Nian Siyan is so clever, he guessed a lot about one sentence, "It has something to do with your family?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "I'm Lan Ping's illegitimate daughter." After she finished speaking, she paused, a little doubting whether this general who had been in the military headquarters and on the battlefield all the year round knew about Lan Ping.

So he added, "He is the head of the Lan family."

Nian Siyan pressed his knuckles to his lips, and rubbed thoughtfully, "The illegitimate daughter of the Lan family? What do they want from you?"

"That's a long story," Lan Shuang waved her hand, "And it's not important, let's not mention it, let me just say it, I think you can help me block people back when the Lan family comes up, and don't Exposing my evolution into a messenger mega, this must be kept secret for the time being."

"But I don't want anything. It seems that I lost money by trading with you." Nian Siyan stared at Lan Shuang.

In fact, even if his eyes were not intentional, they would be very oppressive. Most people can't stand him staring at him so directly.

Lan Shuang looked at it for a while and smiled, with a bit of slyness in her eyes, "Why not? Isn't your riot period very troublesome? Generally speaking, the stronger the mental power, the greater the lethality of the riot period. If you don't get comfort, you will either be driven crazy or commit suicide, there are only two endings."

She leaned forward a little, and looked straight at Nian Siyan without dodging or avoiding, "But my soothing element seems to be quite suitable for you. I can comfort you. Isn't that what you need?"

Nian Siyan was silent for a moment, then imitated her movements and bent down, asking in a low voice, "So, are you planning to exchange yourself?"

His tone was calm and dangerous, with all the thorns hidden beneath the surface of a calm sea.

Lan Shuang chuckled lightly: "Think beautifully, even if you are Nian Siyan, I can't do it. I can just give you a little pacifier. At most, I can let you hug when you are uncomfortable. It is impossible at most. My feelings It’s not cheap enough to be traded as a bargaining chip at will.”

Nian Siyan felt a little relieved, and these words were more pleasing to the ear.

"How about it, General, think about it? I'm only staying here for two days, but you can ask me to help you appease the riot period unlimited times. It's my loss anyway."

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand, "Cooperate?"

The fingertips of Nian Siyan's white hand were still slightly pink, and he suddenly smiled, "We are happy to cooperate."

"Happy cooperation." Lan Shuang's smile became wider, and two small pear dimples were looming.

Nian Siyan was slightly absent-minded, with an inexplicable feeling of deja vu.

Seeing this scene, 888 clenched his little handkerchief excitedly: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows


After reaching a consensus, Lan Shuang immediately turned on her terminal, made a "shh" gesture to Nian Siyan, and then sent a video message to Lan Ping back.

Lan Ping answered very quickly, probably because she had been waiting for her, when the screen popped up, Lan Ping's face appeared in midair, looking very dissatisfied with a gloomy look.

Those bloodshot eyes looked particularly cold, "Where are you? Why didn't you go home after the exam? Who were you with? Why didn't you reply?"

Killing four consecutive questions.

Lan Shuang smiled, "Sorry, I didn't see the news because of a little accident."

"Now, go home immediately." Lan Ping didn't ask what happened to her, he just wanted her to appear under his nose immediately.

The smile on Lan Shuang's lips was faint, "I won't go back, and I won't go back either."

"What did you say?" Lan Ping's face darkened completely.

"I passed out due to hypoglycemia after the exam, and now I am in the small hospital of the college. The doctor said that I need to be hospitalized for observation for two days and take some nutritional supplements."

"Hypoglycemia? Why didn't you say it before?" Lan Ping didn't quite believe her words.

Lan Shuang asked innocently: "You didn't ask me, did you?"

Lan Ping: "..."

Without waiting for Lan Ping to say anything, Lan Shuang said directly: "It's getting late now, the doctor asked me to rest, goodbye, Patriarch."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the video call and let out a low snort.

Nian Siyan heard their conversation clearly, and had a deeper understanding of the relationship between the father and daughter.

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you." Nian Siyan said suddenly.

Lan Shuang was taken aback: "What?"

"There is a high degree of matching between us, so I would like to ask you, do you want to do a matching degree of appeasement? You agree, but if you don't agree, I will not do it secretly. Your opinion shall prevail. "

Nian Siyan stood up and said, "You can think about it first, and then go to the next door to find me."

Lan Shuang watched his back disappear into the doorway, blinked blankly, "Isn't this his room?"

888 moved and said, "Obviously, this gentleman left the best single room for you."

Lan Shuang sat on the sofa, was silent for a while, took another sip of water, and said, "Actually, he's not bad."

888 nodded vigorously: "Well, it's really good, so host, do you want to consider the side task mentioned earlier? Although it is not mandatory, if it is suitable, there is no loss in doing it."

Lan Shuang shook her head decisively: "No."

888 was stunned: "Why?"

Lan Shuang spread her hands: "He is not my type. Although he is handsome and handsome, I don't like ones that are too cold. I like gentle but domineering ones, seamlessly switching between milk dogs and wolf dogs."


Woman, all you see is an illusion!This man is so cold, he is so hot!His heart was boiling to the point of bubbling, and now he was just pretending!
But he can't say it, can't spoil it, woo woo woo——

After Lan Shuang drank the last sip of water, she asked the robot for some nutritional supplements. The nutritional supplements of the empire were formulated according to the most precise nutrition, which can not only supplement nutrition and energy, but also resist hunger. It is the most commonly eaten food for interstellar people.

As for any big fish and big meat, they all need to be raised artificially, and only the nobles can afford to eat them.

Lan Shuang touched her flat stomach, lying on the hospital bed and recalling the delicious food on earth, but in her dreams, she was eating hot pot and drinking a large glass of wine.

When she woke up, she still felt a little buoyant, smelling the strong aroma of wine, Lan Shuang thought she was dreaming for a while, until she felt a familiar friction feeling from her ankles, and she opened her eyes with a jerk.

The window was left open last night. At this time, the bright light came in from the outside, and the room was drowsy, and she couldn't see things clearly. Lan Shuang saw a dark figure sitting at the end of the bed, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Nian Siyan?"

she asked uncertainly.

The person at the end of the bed paused for a moment, and it took a long time for a low and hoarse voice: "Mmm."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Your uncle, you don't go to bed early in the morning and run to the end of my bed to touch my feet? ? ?Are you crazy? !
This is a hospital, if you are sick, let's go and treat it quickly!

I'm not sick, I just want to share with my wife~

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