"Are you—" Lan Shuang was about to ask him if he was sick, when he suddenly smelled the smell of wine in the room.

It's Nian Siyan's pacifier, which he can't usually smell. He took a tranquilizer yesterday, so he shouldn't be able to smell it, but now the smell is so strong, and the pacifier is so uncontrollable.

Lan Shuang opened her eyes wide in disbelief, "You didn't relapse during the riot period, did you?"

Nian Siyan didn't speak, and his hands resumed their movements.

But isn't it the default if you don't speak?
Lan Shuang suddenly felt a headache, "Little Baba, what did this guy eat to grow up, the SS-level mental power is so strong?"

888 thought for a moment, and gave a very appropriate metaphor: "Let's put it this way, the pacifier of ordinary people is like a gurgling brook. Although it is continuous, as long as the source is blocked, it will gradually dry up. For a larger river, the S-class is a big river, and the SS-class is a turbulent sea.”

Lan Shuang: "...Thank you, it's very vivid. Once you say it like that, I can understand it right away."

So she looked at Nian Siyan with a bit of sympathy on her expression. So what if she has a peerless talent? made up.

Such as complementary messengers.

Obviously the room was dark, but Nian Siyan had excellent eyesight, so he could clearly see the changes in Lan Shuang's expression. His movements stopped, and he suddenly leaned over, his voice was low and somewhat inexplicable. ambiguous.

The exhaled hot air seems to have the smell of wine, the fruity and wine aromas are mixed together, stirring people's nerves.

Lan Shuang tilted her head uncomfortably, and was immediately turned back by someone pinching her chin. Nian Siyan stared at her with burning eyes: "Are you pitying me?"

Lan Shuang was startled, "No."

Nian Siyan chuckled, his eyes were as dark as an abyss, and when they looked at each other, Lan Shuang even had the illusion that he was about to fall into it.

"Don't pity me, you don't want to know what I want to do to you now."

His slightly malicious voice brought Lan Shuang back to his senses, and he was even more sure that this was a symptom of the unlucky riot period. After all, this person usually looks like an upright gentleman, not like he is evil now.

It's fine if he doesn't say that, after all, Lan Shuang is a person who looks lovely but is actually rebellious, and his whole body is supported by stubbornness.

The more he said this, the more rebellious Lan Shuang was aroused.

When Nian Siyan wanted to pull back, Lan Shuang took the initiative to grab his hand, and pulled him towards her under Nian Siyan's surprised and puzzled eyes.

Nian Siyan was unprepared. Being pulled by her like this, he fell over in a panic. Before he could stabilize his figure, Lan Shuang raised his hand and pressed gently on the position where he had the stamina to comfort his body. Yan suddenly snorted, and Ansu suddenly popped up.

Lan Shuang smiled and blew into his ear, and then said provocatively: "You don't want to know how I will repay you."

Nian Siyan's body suddenly tensed up, like a fully drawn bow. At this moment, if he plucked it lightly, the bow string would break immediately.

Lan Shuang accepted it as soon as she saw it, and moved her hands to Nian Siyan's back, hugging him to release her comfort factor. After all, she just reached a cooperation yesterday, so she should fulfill her obligations first and let him feel her own feelings. Sincerity is also good.

As soon as the cool smell of the mountains and forests came out after the snow, it instantly washed away the strong wine, and the heavy snow pressed on the vines, colliding with another refreshing taste.

Nian Siyan's body softened honestly, and the paranoia and gloom in his eyes slowly faded away. He blinked slightly, and when he opened it again, his eyes were clear and his expression relaxed.

Lan Shuang hugged him, her expression was as usual, without any charm, she even patted Nian Siyan's back lightly, that action was not like a mother coaxing a child, but more like coaxing a puppy.

Nian Siyan: "..."

After a while, his pacifier was completely withdrawn, and Lan Shuang let go of him, observed his face, and asked softly, "How do you feel now?"

Nian Siyan got up and stood beside the bed, buttoned his messy clothes, nodded and said, "It's okay, thank you."

With a sincere attitude, he is completely different from just now.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, "Little Baba, do you think he has a dual personality? Or is he too repressed to look up, so when the riot period comes, the dark side will be infinitely magnified?"

888: "Don't worry, the host. He doesn't have a dual personality. It should be the second possibility. However, he has strong self-control and won't easily hurt others, let alone you..."

"Huh? What do you mean it won't hurt me?" Lan Shuang grasped the point at once.


Although the memory is gone, it doesn't seem to affect her at all!
His mind was on the verge of smoking, and he managed to come up with a plausible reason, "Well, for him, your pacifin is a good medicine for curing diseases and saving lives, how could he hurt you?"

"makes sense."

Lan Shuang nodded, seeming to accept the statement.

"During the riot, I couldn't control myself. I was so offended just now, I'm sorry."

Nian Siyan got dressed and sincerely apologized to Lan Shuang, who shook her head: "It's okay, I know."

"Then do you want to sleep for a while? I'll go back first." Seeing that it was still dark outside, Nian Siyan decided to go back to his room first.

"Wait—" Lan Shuang stopped him, "I agreed to what you asked me about yesterday."

Nian Siyan paused, what happened yesterday?

Lan Shuang added: "I promised to do the appeaserin matching test you said, but - I want to change to another institution, and the results will be kept secret first, and I will announce it when it is appropriate."

Although Nian Siyan didn't know what she was going to do, he could make a good guess. He nodded, "Yes."

"Thank you." Lan Shuang smiled, and then waved him to leave.

He lay down by himself and had a good sleep.

Lanshuang's sleep quality has always been amazingly good, and when she woke up again, it was already bright outside, and even the sun was a bit dazzling.

"what time is it?"

Lan Shuang rubbed her eyes and sat up, the master controlled the robot to tell the time gently: "Hi, it's 11:30 noon, do you want to eat?"

"It's 11:30?" Lan Shuang was surprised, "Then this sleep took a long time."

She lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed to move around, but saw a pair of white slippers beside the bed.

She raised her eyebrows, put her foot in and tried it, it was just right, it was her size.

So, who sent this shoe?Not before bed last night.

888 smiled and said: "It's Nian Siyan, he came back after leaving in the morning, put down his shoes and left."

Lan Shuang put on her shoes to get a glass of water. After drinking, her body felt comfortable, and she rolled her eyes, "This man is indeed quite a gentleman when he is sober."

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