888 also doesn't understand Nian Siyan's brain circuit, so he can only speculate from the general behavior of knights, and said uncertainly: "The knights during the riot period are full of desire for monopoly, and the behavior of enclosing land is more obvious than usual, so he may feel that your The ward is not his territory, so he brought you back."

Lan Shuang: "..."

What kind of animal is she?And got it back...

Well, Nian Siyan's behavior does have that meaning.

While dispelling the messy thoughts in her mind, she sat up. The man on the other side of the sofa seemed to be asleep. She carefully tried not to make a sound. When she looked down, her shoes were gone.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She took it off when she was in the ward before, so she probably didn't take it up.

Fortunately, the place in this ward is very clean. Every once in a while, a cleaning robot will come over and mop it up. It is so clean.

Lan Shuang stepped on it with bare feet, and walked to Nian Siyan as silently as a cat.

The sofa is spacious and soft, and it should be more than enough for two people to lie side by side, but Nian Siyan is 1.9 meters tall and has long legs curled up.

It might be because he disliked the glare of the light in the room. His arm was across his eyes, revealing only a straight nose bridge and beautifully shaped lips. The color was very beautiful, light red.

Lan Shuang looked at it for a while, then nodded: "As expected, he is the most popular knight in the Federal Empire. This face does have that capital. It has long legs, broad shoulders and narrow waist. It should look very good in military uniform."

888 agreed: "Yes, really handsome."

Although Lan Shuang is in control of her face, she is not a nymphomaniac. After admiring it enough, she turns around and wants to pour herself a glass of water. Although a robot can do it, one is afraid of waking Nian Siyan, and the other is that she is lying down. My whole body is sore and I need to move around.

She tiptoed to the water dispenser and poured a glass of warm water. Lan Shuang couldn't help sighing after drinking a glass, then poured another glass and drank it in small sips.

However, as soon as she turned around, she met Shang Nian Siyan's sharp eyes like eagles.

Lan Shuang: "..."

When did you wake up, why didn't you make any sound at all?

Nian Siyan sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, turned slightly sideways, propped his elbows on the sofa, rested his chin on his palm, looked at her silently with his head tilted, and put his other hand casually on his lap.

The posture is lazy, the breath is peaceful, and there is no trace of the bewildered appearance of the riot period.

Lan Shuang felt relieved after being startled, and tried to raise the glass of water and smiled at him: "Do you want some water?"

Nian Siyan's indifferent face showed no emotional fluctuations, and Lan Shuang didn't feel embarrassed either. After reading the information, she knew that this guy has such a temper, and he can't give a fart to unfamiliar people. In the current situation That's normal, before...

Thinking of Nian Siyan touching and hugging her in his ward, um...it must be the fault of the riot period.

Lan Shuang was about to go back to the hospital bed to drink, when Nian Siyan suddenly got up and walked over, a large shadow enveloped her, before she could react, a big hand reached out and snatched the paper cup in her hand.

Lan Shuang: "What are you doing?"

She turned her head and saw Nian Siyan's Adam's apple slipped and drank the water in the glass.

Nian Siyan's hands were really big, with long fingers that looked very powerful. The normal-looking cup in Lan Shuang's hand suddenly became petite in his hand.

She even suspected that one cup was not enough for him.

No, is this the time to think about it?

Lan Shuang regained her senses, looked at Nian Siyan without words, and kindly reminded: "That is the cup I used."

Nian Siyan kept moving, nodded: "Yes, I know."

There was no reluctance or unnaturalness on his face.

Lan Shuang: "All right."

She turned around and took a paper cup to drink water for herself, walked to the sofa and sat down, "Are you still thirsty? If you are not thirsty, we can talk."

Nian Siyan looked down at the cup in his hand. It smelled of Lanshuang's pheromone, which made him feel very comfortable.

And Lan Shuang's reaction made him very comfortable.

Instead of panicking and screaming, he accepted the reality calmly and was not afraid of him, nor did he show the scorching eyes that made him crawl like ants all over his body.

Nian Siyan sat down opposite her, "What are you talking about?"

Lan Shuang took another sip of water, held the cup and said, "Thank you for bringing me up, I don't feel any discomfort now, did the doctor give me an inhibitor later?"

Nian Siyan nodded: "I brought you up after you fell asleep. The environment here is better and the equipment is complete. After the doctor came, I gave you an inhibitor. I also took one myself. Just now I gave you a second injection, and within two days your fluctuating period should stop happening again, and when the third injection is done, you can get through this fluctuating period."

"Wait—" Lan Shuang sensed something was wrong from his words, and asked hesitantly, "How long have I been asleep?"

She looked at Nian Siyan, and she saw that his expression was subtle for a moment, "It's not a long time."

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, "Then—"

"Ten hours."

Lan Shuang: "..."

That's not long? ? ? ?
She suddenly turned her head to look out the window, but the hospital here has a protective cover, so she can't see out of the window.

Seeing her intention, Nian Siyan tapped on the coffee table with his fingertips, "Louis, open the window."

The smart system in the corner lit up, and two horizontal lines of eyes appeared on the screen, and they blinked, "Okay."

"Open the window for you."

As the mechanical sound fell, Lan Shuang saw that the defensive cover outside the window opened to both sides, revealing a piece of darkness.

Sure enough, it was dark, and the Lan family didn't look for her?
Lan Shuang immediately opened her terminal, and sure enough, she saw a large list of unread messages, text, audio and video messages, one after another, all of which were unread or unreceived.

Nian Siyan watched her face change, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you worried that people at home can't find you?"

"No, it's just a little troublesome." Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, her mind was running fast. According to the original plot, she should have been differentiated after she got her grades. With the formal admission qualifications, she can break with the Lan family with confidence. But now the division is ahead of schedule, disrupting all her plans.

She can't go back now, and she can't let the people of the Lan family know that she has become an envoy. Before the results come out, there are all variables. If Lan Ping sends her away first, then she will be really troubled.

But it is still a bit difficult for her to compete with the Lan family, and she has to find a thigh to shelter from the wind.

Lan Shuang's gaze fell on Nian Siyan, and she asked with a smile, "General Nian, shall we discuss a deal? The one that is mutually beneficial."

Nian Siyan narrowed his eyes and looked at her: "Tell me."

Lan Shuang leaned back with a relaxed posture, "I'm in a little trouble now, and I need to stay here for two more days. If someone comes to pick me up by force, I need someone with authority to keep me here."

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