Chapter 437 Let Me Take Another Bite 17
Soon Lan Shuang's lunch was delivered. At first, she just had an attitude of giving it a try. Seeing the menu on the robot's screen, she chose a curry chicken rice bowl. She didn't expect to be able to make it, even though it was a semi-finished product. Processed, but when she tasted the familiar taste on this earth, she was still a little moved after a long absence.

Living in the interstellar, heart to the earth ah ~
After dinner, Nian Siyan came. The two discussed about doing the testing. They chose institutions together. In fact, these institutions are all in the hands of one family, but there is a gap in information between institutions. This time, Lan Shuang deliberately chose one that was far away from Lan's house, but the scale was similar to the one in her previous life.

Nian Siyan looked at the location of the institution and couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you choose the one with the best reputation?"

Lan Shuang smiled meaningfully: "Word-of-mouth is not necessarily true, it may be bragging. As long as it can be done, it is the same everywhere."

Although Nian Siyan didn't really believe what she said, he really didn't care where to do it, so he agreed.

"When are you going?" Nian Siyan sat on the sofa and watched Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang thought for a while, "After the results come out tomorrow, are you free?"

Nian Siyan nodded: "I don't have a job recently, I'm on vacation during the riot period, that's fine."

"Then tomorrow." Anyway, the testing agency is open 24 hours a day, and they can do it at any time.

Nian Siyan felt that nothing was wrong, so he was about to leave, but as soon as his hand touched the door of the ward, he heard a noise coming from outside, which was getting closer and closer. He frowned, who was in the hospital? Noisy.

The next moment, the elevator door opened, and a group of people hurried towards him.

Nian Siyan: "..."

He turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, who was sitting on the sofa as if nothing had happened. Lan Shuang was eating fruit, and he was stunned: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Nian Siyan turned around, "You may be in a little trouble."

Lan Shuang bit the orange petal suspiciously, "Ang?"

"You can't go in, it will disturb the patient's rest—"

"Hey! If you want to see the patient, we need to go and talk to the patient first. How can you just rush in so unreasonably?"

Listening to the conversation outside, Lan Shuang suddenly realized that she knew, it should be her cheap father who came.

Sure enough, she heard Andre's domineering voice right after, "I'm sorry, miss nurse, the lady inside is our Lan family's daughter, the daughter of our head, does father still need to report when he sees his daughter?"

The doctor who was following the nurse was not happy when he heard this, "Outside, it is your family business, but here, at Federal First College, it is the college's business, and our rules here are the rules. Any dissatisfaction or discomfort, we will report to the police."

Listening to these words, Lan Shuang felt at ease physically and mentally. As expected of the No. [-] Academy, she really protected her shortcomings. She has not yet become a student here, and she already feels happy.

Andre's face changed suddenly: "Don't be too domineering!"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Are you saying the opposite?That's not how you fight back, right?
Although Nian Siyan didn't speak, it could be seen from the corner of his mouth that he was also a little speechless.

He wanted to leave at first, but when he thought of the cooperation between the two, he turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to help?"

Lan Shuang is not polite either, her principle is that people who can use it will use it, and when it is time to use it, don't be too polite, and she will pay back for what she has paid.

So she nodded, patted the place beside her and said, "I'm sorry, the general will just sit here for a while, you don't need to say anything, just cooperate with me."

Nian Siyan didn't think that Lan Shuang could fool him. This was his absolute confidence in his own strength, so he calmly walked over and sat down beside Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang pushed the orange he picked up in front of him. Big, about the size of a human fist, it is a new species of StarCraft. The taste perfectly restores the oranges of the Earth era, but it is big, full of water, and rich in nutritional value.

Lan Shuang grilled it very carefully, tearing off all the orange veils on it, like an exquisite handicraft.


Nian Siyan usually doesn't eat much fruit, but looking at this orange, he felt a little bit in the mood to try it. He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. It tasted really good.

While eating, I didn't know where I was talking outside, and suddenly became quiet.

Lan Shuang cleared her throat, leaned against the sofa in a comfortable position, and looked like she was about to start the battle mode.

There was a knock on the door, and Nian Siyan clearly saw the excitement in Lan Shuang's eyes.

Nian Siyan: "..."

Why do you feel that she is a little eager to try?
Lan Shuang raised her voice, "Please come in."

Unexpectedly, it wasn't Lan Ping and Andre who came in, but Dr. Xiao Lin. When he came in, he saw Nian Siyan and Lan Shuang sitting side by side. He was stunned for a moment, and the words he had prepared were stuck in his throat.

"Doctor Lin, what's the matter?" Lan Shuang asked pretending not to know.

Doctor Lin withdrew his gaze and said seriously: "I was on duty just now. The head of the Lan family and the butler came in with a group of bodyguards. After asking about your ward, they ignored the persuasion and came up. I couldn't stop them. , but I still fought for it. I want to ask you, do you want to see them? If you agree, I will let them in. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter. I will call the security guards. Although there are not many people in the school at this time, the hospital The defense system is still very powerful."

In fact, if Lan Ping and Andre's attitudes were a little bit better, Xiao Lin wouldn't be so resistant. It's because the momentum and tone when they came, they didn't look like visiting patients, but more like finding faults and smashing things. He had to defend.

Lan Shuang understood his kindness, and smiled gratefully at him, "Thank you, Dr. Lin, I will call you if something happens, let them in now, I will be careful myself."

Hearing what she said, Xiao Lin felt more and more that there was something wrong with this family. He glanced at Lan Shuang worriedly, but met Nian Siyan's eyes inadvertently.


What's so scary about having an admiral beside him? Who can beat him?

Thinking of it this way, he felt relieved, nodded and said, "Okay."


After Xiao Lin went out, Lan Ping brought Andre in. Today, Lan Ping was wearing a blue grass-colored suit, leaning on a silver crutch in his hand, and wearing a shiny blue gemstone. Very noble, Andre followed behind him, tall and serious in a black suit, extremely oppressive, followed by two rows of four tall and burly bodyguards.

"Lan Shuang, who allowed you to stay here for so long? Do you think of me as the Patriarch?"

Lan Ping opened his mouth to question.

Hearing that Nian Siyan paused for eating oranges, he slowly raised his eyes, with a really big tone.

(End of this chapter)

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