, and blinked blankly, "Little Baba, where is this?"

888 went online again, "Host, you are now in Nian Siyan's ward."

"Huh? What did he bring me here for?"

She sat up suspiciously and looked at herself. She was wearing all the clothes on her body well, and she didn't feel any discomfort. Nothing should have happened.

Thinking of her differentiation, she immediately reached out and touched the back of her neck. The pheromone body had grown out and was intact, but when she touched it, she still felt a little over-charged. It should be because it was still a little tender when it just grew out, but No dent marks.

Nian Siyan really kept his promise.

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